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How to talk to a guest in your house?
I would prefer answers from grandparents over 50. Remember that unkind answers are usually reported, if not by the injured party, by a third party.
I'll give you a little background information. While my son was in school in Europe he had a one time encounter with an older woman which resulted in a beautiful little girl. She left Europe and returned to the United States as soon as she found out about the pregnancy. He found out about the pregnancy through a third party when she was eight months pregnant. It took him a couple weeks to find her information in the US. When he contacted her she told him that she would put the child up for adoption. I offered to keep the kid. The kid is now 4 years old, she kept her and is raising her with her mom in a different state. She told him that she would give the child the same name as her dogs and cats. I believe that she was trying to hurt him. That's beside the point. I would have preferred to have my grand kids born in the sacrament of marriage but that wasn't the case.
Three years ago, my daughter and I contacted the mother. My son was still in Europe. I sent her money for the kid's birthday and she expressed the wish to meet us. I sent her the money for the trip. She came and stayed a whole month. It was a very difficult visit and I was counting the days until she left. Let's just say that we have been raised differently. She has no sense of privacy, she is lazy and unclean. She baths every three to five days. She doesn't wash her hands before she touches food. She fed her daughter every hour even if she didn't ask for food and would leave the dirty diaper in the house for hours. It was a very difficult visit but I put up with it for my son's sake.
I have sent presents for both of them which she never acknowledged.
I made up my mind never to see her again because I could not get used to her ways. This year she invited herself and decided to stay a month . She didn't even ask me if it was convenient. She told my daughter that she was coming as if it was her god given right to do so. After she arrived she told me that she had asked one of her male friends to come with her. I asked her where he would have slept and she replied. "Here, I thought you had more space." What she meant is that she did not expect me to have another guest at the house. My daughter's girlfriend whom I've know since she was in first grade has been staying with me. This woman has been at my house for ten days now and is driving me crazy. She has taken over my house. She told me to remove the ugly picture that I have in my dining room, to repaint my downstairs bathroom because it was ugly. She says whatever comes out of her mouth then she says she was kidding. She does it also with my granddaughter. My daughter's niece by marriage is very tall for her age. She is ten years old and is already five feet and six inches. She told her, you are going to be a big and tall amazon woman who climbs trees. I didn't want to make a big deal of it for the kids sake but I could tell that the little girl was shocked. This woman who calls herself my daughter in law has taken over my house. She searches through everything, reads my letters, take things from the refrigerator or the pantry without asking, overfill the child's plate and wastes a lot of food. She does not clean after herself. She went into my basement without permission, removed my clothes from the washer and put hers. Yesterday she went to visit a relative and left her clothes in the washer even though she won't be back until today. I thinks she wants to help and tries too hard. She offered to do minor repairs in my house. She is good at that type of stuff. She is insistent when I refused. I allowed her to do it. I plan to give her some money before she leaves. She doesn't want leave the house, stays late at night on the computer, and sleeps until 1:00pm. . I have had no privacy. She is all over the house. She tried to open my bedroom door while I was in it. Luckily it was locked. She is 35 and has never held a full time job, lives with her mother. She does occasional jobs like house repairs. She says that she is a certified welder but does not work in that field. I believe that she wants to move in with me. She mentioned it before and yesterday she said that she should come to visit more often. It won't be possible. My son is coming back from Europe in October and since they never had a relationship, if she visits again, I would have to put her up in a hotel. want to talk to her about her ways but because I don't want to embarrass a guest in my house, I want some advice about how to go about it. She is now more comfortable in my house than I am. I'm afraid that I may not see my granddaughter again until she is 18 and asks to see me.
Going crazy in Illinois
Many people respond to judge instead of answering the questions. That can be upsetting when you are trying to get some advice. The child looks just like my son but you are all, right. I allowed her to come. My ex husband and my children like her. I wasn't able to talk to her. I don't know how to kick someone out of my house after I allowed them in. She's leaving soon and I won't let her come back. My daughter or my ex husband can take her in if they want to see her again. I kind of felt guilty because my son is not yet in a position to pay child support. I do what I can but until he returns from Europe, the child is not being financially supported.
6 Answers
- Cat LoverLv 78 years agoFavorite Answer
You have allowed her to infest your house with her presence, and yet you don't want to embarrass her? Tell her that you are getting company and she will have to leave. What do you owe this leech? Nothing. You should never allow anyone to just tell you they are coming to visit. This woman has absolutely no manners and she needs to go. Tell her.
If you don't see the child till she is 18, so be it. If your son is interested in this child, he could go to court and ask for visitation rights, and then you could see her on your own terms.
- SassyLv 68 years ago
You need to ask her when she plans on returning home since you have other 'guests' coming soon. If she stays too long, you may have to 'evict' your guest, even if she has not paid a cent. You are under NO obligation to pay for this woman to stay at a hotel, a woman her age should plan for and pay her own way. I am quite surprised that you have not insisted on a paternity test for the child before opening up your door to this woman since what she did with your son was certainly not a one time event in her life. A guest in a house helps out, makes their own bed, does their own laundry and leaves an itinerary with their host. Unless invited to do so, you spend a few day, longer then that you are like fish, you spoil and need to be thrown out.
- TriciaLv 58 years ago
I am a grandmother over 50. You have no obligation to allow this woman to abuse your hospitality, but I get that you want to see the child. Just limit the amount of time to a weekend, and for heaven's sake set boundaries. If she goes into your refrigerator, tell her that you'll get whatever she needs for her. When she gives you decorating advice, you can say - don't feel that you have to give me tips on wall colors and that type of thing, we don't have the same taste. If she makes inappropriate remarks to your other guests, ask her not to.
- MargotLv 78 years ago set limits with virtual strangers with your nice little threat, but you do not set any limits with a guest in your home.
I suggest that you start setting limits with people in the real world such as picking up the phone when she told your daughter of her upcoming visit and telling her "we would love to visit with you and grand daughter, but I think it is best that you stay at a hotel." Seriously? Just because she told your daughter that she was coming for a month and staying at your house didn't mean diddly squat. It's your house and you could have told her no.
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- Blundt CakeLv 78 years ago
You begin your question with a thinly veiled threat. Nice.
Tell the woman to leave-- it's your fault for allowing her the second time when you already knew what she's like.
- Anonymous8 years ago
You are being used and it's your own fault. You are allowing yourself to be a doormat. You need to learn the word "no" and use it, also words like "please leave" and "you're not welcome here"