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It's hard to sum up one's life in a few sentences, so I won't try except to say. Live, Laugh and Love.

  • Anyone know what to do for a "thin file" credit score?

    So I've only had one credit card in my life and I've managed to pay off all my student loans. Unfortunately, I had late payments on my student loan and some medical bills. Today, I've managed to pay off all my debts but I was so scared to apply for new credit. My score was going up little by little until I last checked it and it wasn't there. It said I had a "thin file" meaning I didn't have enough credit history to generate a score even though I had a score before. Anyone else run into this? What can I do to correct this?

    2 AnswersCredit5 years ago
  • Why can't we repeal the Dickey Amendment in regards to gun control?

    The Dickey Amendment is an NRA backed and Republican pushed amendment that took away funding from the CDC (centers for disease control) to research gun violence in America. This happened 20 years ago and even though many organizations including doctors and even Dickey himself pushed to repeal it it stays in effect. Republicans are always talking about needing proof that stricter gun control laws would lessen gun violence but how can you have proof without research? So for 20 years research into gun violence has been almost nil but the number of incidents seem to be rising. This is just one small step so why can't we do this? What are the arguments against repealing this amendment?

    6 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • I'm missing from his online life?

    My boyfriend and I have been together for a long time. And yes, I know that sometimes social media can get in the way of a relationship and I try not to look too deep into his online life but I'm absolutely nowhere in that life. He doesn't post pictures of me, he doesn't comment about me. He's not really the type of person that would post a lot of things but he's always browsing online. He's always on his phone looking at Facebook or Instagram so much so that I have to ask him to put it away. He does post creative art pictures or music but sometimes he posts people like his mom, sister, and brother but not me, his girlfriend. So why do I feel so kind of way about this? I post pictures of us all the time, I tag him when we go out, but he never likes them. I even posted an anniversary picture, tagged him and he didn't even know even though he's always online. Someone please tell me I'm thinking too hard about this and should just leave it be.

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Picky eating adults: Love 'em or Leave 'em?

    Unless you have a food allergy or you're 2 years old, should adults be picky eaters? I was at a dinner in a nice restaurant with a 4 star chef and a coworker actually asked the waiter if they had any chicken fingers and french fries. The waiter said, "Well we don't have a kids menu but I can see what I can do." Now this is a place where the seafood is fresh and the steak is cooked to perfection. It was embarrassing to say the least. Would you be embarrassed at this? Trying new foods is a great way to live life, why would you want to deny yourself that?

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Social Media, am I overreacting?

    I know you shouldn't put too much emphasis on social media but there are little things about his that bother me. We've been together for 10 years, we live together, no children, and plan on getting married someday. Of course we love each other but he doesn't seem to reference me in his online life at all. We both have facebook and instagram accounts and post the normal, what we do, who we're with, pictures of friends and families. But on his page there are no pictures of me, no references about me, no "hanging out with my girl" post, no comments at all. If someone were to look at his accounts they wouldn't know he has a girlfriend. On his Instagram he has pictures of his friends and stuff he's into but no pictures of me. If I'm suppose to be such a big part of his life, why is it there is absolutely nothing about me there? I feel like I'm overreacting and I have said something to him about it before because it was bothering me. He said he understood what I meant but nothing has changed. So am I overreacting and this new digital world should not mean so much to me? Or are my feelings valid?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • Anyone else tired of the "Cute outfit" questions?

    I can't speak for everyone, but is anyone else a little tired of all the cute outfit questions? If you can't tell yourself that your outfit is "cute" who else will? Who has time for that?

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • Would you have more respect if they just admit the race issue? Serious question.?

    Throughout Obama's bid for President and his two terms I just couldn't help but see so much potential being blocked at every turn by Republicans. It seemed like they didn't want to work with him and tried everything they could possibly think of to get Obama out of office. They have looked for any scandal any issue any reason to call him out on. And yet, they never came out and spoke of the great white elephant in the room. I think I would have more respect for them if they just came out and said they don't like Obama because he's black. There I said it. I think Obama is compassionate, intelligent, and able to relate to the common man with so much potential but how can he function in a world where Republican's go against him on everything even if it was just pure common sense not to. Example: Equal pay for women's bill, how could you vote against that? I tried to hear their message with an open mind but all I get is rhetoric on "how to take the country back" from whom? How Obama bows down to Allah, source? Since Republicans don't look like me don't think like me and obviously doesn't want to hear from me, I am no longer trying to hear their message. Just admit it, please. Thoughts?

