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ShamcatBarbara asked in PetsCats · 8 years ago

cat lost in haunted house?

i went to a haunted house to prove to my granmpa that ghost stories are pieces of (explicit). i took my cat shakeel with me cuz they say in the hood that every cat no's wen ghosts be haunten. but wen i entered the house i notice many onion rings scattered across the floor. my grampa got spooked because he heard one time that ghost r sloppy eater. he sprint quickly away to my 1945 model chevrolet. then my cat meow strangely and run to the kitchen. i follow cat to c wut the issue is and wen i enter the kitchen i see a moldy taco lying in the sink. i am utterly astonished to see this so i look in my ghost manuel and find that tacos mean business in ghost speak. upon sniffing the taco my cat hisses and runs to the exercise room. i enter exercise room after cat but cat no there. i spookified to realize he must have been taken by the spirits. i then decide to huhnt for my cat becasue cats r sacred in the rituals of my people. to help in the search i leave and come back a week later with my black freinds from the hood so scarre the ghost off with there muscles. we enter the room where the cat was disapearened only to find my granmpa eating a spaggeti salad. when grampa notices us he sreams loadly and runs away a full speedo back to the laundy room. me and my pals run after him firing our maching guns to slow him down but as he enters the room grampa summons ghost with he spell book he bought from craigslist. then doopliss from paper mario and the booze from lugi mansion plus a transgender witch come to attack us. we fire our guns, but it it useless as the ghost paralyze us with fear. dooplis say "u done for now slick" so we run away and my grampa was never seed of again. we call police but they say ghost no real so my friend will smith who was with us at what i will call "the grampa haunting incident" told me to post on yahoo ansers an carion coiyyoteis there wil help. now i expect good anser from u peepl. anyway i have to end the transmission here because grampa says that he is tired of waiting to tell me he new ghost story.

1 Answer

  • Ocimom
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nice story - would make a good - cat is gone forever you know.

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