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Did you the know the 1st amendment has been suspended in Tennessee?

A judge there ordered a child's name be changed from "Messiah"

"The word Messiah is a title that has only been earned by one person, and that one person is Jesus Christ," the judge said in an interview.

Update 2:

My point is to determine whether the participants on this board are aware of this news.

The 1st amendment protects people from being subjected to a legal ruling based that is based on religion. The judge's comments reveal that the ruling is based on religion.

Update 3:

"Messiah" is actually a popular name, according to the SSA.

13 Answers

  • YY4Me
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The judge imposed her religious beliefs on the family, and that's unconstitutional. She took an oath to support the U.S. Constitution, not her favorite "holy" book. She should be disbarred, fired, and lose her pension. She probably won't even get a slap on the wrist. Integrity is hard to come by.

  • 8 years ago

    Kudos to a judge willing to stand up to their conviction when it comes to Christ!

    If she is a Christian who allows the Holy Spirit to work thru her, and she just isn't religious, it wouldn't have been an easy decision without a great deal of thought and prayer going into it. She is well aware of her oath and the laws regarding the separation of church & state and even the false definitions liberals have added to the constitution regarding the amendment. As Christians we even understand why the liberals even win more often these days.

    She knows God wants us to follow the laws of our lands, and how it was God who even allowed all the man-made laws we have, just as He has allowed whoever is in authority to enforce those laws, regardless of voting (yes, that even includes Obama- God always has the final vote).

    However, Christians have a higher authority than the laws of the land. God never attempts us to do wrong and break laws, unless it goes against his laws. Perhaps naming the child Messiah would be the same as speaking Christ's name in vain, and it is a name that belongs to our Savior. If she isn't just religious, she didn't do this on her own, and she would have asked for God's direction, thus, her conviction, even if it may not stand thru the higher courts, which I'm sure is the direction the ACLU will have the parents go.

    No doubt the judge even understands that another Christian judge may not have been put under the same conviction she was. God works with each of us differently, and perhaps He convicted her just so it would go further, EVEN if only to be lost in the higher courts. I'm doing a lot of trying to second guessing God here, which I'm not capable of doing, I don't know why He might have convicted her. God tells us His ways are not ours.

    The judge isn't stupid or she wouldn't be in the position of being a judge, which is really a very hard job. I have no trouble believing she could rule in favor of a homosexual who had been bullied and the evidence shows a hate crime had been committed. As a Christian, I would have supported that decision also.

    Regardless of what the liberals believe, a Christian walking with the Lord can love a homosexual as God loves each of us. He just doesn't like the things we do, including many things I do, which makes me no better than a homosexual, because in God's eyes, sin is sin. I'm just forgiven, at least if I ask for it and I have true remorse.

    It is difficult for one in her position to stand on her own conviction which goes further than just a moral conviction. It took courage for her to do this.

  • kaz716
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Yes I had heard about it. I'm only surprised that a judge can do that, since I remember hearing a story about a couple that wanted to name their child Adolf Hitler. I just did a search for the article, and I found that they apparently won the right to do it (that poor kid!!!). The stories I found stated that the parents had lost custody of their children (and listed the kids incl "Adolf Hitler").

    Personally I feel that they shouldn't have had the right to name their child that. Does that violate free speech? I'd call that borderline child abuse.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    does this means that the state or the federal government cannot make laws regarding the religious institutions.??

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    well who was the dumass who named their child that?

    people are so stupid.....they want to make some stupid political statement so they burden their child with a name like that

    The ACLU will now make the childs life even more miserable by taking this to the US supreme court

    the judge was wrong.....but it should not have been an issue, the parents are stupid

    Source(s): "Hey look there's Messy...he has a real messiah complex"
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago


    the people of ten..ten..ten..tennessee are so inbred that kid REALLY COULD be the direct descendant of Jesus H Christ

    tread lightly judge. your god punishes ignorance.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    They also wouldn't let John Lennon name his kid god

  • 8 years ago

    Children's names have never been protected by the 1st amendment.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    thats pretty crazy, but not surprising coming from hillbilly central ..

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    The President should fire her.

    I facebooked the question. =]

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