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Question to any Christian willing to answer.?

I believe in God also, but should some Christians be so deep in their belief that they would refuse to do yoga because it's origins are in Hinduism? I believe the best thing we can do is be tolerant of other beliefs and religions and not so caught up in our own that we can't see past it. A friend is trying to lose weight and I told her to try yoga, it teaches stretching, balance, and mediation. She comes back and says that she can't do yoga because she's a Christian and it's origins are Hinduism. Now I wasn't around when yoga was created, nor was I around when Jesus walked the Earth, but does it really matter. How can someone be so deep in their personal beliefs that they fail to see past their own nose. The only results I can tell you is that I lose weight and felt more at peace with yoga and she hasn't lost weight at all, what is the deal?

29 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I guess your silly friend won't want to take the Eucharist anymore either since that little ceremony had it's roots deep in paganism long before Christianity every adopted it.

  • 9 years ago

    You can't and shouldn't argue with someone because her beliefs are different from yours. A true Christian bases all his beliefs on the Bible. If there is a question about something, say yoga, and that person doesn't feel that it's the right thing to do, biblically, then that's up to him or her. Be respectful of her beliefs. Why don't you suggest another method of weight loss that she may be more open to?

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    The Bible says to fee the very "APPEARANCE" of evil, and that means that if there is any question about it, leave it alone! we, as Christians< are sold out to God, or should be at least and align ourselves with Him and when He leads we should go. Yoga is one of those things that is one and the same with it's Eastern religion but is sold as a harmless exercise program, all the while down playing the religious aspect. You can have it if you want it, but as for me and so many other Christians, we can, and will find something more acceptable. I am more concerned with God being happy with me than about my own will. Even though I am a Black Belt and study martial arts, I would never participate in one where I was supposed to compromise my principles and pay homage to the spiritual aspects. I am very careful to study only those that have removed them.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I can believe anything of fundamentalists in the southern states of America.

    But for any Christian with their head screwed on, and with an IQ above 50, there is not the slightest reason why they shouldn't practice yoga. Clearly they couldn't hold beliefs which directly contradict their own, but the idea that you can't do physical exercise, because Hindus were the first to practice it, is just plain brainless.

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  • 9 years ago

    If you go "deep" enough into Yoga, at some point the expectation is to make a token offering to a Hindu I can understand the issue. I've lost plenty of weight -- without resorting to any kind of Yoga or other means involving a practice with Hindu origins...By the way, many Christian communities do not allow for Reiki either...

  • 9 years ago

    From my understanding of the scriptures you are allowed to be tolerant of other faiths. But as a follower of Christ you are not allowed to engage in those practices. Yoga isn't all about stretching. It is a practice that is religious in nature. This is where it comes into conflict with Christianity. The point of the practice of yoga is to unit oneself with god, through breathing exercises, stretching and meditation. Through this process one focuses his attention inwardly to recognize habitual thought patterns without labeling them, judging them, or trying to change them. One must become more aware of his experiences from moment to moment. The awareness that the person cultivate is what makes yoga a practice, rather than a task or a goal to be completed. The body will most likely become much more flexible by doing yoga, but so does the mind. Yoga is more than just a physical exercise. We as Christians do not want to make our mind more flexible. We do not want to leave our mind open to false teaching. As Christians we are to meditate only on God and His Word. We are not to focus on ourselves or to clear our minds. The Bible never gives us a prescription to free our mind.

    There is nothing wrong with stretching at all. In fact stretching is a very useful exercise to help people stay healthy. The problem comes when one meditates and focuses on the religious aspects of yoga. One needs to distinguish between purely stretching and yoga. So if one is just purely stretching and is not practicing the philosophical and religious nature of yoga, then feel free to participate.

    And please don't be so hard on your friend. She's trying to honor her faith. The bible does warn us to be wary of other strange practices. She's not trying to be short sighted, intolerant or judgmental of others. She's just trying to follow the rules her faith has set for her. Please try to be as tolerant of her as you are of other religions.

  • 9 years ago

    I am a prophet of God and this is what

    God says...

    "I am God of all creation I am not limited to just the Christians. To all who seek my good and my love I will reward with eternal life. Why would I God destroy that which empowers my kingdom. Its like firing a good worker just because he calls you a different name then others.

    The light of the Earth shines in many different hemispheres from the east to the west. And different people call it different names. But the source of light is all the same. It comes from the sun. Likewise all good comes from me the centralized source of all that is good.

    The children of the father can run around take the fathers items and pretend that they are the father. But wouldn't the father know better than the kids? And when the father gets home and sees how the kids have misused his property how then will the father deal with them?

    Therefore if anything brings peace and healing to you or brings any form of emotions based on good. Then it is of me, for I am all that is good. But if anything makes you feel guilty or bad. If anything makes you feel sick or hurts you, then it is not of me. It is of the devil. So then learn the lesson to distinguish good from bad.

    For many who are claiming to be good are blinded by that which is bad. Seek first my love and I will open the scriptures up to you more than all the combined knowledge of all of mankind. Then the difference of good and bad will be as plain as the difference between daytime and nighttime. These are the words of the living one."

    I'm enclosing a link to prophecies that God has given me. I hope you check them out.

    Be Blessed,


    Source(s): God
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Oh you know since the whole practice was made to make you closer to false gods whicha according to our religion are demons the face that the bible says they you should not do the practices of other beliefs so yes it's not alright and it does not matter if you feel more "peace" or lost weight it's a sinful practice and of demons as the bibles says judge things using scripture and make sure your not doing it first do miss first you stop doing it then tell her to stop/not do it Jer 10:1-4 "Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel: Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not."

    2 Corinthians 6:17 "Come out from among them and be ye seperate" Psalm 95:5-7 5 For all the gods of the Gentiles are devils: but the Lord made the heavens.

  • Yun
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    There are many things out there with roots in Pagan religion, but no real Pagan practice. That's where the line is.

    If something came from somewhere wrong, but doesn't have anything in it that is wrong, then I don't have an issue with it.

    Sure yoga, chiropractic, and holistic medicine came from Eastern roots and other religions, but that doesn't mean there isn't real science or value in them.

    Let me put it this way:

    I'm sure some Pagan tribal shaman gave his people willow bark with some incantation to take away their pain. Does that mean I shouldn't take aspirin (which comes from willow bark)?

    Of course not.


    The problem is when you actually do go over into aspects of other religions.

    I would consider the "meditation" found in Yoga or other programs like that to be very questionable. While "meditation" is mentioned in the Bible, it is meditating on God's word and His works, not just trying to clear your mind and empty yourself.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I'm a Christian, and I see nothing wrong with yoga. So long as you are not using it to actively worship Hindu gods, it should be fine. Claiming that it is not okay is like telling non-Christians that they shouldn't sing hymns at their weddings - just because you do an activity doesn't make you a member of the religion.

  • Karl
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Shall we seek God and things of God or things not of God?

    Seeking things not of God leads us to other things not of God, thinking it is all OK. Sorry for the answer for it seems cold, but the truth is the truth and anyone can be misled into believing many false things.

    Is seeking only God in Christ a bad thing? this is what we are to do. Anything else is less than we are told to do by God in his word.

    Bless you and remember any change to the bible and who God is has us making a false God.

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