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Jehovah's Witnesses, is Jesus going to be in Heaven or on the new earth for eternity?

13 Answers

  • jeni
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Those with eternal life in heaven greet those with eternal life on earth, there for

    them the same as being face to face, the resurrected that did evil are gone,

    Rev.20:9, devoured by fire that rained from heaven, the new earth is cleansed

    of those resurrected that do evil, Rev.21:8, as shown they are devoured by fire,

    the everlasting fire as to Matt.25:31-34,41, was for Satan and his company,

    Rev.20:10[19:20], is proof of that. Imagine a place where there is no evil?

    Jesus has been given all power over heaven and earth, Matt.28:18-20, until he

    gives it all back to the giver, his God and Father that he ascended to, John 20:

    17, is all in all. 1Cor.15:22-28,51-53, God is all in all to all in heaven and all with

    eternal life on earth.

    Rev.3:12 Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and

    he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the

    name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of

    heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.

    Rev.21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the

    first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.

    21:2 And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out

    of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.

    21:3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of

    God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and

    God himself shall be with them, and be their God.

    21:4 And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no

    more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for

    the former things are passed away.

    21:5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And

    he said unto me, Write: for these words are true and faithful.

    What about this info makes,"heaven or hell, trinity or rapture," a needed belief?

    Source(s): Bible.
  • Laura
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Jesus going to be in heaven.

    The reason.

    Jesus came to the earth to fulfill his Commission to minister to ones about Jehovah God and his kingdom and to die for mankind sins.

    However when Jesus died he gave up his fleshly body as the BibIe Says in l Peter 3:18 "he being the flesh put to death in the flesh, but being made alive in the spirit".

    Jehovah God evidently disposed of Jesus’ fleshly body in his own way (possibly disintegrating it into the atoms of which it was constituted). (Lu 24:2, 3, 22, 23; Joh 20:2) Jesus did not take back his fleshly body and thereby cancel out the ransom for which it was give.

    Before his ascension to heaven Christ, as a mighty, immortal spirit person, did materialize various fleshly bodies to suit the occasion, for the purpose of giving to his disciples visible, palpable evidence of his resurrection.

  • myview
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    In heaven

    Source(s): atheist
  • Meg
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    In heaven.

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  • 8 years ago

    In heaven of course.

  • Rick G
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    He will reside in heaven, but that don't limit him to where else in the wide universe that he might travel to, including the earth.

    We do know from Revelation that he will be "visiting" here soon, as the 19th Chapter describes.

    (Revelation 19:11-16) 11 And I saw the heaven opened, and, look! a white horse. And the one seated upon it is called Faithful and True, and he judges and carries on war in righteousness. 12 His eyes are a fiery flame, and upon his head are many diadems. He has a name written that no one knows but he himself, 13 and he is arrayed with an outer garment sprinkled with blood, and the name he is called is The Word of God. 14 Also, the armies that were in heaven were following him on white horses, and they were clothed in white, clean, fine linen. 15 And out of his mouth there protrudes a sharp long sword, that he may strike the nations with it, and he will shepherd them with a rod of iron. He treads too the winepress of the anger of the wrath of God the Almighty. 16 And upon his outer garment, even upon his thigh, he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.

  • Kjw47
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Gods kingdom rules from heaven--but will be ruling all of creation at that point.

  • 8 years ago

    The watchtower tells us that Jesus is God's God, but not trinity, infact the dynamic duo. The watchtower tells all things and sure is believable. Read it today and live forever

    Oh, the question, since 1914 Jesus was discovered to be invisably present in Heaven, on the Earth

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Why would he be on earth? He can do so much more from his heavenly position.

  • 8 years ago

    What are you talking about. I've met quite a lot of Jesus's in Mexico.

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