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Is an idea part of the universe?

Does an idea take up space?

If so, does that make the universe infinite?


Are we ourselves just an idea?

19 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The universe is an idea, downloaded into this great hologram. An idea takes up no space and is not based on space/time. They play out though in space/time. I tend to think the universe is infinite in that if we could travel we could never find an end to it. Even if there is an end it would continue to our perception, as perception is important to anything being there. We are the essence that creates the ideas in the first place. That essence cannot be described in words.

    Parahamansa Yogananda says that the universe hangs like a tiny ball underneath the vast spiritual realms.

  • 8 years ago

    An idea only exists as a bio-electrical discharge in the brain.

    By that fact alone, it is part of the universe. It takes "space" in the brain while it is active or remains embedded.

    Awareness of an "infinite universe" can exist in the human brain.

    I fail to see how any of this "makes the universe infinite."

    We humans are more than an idea. We are physical, existential offshoots of the physical universe, in fact a rather elegant way for the universe to "reach" or achieve self-awareness.

    Be well.

    Source(s): The book: on the taboo against knowing who you are, by Alan Watts; The Magic Animal, by Philip Wylie; "Wonders of the Universe," a TV series with Brian Cox; The Ascent of Man, by Jacob Bronowski
  • 8 years ago

    Universe is not infinite, it is spherical but expanding.

    Ideas require no space. How many ideas can dance on the head of a pin?

    We may live inside a computer simulation (The Matrix) but that can not be proven or disproved.

    Or one may consider that perhaps the entire universe is happening inside the mind of God.

    But you are The Architect. Shouldn't you know these things? ;)

  • 8 years ago

    Is an idea part of the universe?

    ~~~ The Universe is ALL inclusive!

    'Thoughts' (ideas) are real features of the Universe, which is ALL inclusive!

    Inclusive of dreams and imaginary creatures and rocks and the sun and memories...

    Everything exists!

    Everything is a feature of the Whole!

    Does an idea take up space?

    ~~~ Does it need to? Is that a rule for existence?

    If so, does that make the universe infinite?

    ~~~ If 'infinite' means all that exists, then yes, the Universe is 'infinite', but that is a poor word, as 'time' is only an 'idea', a 'thought'!

    How much space does 'time' 'take up'? *__-


    Are we ourselves just an idea?

    ~~~ "Cogito Ergo Sum!"

    "I think, therefore I am!" - Descartes

    This saying is exactly true, as it refers to the egoic construct of autonomous existence of a 'self', an 'I', as opposed to a 'you'/'other'.

    'Ego' is the same, one and the same, as 'thought'!

    Hence 'thought' being where this (egoic) 'self' exists. That is the 'I' to which the quote refers!

    No 'thought/ego' = no egoic 'I'!

    There can be no 'I' without 'thought'.

    Thought, though, does not 'create' the egoic "I", they are one and the same, as perceived!

    The above referenced 'I', or small 's' 'self' cannot exist in a thoughtless state, such as a Zen state where no such distinctions can be perceived.

    There only exists 'one', (capital 'S') 'Self!', which is 'Universally all inclusive'. Which does not disappear when 'thought' is no longer perceived!

    Ask any successful meditator, or check it out yourself.


    It is 'thought' that says, "I am not that!"

    "Thou Art That!"

    Modern quantum scientists opine that at the very basic metaphysical level, all 'matter' resembles 'mind-stuff', 'information waves', more than anything else! 'Thought'!

    Look up 'bindu', that is the 'One Universe' that We all perceive!

    tat tvam asi (




    capitalizing every word makes it hard to read, and ultimately, not worth the energy!

    Perhaps some consideration?

    Only names are capitalized, and we can forgive such things, if we could actually read your work without getting a headache.

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  • 8 years ago

    An idea takes up space at the very moment it's arcing through the neural connections.

    Yes, an idea is part of the universe.

    Yes, I am just an idea. I'm an idea that I'm having about who I am. That idea occupies and or motivates the body that's typing out this message.

  • 8 years ago

    Dude, you're so deep, I can't even see you anymore.

    And actually, it depends on the idea. There are thousands of ideas, but only some of them are actually lived-for instance, Disneyland was an idea that came to be. However, my idea for a movie scene is something I haven't created. So some ideas do technically take up space, while others simply live within our minds.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    "All matters had been made by way of him; and with out him used to be now not any factor made that used to be made." that is in reference to the phrase or logos which incarnated into the man Christ Jesus. It is relating to the speech, voice, or cause of the primary purpose that manifested as a twin life-giving precept it is both female and male or more certainly generative and harmful and this can be a reflection of its origins. The design inherent within the Absolute, or First intent, is stability... All matters mild and dark or Yin Yang. The phrase that made the whole thing is of the identical design, just like a son. Extra nonetheless, this design is inherent in every of us and our purpose is to find our own logos. It's going to, according to levels of purity wrought by means of self-organization or self-new release, work by way of us organically because it does through the absolute.

  • 8 years ago

    to answer your question i will first define idea: A thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action.

    a thought is a result of multiple neurons of a brain fire.

    an idea is a thought that is stored. it does not take up space but the neurons of your brain does

    an idea does not take up space.

    it is unknown if .the universe is infinite, but it has noting to do with ideas taking up space.

    an idea is information and we are essentially information so in a sense we are an idea.

  • nico
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    an idea is a speck amongst nature, encircled by nature. the universe is infinite, why the mind can not ever reach truth. mind is very logical, very rational. but the universe is paradoxical. the mind, locked in its rationality, cannot comprehend a paradox, it cannot understand it. it is beyond and before its grasp. in trying to understand absolute truth, the mind seems to be lost somewhere in between, in limbo. at the same time it perceives truth as beyond its grasp, it also must sense its overcompensation. this is because the mind is logical but the universe transcends logic. truth is both more complex and more simple than mind. rather, it is beyond mind. true understanding can only be reached through being. by being in harmony with existence. mind attempting to understand existence, strikes discord with it

    That Self, smaller than small, greater than great, is hidden in the heart of this creature here - (Katha Upanishad)

    Wisdom happens only through meditation. It never happens by collecting information. It happens by going toward transformation. Wisdom is the flowering of your consciousness, the opening of the 1,000-petaled lotus of your being. It is the release of your fragrance. The release of the imprisoned splendor.. Real Philosophy has nothing to do with thinking. On the contrary, it has everything to do with transcending thinking – going beyond and beyond thinking. Going beyond mind, reaching to the purest space of no-mind.. Out of that space, something flowers in you.. You can call it Christ-Consciousness, Buddhahood, or whatsoever you like.. That is true philosophy - Osho

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I think, YES. We are Part of the Universal "MULTIPLIED IDEAS", Which are Creating the Countless and Endless IDEAS, Within the END of Our Life.

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