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If invite to out-of-town wedding doesn't have '+guest,' is that code for DON'T COME?

This is the third time I've been invited to travel alone to attend a wedding where I'm not likely to know many guests. So far I've just declined but this recent wedding is one I'd really like to attend, just not alone. Aside from the travel and expense, weddings are emotional for me and I'd really like a "plus-one" to make it more enjoyable/doable for me. What gives? It seems hurtful to think I'd enjoy being alone at a wedding. Is this just a courtesy invite?


I have considered writing to the MOB to ask if I may bring a guest, but I do understand the difficulty of adding guests and wouldn't want to put her in an awkward position. I also don't want to just decline if there is a chance I could attend. I really love this bride & her Mom. This wedding is on a Sunday afternoon, which would require that I drive back to my home city after the reception to go to work the next morning, which is another reason I don't want to go alone, driving home late.

11 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm sure they'd love you to come and share the joy of their wedding. But weddings are very expensive, and the bridal couple probably cannot afford extra guests. You need to respect that. But what about a compromise? Maybe you could find a friend to drive in to town and attend the ceremony with you, then go to dinner and a movie why you attend the reception. Then you would drive back home together.

  • drip
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Etiquette dictates that any single guest should be allowed to bring a plus 1. It is rude of the bride and groom to not allow you to bring a guest.

    To bring a guest your inner card would of read John and guest. That they did not do that is not code for Don't come.

    I understand keeping the guest list down. But then you just don't invite as many people so your single guests can bring a date with them. Heck I have seen wedding couples invite a husband and not the wife. This is just plain rude.

    I would call up the MOB and ask permission to bring a date. Tell her you will understand if this is not possible because of the wedding budget, but that you really would like someone with you at the wedding and for the late drive home.

    If the answer is no, then you have to make a decision. If you decide not to go, do send an gift and a card with a nice note, so they realize there are no hard feelings.

    You are close to the MOB so I wouldn't feel bad asking. and who knows, they may be getting a lot of RSVP back with can not attend.

    My daughter is having a Sunday night wedding and realizes this may not be convenient for some people.

  • 8 years ago

    They were probably just trying to figure out a budget. And were not able to afford to invite friends/relatives that are not married. She probably trying to include all of the family and friends she can. And those plus 1 can really add up fast

    If your close enough with the bride I would ask her. And I would even offer to pay for your guest. But do not take offense to being declined. You have to understand that weddings are expensive. A weddig with a full bar and sit down dinner can easily be $150-$200 per person. This doesn't include things like photographer, flowers, music etc. so imagine if you have 5 friends who are not married yet and still single. That could be $1000 of people going to your wedding that you don't even know.

    Just ask, offer to pay. And see what she says. But don't pressure her.

    Source(s): Bride to be
  • Jenn
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    It is RUDE to ask anyone if you can bring a plus one to a wedding. You asking the mother of the bride is awkward, and it puts pressure on her and the bride. It is a common rule of thumb, that if you are not in a serious relationship or absolutely do not know anyone, that you do not get invited with a date. If you do not feel comfortable enough to attend by yourself, send your well wishes to the couple, but politely decline the invitation.

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  • 8 years ago

    No, the absence of a "plus one" does not have a secret code meaning of "DON'T COME". It just means that because you are not engaged or married, you have no spouse to invite and therefore you are invited, solo.

    If you cannot make it, for any reason, send your regrets.

    If you can make it, go alone. DO NOT, i repeat, DO NOT write the MOB asking to add a guest to the bride and groom's wedding. That is tacky and you would be embarrassing yourself if you do that.

  • Liz
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I doesn't mean "don't come" at all. It simply means "weddings are expensive, every extra guests costs us x amount of dollars more, we would love to have you there to share our special day but unfortunately we can't afford to invite someone else to entertain you too".

    Seriously, how self-centered can you be? Do you think other people's weddings are put on for the sole purpose of making sure you're entertained? So what if you don't know anyone there? If you dont have the social skills to sit at a table with some random people and make some polite conversation for the couple of hours that you're going to be there, you're probably better off staying under your rock. How old are you, anyway?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    It's code for "you're invited." Not everyone gets a plus one, especially not if you're not in a long term relationship. Weddings are expensive and guests are the biggest part of that expense. A lot of people limit plus ones or simply don't allow any at all.

  • 8 years ago

    You can easily find out by phoning the bride and asking if would be possible for you to come with a travelling companion since it is so far away. You'd feel safer, and more comfortable.

    If she responds "we really can't add even one more person" it was just a courtesy invite...

  • 8 years ago

    Contact the MOH, explain your situation and let her convey your request to the bride, chances are the bride will be all spased out and the MOH will be able to deal with it better and help the bride understand the situation. Ask the MOH to let you know either way. Be very nice. *Re-Reading, if you know the Mother, then talk to her. *Don't sound as you say hurtful or petty, not being ugly, but saying ask nicely, catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

  • 8 years ago

    They probably only have a certain number of people they can invite. Is why they did that.

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