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Lv 57,780 points

Pamela B

Favorite Answers15%

Here is a partial description list with which you might attempt to define me or at least, to understand me better: + American Female, mid-Boomer age + Italian-American, 2nd generation on maternal side (strongest influence) + child of Civil Rights and Watergate eras (but too young for Woodstock!) + Mother of three, 2/3s grown + divorced + writer/editor + media assistant in h.s. library + tend to be a smart aleck (Fair Warning!) + believe that Spelling ALWAYS counts! .....0.... ..0...0.... .0.....0... .0.....0.. please put this ..0...0... on your profile ...0..0... if you know someone ....00.... who died from cancer ..0....0.. .0......0.

  • If invite to out-of-town wedding doesn't have '+guest,' is that code for DON'T COME?

    This is the third time I've been invited to travel alone to attend a wedding where I'm not likely to know many guests. So far I've just declined but this recent wedding is one I'd really like to attend, just not alone. Aside from the travel and expense, weddings are emotional for me and I'd really like a "plus-one" to make it more enjoyable/doable for me. What gives? It seems hurtful to think I'd enjoy being alone at a wedding. Is this just a courtesy invite?

    11 AnswersWeddings8 years ago
  • How long should I wait before plugging in a used refrigerator that was transported on its side?

    I just replaced my broken refrigerator with a gently used side by side (with water and ice in the door.) The folks I bought it from said it should not be plugged in right away. ALSO: how long will it need to cool before I can get my food out of coolers and into the refrigerator?

    16 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Is it possible my refrigerator needs more freon?

    My side-by-side refrigerator appears to be running but the freezer doesn't freeze -- I am using it like a refrigerator -- and the refrigerator side is more like a cooler. Any advice? Do I need to replace this appliance or is there something I can do short of that?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • How do I properly archive newspapers?

    I have saved newspapers and other items from the election that I wish to give my son for his 18th birthday. How do I best protect them? Are there sleeves available that fit newspapers? Is there a sturdy box I might find, and where would I go to get one?

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Advice for "boarding" my friend's Corvette?

    My friend is moving into a small rental after losing his house in the ARM mess. He wants to "board" his Corvette under my carport. How do I help my friend and still protect my liability regarding this precious possession? He will have a cover on the car, but it's still only a carport. I would want to be sure both our interests are protected, and that nothing would affect our friendship.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Today is my Birthday! How shall we celebrate?

    Trolls not invited!

    22 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Did anyone else get a violation for answering the creep...?

    who wants to kick babies off their mother's breast so he can "start slurping her milk?" I answered that he needed to post an ad in Craig's List. Others derided him for his lack of maturity. He wrote that he was reporting us all, and I got a violation notice. Here was what I wrote in response:

    Are you (Yahoo) kidding me? This total creep asks a "question" to the effect of: "Have you ever seen a woman breastfeeding, kicked the baby aside and started slurping her milk?" and I am being reprimanded for my response of disgust at him????? Should I just have written "NO" as an answer? Really? Are you kidding?????? Yahoo! needs to get some perspective. There are some real creeps on this site. We answerers step up where you administrators drop the ball. The fact that he reported four of us should tell you something. Are you paying attention?

    Was any action taken toward the asker?


    9 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why is there so much brown on the field at McAfee Coliseum?

    And where are John Madden and Al Michaels?

    [I'm watching the Broncos-Raiders game.]

    5 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Does anyone else think Cindy McCain looked a little high during her nomination speech?

    Her eyes were glassy and she didn't seem exactly in control of her mouth.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Are you better off now than you were four years ago?

    The Republican Party has offered up this question as a gauge for voters since Ronald Reagan was president, but we don't hear it in this election.

    I'm asking it now. Are you?

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Are you proud of me?

    I just achieved Level 5 on Yahoo! Answers...

    ... and P&S helped get me there!

    21 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How do I dissuade my son from seeking a military career?

    I need help with some real information to present that isn't just a mother's fears, which admittedly are deep and wide within me.

    My 17-year-old continues to show an interest in getting into the Naval Academy. This was a childhood interest that continues despite more than 3,000 troops dead in a no-win war with an idiot commander-in-chief. His father can afford to send him to college, so this is not his only option. Last night, his father cc'd me on an email he was sending to get information on getting my son into Annapolis. While we are divorced, we have maintained a solid, positive co-parentling role and seek to be on the same page with each other regarding our children, but this one came at me after-the-fact and in spite of my clearly stated feelings. I am beside myself because I do not and cannot support this move.

    My son is talented, creative, intelligent and a fine human being. I want to see him grow to the man he can become without the damage of experiencing the horrors of war.

    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What happened with the distribution of the film "Across the Universe?"?

    Oprah featured the director and main cast members, urging everyone to go see it, and we all know what an endorsement from Oprah Winfey can mean! It was supposed to open nationally the weekend of Sept. 21, but we finally spotted it in a small advertisement this weekend, and had only two metro area theaters to choose.

    It's wonderful, by the way! Just wondering what went wrong with its earlier plans for wide distribution.

    2 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What graffiti font web sites would you recommend?

    Not even sure I am using the correct terms, but I have a student who does graffiti art (not vandalism) and I told him I would ask you all for suggestions and direction. Thanks!

    3 AnswersOther - Visual Arts1 decade ago
  • What does it mean to be chosen as a Contact?

    I have recently been added by several Yahoo! Answerers to their contacts list. What does this mean? Why do people choose contacts and what are the benefits, etc.? How do I determine if I should add them to mine, or is it just expected out of politeness?

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Am I the Only One Still Awake Tonight?

    I seem to be the last answerer on every question I've answered tonight. I want to read some other people's answers. It feels lonely here tonight. Where'd everybody go?

    17 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • I need help training my kitten to stay off tables and countertops?

    She is about 4 months old and was a stray. She is very sweet and smart but an animal on the table is something I cannot abide. She has learned to get down when I tell her, but not getting up in the first place is the goal here.

    16 AnswersCats1 decade ago