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I'm not your typical guy. I've been married of 12 years and have two children. Been told that I a great father and husband. I enjoy cooking and am a regular Mr. Fix-it around the house: plumbing, flooring, tile work. Have a rather large library and a rather sick sense of humor. Any and all of my question are meant to make you think or illect a response. Take caer and enjoy.

  • What should I get my wife as a gift?

    Normally I would get jewelry, but with the pandemic she really has no one to show of the new jewelry to.  The same would go with clothes.  I'm thinking maybe some over sized sweat pants.  Please I would like some feed back on what I should get her as a gift.

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 months ago
  • When should you call the police?

    Police shoot 13-year-old boy with autism when his mother called for help.  Child was unarmed, but police thought it best to shoot an unarmed child.  So just we agree, should we only call police when we want them to shoot someone.  Do we need to specifically request the Fire Department so our loved ones don't get shot?

    7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 months ago
  • What best describes Trump?

    Trump is a poor man's idea of a rich man.

    Trump is a weak man's idea of a strong man.

    Trump is a loser's idea of a winner.

    9 AnswersPolitics8 months ago
  • How would you summarize the Trump Presidency for history?

    Seriously, if it was to be put in a history book what would you expect to be written.

    8 AnswersHistory8 months ago
  • Should I tell my friend her husband is cheating on her?

    My husband’s best friend is cheating on his wife, and it’s really weighing on me. My husband is not OK with the affair, but he firmly thinks it’s not his job to ‘out’ his friend. I’m pretty close with the wife, and I truly think she’d want to know. I’m considering telling her myself, but am also wondering if it just isn’t my business.

    23 AnswersMarriage & Divorce8 months ago
  • What can American learn from British Policing?

    Beside crowd control with tear gas and pepper spray or having unarmed patrol officers that actually know the community.

    2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police10 months ago
  • Why are police allowed to use tear gas and pepper spray on citizen, when the military is not allowed to use it?

    Tear gas and pepper spray are considered chemical weapons, so the military is not allowed to use them, but the police can use them against citizens.  Why is this allowed?

    8 AnswersMilitary11 months ago
  • Is my step son being bullied?

    My son and daughter are living with my step son in a house I own.  My step son is saying that living with my children has become unbearable, because they harp on him for leaving his dirty dishes out and have toss his laundry on the floor.  From what I understand is that he will dirty a dish and leave it for days claiming he is will wash it later and that he is too tired.  And as for the laundry he leaves his laundry in the machine/dryer and expects the others to finish drying it or re-wash it if its been left in the washer for a few days.  They have all lived together for about a year and my children are feed up with my step son wanting to be mothered by them.  My wife is saying my children are bullying her son and I think they are sick of his laziness.  So is my step son being bullied by my children or not?

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry11 months ago
  • What does it mean about women if all things being equal they respond more to the online profile that makes more money?

    I've been bored, so I made identical online profiles with the only difference being the listed income and guess what the higher income gets more responses. What does that say about women?

  • Mommy money matters?

    My father died 10 years ago. Sisters didn't want to help with fixing up the family home, so she ended up selling it for a nice chunk of change. Well its ten years later and my sisters have been gifted just about all the money my mother received from the selling of the house. Everyone wanted my mother to visit when she had money, but now no one wants her. I have my own medical issues to deal with, so I'm actually not able to take her in, but everyone else is healthy. Any advise on how to get my sisters to be decent human beings?

    5 AnswersFamily1 year ago
  • Do women cheat because they feel its not fair that they plan more of the social events?

    Read an article about the myth of female fidelity and the increase of acknowledged cheating by women. Its not that more women are cheating, but more are willing to admit to cheating. It seems that many women are very upset with how much work they put into their relationship, regardless of how much work their partner puts into the relationship. In short women cheat because their relationship aren't easy enough?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • If you are husband material does that mean you are now boring?

    "Husband material" is all about money isn't it? When women look for a husband its always about being a good provider (money), being financially stable (money), having a good job (money). However, a boyfriend is more about having fun and good sex. So becoming "husband material" means your girlfriend is comfortable (bored) with you and looking at your money making ability. So if a woman thinks you would make a good husband, she thinks you have enough money earning potential for her to live the life style she wants to live.

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce2 years ago
  • Isn't part of being a partner keeping your ego in check, so you can keep your job and be a stable provider?

    I was attracted to my girlfriend in part, because she was a single mother and knew the hardship of being the provider for her family, however after we got married she lost her job because of her own attitude toward her boss. Now she is angry with me, because I can't just absorb her bills, because I still have my own obligations from before we married. Why do responsible stable girlfriends turn into such irresponsible wives?

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 years ago
  • What is the difference between what a women wants from a boyfriend and a husband?

    Seems women are happy with a boyfriend with spending time with them, but once he becomes a husband they want ALL his income to better their life style. So are all women just gold diggers and men are seen to just hand over their income, which they earned through their own hard work and years of sacrifice? I just don't understand how a man and a woman can manage to live on their own and manage their own bills completely independently, but once they marry the woman feels entitled to everything the man has earned. Common property is ONLY the items they acquired together and not EVERYTHING. Seems that women never love a man for who he is and only for his income which she wants to claim as her's.

    12 AnswersGender Studies2 years ago
  • What are the prime ages for wives to cheat?

    I've found women very open to having affairs/cheating at the 8 year & 18 year anniversary of their wedding. This is regardless of the type of husband. It doesn't matter if they are attentive (too clingy) or hard working (neglectful). It seems to also coincide with ages of mid 30s to late 40s. Anyone else notice this?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce2 years ago
  • Have every man been cheated on?

    I heard that every man will be cheated on at least once. Are there any men out there that have not been cheated on and how trusting (gullible) are you on a scale from 1 to 10? 10 being extremely trusting and 1 being "far as I can throw them".

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Reasons why women cheat?

    Are there any reasons why women cheat that don't sound stupid when you apply it to men. For example: trapped in a loveless marriage, or they love their spouse, but want variety. A fair argument should be able to be interchange the genders and still sound correct. If the argument fails when you switch the genders then its a sexist argument whether it benefits the woman or not. Its seems that more and more studies are coming out that aren't necessarily saying women are cheating more, but rather women are more willing to admit to cheating today. So what is an pro-cheating argument?

    9 AnswersGender Studies2 years ago