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Am I justified in feeling this way?

I've been with my current boyfriend for 10 years, we live together and have no children. We've talked about marriage but he has some issues with it since his father was abusive to his mother. Recently, he was been making some poor decisions and I've tried my best to support him. For his birthday he wanted a sound system put in our car. I told him I was against it because we could use the money for engine work instead also that if costs a lot. He decided to get it and of course the speakers blew, then the amp burnt out, then the strain caused the alternator to go. All in all it costs us more money than originally thought. I still tried to support him but I can't anymore. He says he'll do better but why doesn't he just DO better instead of saying it. Am I justified in being a bit peeved at this? I'm angry but I can't seem to get over it.

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    His decisions were childish and selfish and definitely showed poor judgment. That said, with 10 years invested in this man, it seems that your options are rapidly diminishing??

    Unless your anger can be used to motivate you into some positive outcome- -it will just fester and turn inwards.

  • 8 years ago

    Yes, you are justified in feeling like that, he just used up "your" money, meaning the money that you two use to live off of- to me that would be a sign, if he would of just been a little less selfish, and had a nice birthday that was not going to put you guys in debt things would be fine. Decisions should be made together, I and know from personal experience that sometimes, one or the other person weighs heavy on the money (they tend to be more frivolous) I have given up so much, just because my husband, is not good with money at all, and sometimes I just have to blow off steam, and I get pissed, and let him know how I feel-I usually get over it but sometimes it takes a while-I feel the same way that you do- ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS- give him the ultimatum or whatever it is he need to change, see if he does, if he does not change his actions, then re visit your situation, and decide what is best for you. Give him another chance to prove himself 10 yrs is a long time, to waste. I think that you owe to yourself, but at any time you start to feel that he is not considering your wants and needs then you might have make a change that benefits you.

    Source(s): Life, and love..a good relationship is give and take, you might be the only person that has taught him what he is suppose to do-he did not have a good role model for a father, so he might think its normal, to treat a woman less than-and its not right.
  • 8 years ago

    No, you are not justified.

    Decisions we make are the best decisions we are capable of making at the time.

    Seriously, have you ever decided to make the wrong choice on purpose?

    He valued (emotional value NOT financial worth) the stereo system more than you did, he is allowed to value things different than you.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Oh my Gawd.

    You are justified 100%.

    I hate it when people who are supposed to be adults act like ******* children.

    You guy knew that he needed that money for actual IMPORTANT car work, and instead turned around and bought a toy, which he BROKE, which also broke your guys car EVEN MORE.

    Tell him to get his head out of his ***, and grow up.

    Sit down and talk to him.

    Let him know how you feel, and let him know that you can't deal with his immaturity.

    Hopefully it will help smarten him up.

    Source(s): personal experience.
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  • 8 years ago

    The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over again expecting a different result each time. This guy will never change, he is a loser and you're just enabling him to be a bum. Get him out of your life before he drags you down with him.

  • This question belongs in the singles and dating catagory and not here.

  • ronbo
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    sounds like trust issues to me, people who wont marry dont trust,

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