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Serious question of more gun control versus mental health issues.?

Gun control is a big issue and many say we need more gun control laws with stricter penalties while others say we need better mental health access. Those say guns don't kill people but crazy people with guns kill people, I can't argue that gun violence seems to be getting worse instead of better and that's with our current gun control measures. But my question is this: How can we have better access to mental health without health care? Currently it's hard to get appointments with mental health professionals but those people without health care coverage have no access what so ever to mental health. And who decides the mental health factors that will prevent you from owning a firearm? Even with better mental health access, what's to stop a crazy person from buying a gun on the street from a dealer that bought it from a responsible gun owner without liability? I've a case of a "responsible gun owner" who buys guns retail and travels to another state and sells for 5 times the amount he bought them. Without an fear of being held liable for providing guns to those who couldn't get them on their own, how does that work? Hearing both sides would be helpful.

4 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Coming from a country that has much greater gun control laws and better access to mental health support My thoughts are that it is the US gun control laws that are the problem. The kind of massacre scenarios that occur in the USA are extremely rare in places like the Uk and statistically the people who carry out random killing of strangers have not been people where there has been known evidence of a mental health problem. Overall crime statistics suggest that people with mental health problems are not proportionately more responsible for comitting crime than the general population.

    If you own a gun you are far more likely to use it in a moment of anger or distress.

    If there are less guns and tighter controls then people feel safer anyway and feel less need for one.

    There has been recent talk about placing armed security guards in school and training teachers to use guns. That is a world gone mad to me.

    I respect you live in a different culture and will be influence by opinion around you.

    Of course there should be access to good mental health care for everyone but the argument about this reducing violence is not a solid one.

  • 8 years ago

    Well a lot of states will not even let you bring a gun into their state , even if you have a gun permit , let alone selling it, for the ones that travel selling guns in a gun show, all I can say is they must have a permit to do that, and when you go to buy one from those shows, you have to fill out all kinds of forms, and then they have to run it to see if you can even buy the gun, rifles are easier to buy then handgun, rifles you can get the same day without a gun permit, while hand guns you need to have a gun permit or go through a waiting period while your checked out, so the people that are getting the guns, are proably getting them from someone that has obtained them with out going through all the paperwork too, cause no one is going to sell a gun they bought to someone that may use it wrongly, when it will show that they sold it to that person. These people are getting guns by either lying on their app's and getting pass the red tape, or from someone that is getting them, and not having them registered to themselves, so they can't be tracted back to them.

    As for the mental health access, this has been coming for 10 years or more, that they have been cutting back on giving people help, cause the government, does not want to see mental health as an illiness like the flu, are any illness you get , they have been saying for years that is all in a persons head and all they have to do it stop it, it is that easy, they do not see it as an illiness, even though it is and it should be treated as easily as any illness that you may get, but the gov is saying no, that is why it is so hard to get in to see anyone anymore for anything when it comes to mental illness, and insurance companies don't like to put money on it either cause they think it is just something that you can get over by yourself, while most people know that it is a serious problem and that there should be better help and programs for the ones that are actally trying to get help for their problems, with out labeling them or trying to lock them up with not reason. I think also people are starting to shy away from getting help cause they do not want to be labeled crazy, but you know what they are not the crazy ones, they at least know they need help and are willing to get it, while their are those out there that would say they have no problems, but end up going out and distorying themselves, or someone elses life .

    Source(s): lot of talks with mental health professionals over the years over the decline of the services that they are aloud to provide cause of cut back, and person believes as for the guns , any retail will tell you the laws and what you need to get one, or not get one
  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago


    It is not legal to sell guns in locations where guns are not legal.

    It is not legal for someone from one State to purchase guns in another State, if his State of residence does not allow that particular type of firearm.

    It is not legal to purchase firearms if you have a drug problem.


    Obviously, none of these laws matter, because only the people who follow laws are going to take the time to follow these.

    Guns have been available to the general public in this land, for the last 400 years. We seemed to better than everyone else for a long time. It's hard to believe that our crime problem today is due to something that's been in existence for 400 years.

    Why didn't we have mass murders when AR-15's first came out, decades ago?

  • 8 years ago

    I suffer from both reactive hypoglycemia (from adrenal fatigue due to stress) and anemia... (also caused by lack of vitamin C)

    When my brain lacks fuel or oxygen, my primal side can become so enraged to fight for survival, it's amazing, scary, and utterly evil and adorable at the same time.

    I could kill you with a pen. I could eat your face with my bare teeth, and some retard on speed who didn't eat actually did it.

    health care is a joke, they're pushers! Psys... They know NOTHING of biology.

    The problem... is starvation... it's what's causing every single problems.

    We can't survive on sugar and grains!!! They're killing us!

    We need greens and vitamin C... sugar is the message that tells that the fruit and vegetables are ripe, ready and nutritious. Refining it out of any nutritional value is destroying our vital organs and shooting our brains with a gun shot.

    I am as crazy as can be... even Goth people can't stand my darkness... I punched my own mother when I got tired to be used as a punching bag for her bad break up... I've been bullied... abused... dragged by the hairs...

    Now I want to KILL whoever is going to try to harm me for his own gain. But a mere angry glare of death is more than enough to make those weaklings run away.

    I have an absolute faith in myself. I am my own god!

    I know I can kill people twice my size with my bare hands!

    I now respect my primal side, because I know that what drives it isn't evil, it's purely self kindness, protection, self love.

    I have a deep faith in my rational side, and I taught my survival instinct well with it.

    I have a deep respect for my sensitive side, even if it's the only one capable of pain, it's also the only one capable of joy~

    I understand what's going on inside me.

    I am doing my best to be in balance.. and to respect my limit, the balance between doing, resting and feeding.

    The problem in society is that only doing is valued... obese people are actually starving and poisoned!

    The problem isn't the guns or the crazy people.

    It's the disrespect, and that start with ourselves.

    Slavery became illegal... but we still teach the mentality everywhere. For absurd wages.

    If I get severely hypoglycemic, don't put a gun in my hands... but I won't need it to bite off your face.

    Ban grains... stop making profit and thinness a priority... empty looks... painted sick faces to cover up agony...

    Make health a priority... the mood will follow... even IQ will follow!

    Change the world by changing your own around you.


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