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government8 years ago
  • Serious question of more gun control versus mental health issues.?

    Gun control is a big issue and many say we need more gun control laws with stricter penalties while others say we need better mental health access. Those say guns don't kill people but crazy people with guns kill people, I can't argue that gun violence seems to be getting worse instead of better and that's with our current gun control measures. But my question is this: How can we have better access to mental health without health care? Currently it's hard to get appointments with mental health professionals but those people without health care coverage have no access what so ever to mental health. And who decides the mental health factors that will prevent you from owning a firearm? Even with better mental health access, what's to stop a crazy person from buying a gun on the street from a dealer that bought it from a responsible gun owner without liability? I've a case of a "responsible gun owner" who buys guns retail and travels to another state and sells for 5 times the amount he bought them. Without an fear of being held liable for providing guns to those who couldn't get them on their own, how does that work? Hearing both sides would be helpful.

    4 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Samsung Galaxy S4, overheating and battery drain?

    I just got my phone and haven't had a problem until today. I made sure to use a task manager to end task as well as keep the screen brightness down and I took off my live wallpaper. Today, I was downloading a game and I noticed it took a lot longer than normal. Soon after the back started to heat and stayed hot. My battery said 88% then less than an hour later it said 24%. I was shocked. Has this happened to anyone else? Is there something I can do to correct it? I've already had to shut it off because I don't have my charger so it will be off until I can get home. Thanks.

    5 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Am I justified in feeling this way?

    I've been with my current boyfriend for 10 years, we live together and have no children. We've talked about marriage but he has some issues with it since his father was abusive to his mother. Recently, he was been making some poor decisions and I've tried my best to support him. For his birthday he wanted a sound system put in our car. I told him I was against it because we could use the money for engine work instead also that if costs a lot. He decided to get it and of course the speakers blew, then the amp burnt out, then the strain caused the alternator to go. All in all it costs us more money than originally thought. I still tried to support him but I can't anymore. He says he'll do better but why doesn't he just DO better instead of saying it. Am I justified in being a bit peeved at this? I'm angry but I can't seem to get over it.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 years ago
  • Is Simcity 2013 an utter failure?

    I know we've all waited for this game to come out and now that it has, it's faced with server issues, downloading problems, and lost saved data. I didn't know that EA would be dumb enough to require constant internet connection and that the game can only be played online even if you bought the hard disk. So this is the case and with so many people trying to play, the servers crashed over and over again. You would think they would learn from Diablo 3 but apparently not. I don't like online gaming. I don't play online games. I like playing solo but instead of even offering that option with Simcity, EA really just forces you to work online. The real kicker? You can't even save your game on your own hard drive. No you save it on their servers and if you want to pick up where you left off, you need to connect the that specific server and if you don't have internet connection then you can't play at all. Can you say EA has you bent over a table with your pants down? Because they do. Your thoughts?

    4 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation8 years ago
  • What's your opinion iMac or PC?

    I've always had a pc but I need to get rid of my desk top. I want a computer to handle multimedia like photos, music, and movies. I've heard that Macs are better for that but with the price tag, is it worth it? Of course I want a desk top with i7 processor, a dedicated graphics card, 1tb of hard drive. Many PCs are compatible but I want something that I don't have to worry that my computer may crash. I just want to know your opinion on either machine. Thanks.

    2 AnswersDesktops8 years ago
  • Brilliant idea for welfare recipients?

    I know of a case of a mother of one who is on welfare and gets government assistance for childcare. Unfortunately, this person does not have a job and in my eyes really had no need for child care. She use to sit home and just watch tv until recently. The state is forcing her to do community service, several hours a day, until she finds a job to make up the hours she is now required to show proof of is she wants to keep her benefits. She complains but does it and I just think it is a great idea. People need to start doing what they can to improve their own quality of life instead of letting the state pay for everything. Thoughts?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Do you think your name can effect your job opportunity?

