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Is your profile private or public?

I'm curious about the reasons why some choose to keep their profiles open and why some do not.

Mine is open so others might know me. It keeps me honest- accountable and available.

I want to be known. I want to know others. Are we not a community?

Which have you chosen and why?

22 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    mine is public as much as i know it is. i do not know much about computers but i try to be open my mail is open so i can receive emails. i do not have facebook or twitter i am old school and not into technology i don't even have an i phone lol Thanks for the question friend. God bless.

    Source(s): my opinion
  • Aravah
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    answer: considering how Jews are attacked on a daily basis and our Q&A's are stalked by a small number, most of our Q&A's are closed for good reason.

    My profile is open as is my email.

    Having an open profile doesn't keep you honest because reporting is sometimes not legit nor unbiased. Others get to know you by your answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Mine used to be open. Then some asshole decided to take it upon themselves to start reporting multiple questions and answers of mine, so I had to lock it up and purge a few suspicious fans/contacts. I even had a few Q&As reported that were several months old. The violations stopped when I set my profile to private. I'd love to keep my profile open, but unfortunately a few report monkeys around here are a little to trigger happy with the report button.

  • 6 years ago

    So you are the type of person being extrovert which is the type of only gaining win and win ,as you are broadcasting your lively ideas to other in Y/A and forsometime you can reap it when it grows.

    I happen to find your question here through your public profile then I feel happy to converse with you even two years pass.

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  • robb
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Mine is open. I've had very few problems other than a few emails from a nutcase or two and they usually go away if you ignore them.

    I can understand why some keep theirs private, there are stalkers out there and some here seem to attract them for some reason.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I used to have my profile completely open until a group

    of one-eyed fanatical Catholics (who couldn't handle the

    truth about the dark and murderous history of their sect)

    began a vendetta against me - trawling back through all

    my answers from up to 2 years ago and more - reporting

    any answer with the word "Catholic" in it, vainly trying to

    get my account closed down.

    My account remains open and for the above reason I had

    decided to make my answer history private. One of them

    sends the occasional vile and filthy email, demonstrating

    their deluded concept of "Christian" character - that really

    only worships and defends their sect's brand-name.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Profile open. Email open.

    We close off the questions and answers to keep mass reporting down.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I'd prefer to keep mine open, but people like to report a lot of what I say, some of it justified, admittedly - most of it not, however. So for as long as I have a target on my back, it's closed.

    Maybe my "policy" will change when people can combat my words with their own, instead of relying on censorship.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I've been suspended fifty times.

    does that answer your question?

    If anybody wants to know me, I'm friendly enough. You just have to demonstrate that you have a sense of humor and that you don't report except under extremely rare circumstances.


    By "Profile" I assumed you meant Q&A. Was that a misinterpretation on my part? Were you talking about emails or IM (both of which are public on my profile)?

  • 4 years ago

    nicely it says myspace is secure yet its quite no longer. Ive searched human beings on yahoo and theyre myspace and theyre profile pulled correct up. in the adventure that your thinking getting a myspace i'd quite take that into interest that any one everywhere fantastically a lot can discover you and browse your information because theres human beings accessible that thats all they do. So no to respond to ur question its no longer secure. wish this helped ;)

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    My profile, email, websites and groups are all open here. Please come and check these out. We Jesusonian Christians love to share truth and other supreme spiritual values with all others.

    Often, when I am undecided on two or three equally good answers to one of my questions here; I will go to their profiles and check them out. If not much info is there, or no email link, they will not be selected for best answer.

    Source(s): Jesus Christ here in Spirit ! See my profile and links.
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