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Lv 5

Without using the phrase 'the bible says so', creationists, please prove your case.?


@Oleg You're missing the point. Science is the closest technique we have to objectively understanding our surroundings. Other than relying on a 2000-year-old book, the evidence obtained can be verified, repeated and if need be, falsified.

@Christian Sinner You have a burden of proof. Live up to it.

13 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    What would you think if you had never seen an engine before, and one was placed in your front yard? Would you think; wow this must be the result of millions of years of adaptations? Or some must have built this?

    An engine is no where near as complex as a single piece of DNA, so why would you assume all that we see comes from nothing but random mutations?

    We could go into irreducibly complex things as well. Unfortunately, it's been rendered useless due to probability being completely ignored(I'll elaborate if I must).

    Simply put, anything that appears to be designed must have a designer. It is non-sensical to think otherwise.

  • 8 years ago

    When you grasp how how thermodynamics operates in our universe, you might realise that the Big Bang theory accords with the creationists' belief that God created it. And bear in mind that Jews, Christians and Muslims are all supposed to agree that, in the beginning, God created this universe, so that makes them all 'creationists'. (I suspect you really meant 'Creationism' which is something differernt.)

    Thermodynamics is the study of heat and energy, especially their flow and transfer. Entropy is the quantity in thermodynamics that measures randomness. This relates to the unique unidirectional nature of time called ‘the arrow of time’, a term coined in 1927 by British astronomer Sir Arthur Eddington. Here’s a quote about that from an eminent scientist, in his book below:

    “Interestingly, almost all the equations and theories of science are symmetrical with respect to time – that is, they hold true whether events are running forwards or backwards in time. For all they care, the clock can go ‘tick-tock’ or ‘tock-tick’, it makes no difference. They contain nothing to indicate what we all know to be true, namely, that we can only move in one direction through time. But Eddington identified one glaring exception – a single physical law that is not indifferent to the direction of time.

    “The law in question is the ‘second law of thermodynamics’, a long-established principle that describes and governs growth in randomness. The law states that while the randomness (technically, the ‘entropy’) of an isolated system may increase with the passage of time or remain unchanged, it can never decrease. Eddington concluded that as far as science is concerned, the arrow of time is a property of entropy alone.”

    The scientist then takes many more pages to explain how this applies to the universe, so that ‘before’ the origin of the universe, time could not exist, “because until the universe was there in some shape or form it could not be in any entropy state, low or otherwise.

    "Secondly, when the universe originated, it must either have been created ab initio in a low entropy state or subsequently put into such a state... [But] it takes effort to create low entropy - this isn't something that can just happen spontaneously. It follows that an 'energetic' act of creation must have occurred at some stage before time could begin to run.

    "Thirdly, as entropy began to increase (producing the phenomenon of time) the universe began to change and evolve. Modern cosmology seeks to chart and describe this development, and may or may not have got it right. But the Bible clearly teaches a progressive development of the universe... other Bible passages clearly describe a universe that changes and 'runs down' with the passage of time. For example..." Then he quotes Psalm 102:25-27 and 2 Peter 3:8-10, but I won't inflict that on you as you cannot bear any Bible quotes, even though those ones deal with the future and not the past. Do get the book, all you who wish to understand the credibility of the Bible.

    Source(s): Who Made God? - Searching for a theory of everything, Prof. Edgar Andrews (EP Books 2009)
  • 8 years ago

    Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow’s Inadvertent Proof for God

    "As Hawking and Mlodinow concede, without Creation, there's nothing. To have anything - a universe, a multiverse, the law of gravity, "finely-tuned" physical laws, anything - you have to first have Creation. And they've shown pretty effectively that "spontaneous" creation is impossible, since it requires physical laws like the law of gravity. So we've established that there was Creation, and that the universe/multiverse didn't (and couldn't) create itself. On this view, it seems the only two possibilities are "God" or "circular irrational nonsense." Hawking and Mlodinow may be brilliant physicists, but at least in this book they present themselves as poor philosophers and logicians. Their futile efforts to outline an atheistic creation story lend more credence to theism than atheism."

  • 8 years ago


    35. Were they created out of nothing? Or were they themselves the creators?

    36. Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Nay, but they are sure of nothing!

    I ask you, athiests, to answer these questions.

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  • 8 years ago


    I like wine better than beer.

    I feel no need to defend that position.

    That's my case.

  • 8 years ago

    A painter requires a painting. So too the world.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Goddidit - Creationists' answer when presented with an argument which crushes their idea.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    This should be good for a LOL or two. I'll pop popcorn.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    according to the bible God spoke the universe into existence

  • G C
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Universal Law demands a Law Giver and Keeper.

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