    Today there are so many "unique" names, I guess parents want their kids to be special but I think most times these names may keep their children from landing an interview or have a missed opportunity. With names becoming more and more hard to pronounce or impossible to spell, do parents think about this before they saddle their kids with this unique moniker for life? Case in point, I met a child who's name is As'sho'le. Yes, only without the apostrophe because YA would delete it. She pronounces it Ash-shole-lay. Can you say very moronic to name your child this?? My question is what do you think? Will names hold people back? I can say as a hiring manager, I would have a difficult time calling this person back for an interview. Not to say I won't but to say I would wait for other prospects first. What say you?

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment9 years ago
  • Question to any Christian willing to answer.?

    I believe in God also, but should some Christians be so deep in their belief that they would refuse to do yoga because it's origins are in Hinduism? I believe the best thing we can do is be tolerant of other beliefs and religions and not so caught up in our own that we can't see past it. A friend is trying to lose weight and I told her to try yoga, it teaches stretching, balance, and mediation. She comes back and says that she can't do yoga because she's a Christian and it's origins are Hinduism. Now I wasn't around when yoga was created, nor was I around when Jesus walked the Earth, but does it really matter. How can someone be so deep in their personal beliefs that they fail to see past their own nose. The only results I can tell you is that I lose weight and felt more at peace with yoga and she hasn't lost weight at all, what is the deal?

    29 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Anyone else can't wait for The Walking Dead Season 2?

    I loved the first season and can't wait for the second. Comes on next Sunday. Of course, people seem to have a thing for zombies but this series is more than blood and gore, it actually follows the stories of the survivors and how they live. If the zombie Apocalypse ever really happened, do you think you would live through it?

    4 AnswersDrama10 years ago
  • Sprint Customers: How do you feel about not being able to get iPhone 4s?

    I, like many Sprint customers, stayed with Sprint even through all the iPhone craze in the hopes that Sprint will be getting the iPhone soon. Now, Sprint will be getting the iPhone 4S announced Oct. 4, however, Sprint changed it's upgrade policy on Oct. 2, how convenient. So if you used your upgrade last year and were looking forward to your next 12 month upgrade, hopefully for the iPhone, you're are now SOL. Because you can't upgrade until 2012. They went from 12 months to 20 months for the next upgrade, saying there was too much "customer confusion". I understand that Sprint is allowed to change their policy at any time, but it was just the way they did it that was suspect. Last month I was eligible for my upgrade and thought I could just wait for the iPhone, now this month I'm not eligible. They didn't give advanced warning, they didn't send out an email, they basically told their loyal customers to drop dead and you can't have an iPhone. People were highly upset overt this and I will be paying my early termination fee and maybe going to Verizon. Something I obviously should have done years ago. I wanted to know how everyone else feels about this.

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans10 years ago
  • How are we Scorpios scaring so many people?

    There have been a lot of post about how much Scorpios are terrible and scary people. I'd like to say..thanks. We are scary, because we tell it like it is, I don't sugar coat for anyone. But because of that, I'm dependable and reliable. My family calls me when ever they need help and I'm loyal to those I love but ruthless to those I hate. People have told me that I'm intense, that when I look at them it's as if I'm looking into their soul. Yeah, we scorpios don't take crap served on a silver platter, we're suspicious of everything and can manipulate the truth out of anyone. (That's why we're good at being detectives) So, if you have a problem with a scorpio in your life, beware. In the end, you may get stung. Your thought?

    15 AnswersHoroscopes10 years ago
  • Were you disappointed with the ending of L.A. Noire game?

    **Spoiler Alert**

    I loved the concept of the game, being a detective and using clues and evidence to find the suspect. I had a lot of fun playing and the story was great...except the end. I didn't like the ending. Cole turned out to be the bad guy and ended up dying. How do you feel about it? Would you change the ending? I wish the ending was more like Heavy Rain, where it would be a different outcome depending on your decisions throughout the game.

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years ago
  • Will I get in trouble if the government shuts down and doesn't process taxes?

    I file my taxes through the mail. I never expect to get anything back and it's a simple return, I do it every year to save money. As long as it's post dated 4-15-2011 I'm fine, now there's this Government Shut down and it states that the IRS will not process paper returns. Will I be penalized because the government shut down and wasn't able to do it? I haven't picked up the paperwork yet. I don't want to file with a tax firm that charges outrageous rates. What do you think??

    9 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago