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Would you have more respect if they just admit the race issue? Serious question.?

Throughout Obama's bid for President and his two terms I just couldn't help but see so much potential being blocked at every turn by Republicans. It seemed like they didn't want to work with him and tried everything they could possibly think of to get Obama out of office. They have looked for any scandal any issue any reason to call him out on. And yet, they never came out and spoke of the great white elephant in the room. I think I would have more respect for them if they just came out and said they don't like Obama because he's black. There I said it. I think Obama is compassionate, intelligent, and able to relate to the common man with so much potential but how can he function in a world where Republican's go against him on everything even if it was just pure common sense not to. Example: Equal pay for women's bill, how could you vote against that? I tried to hear their message with an open mind but all I get is rhetoric on "how to take the country back" from whom? How Obama bows down to Allah, source? Since Republicans don't look like me don't think like me and obviously doesn't want to hear from me, I am no longer trying to hear their message. Just admit it, please. Thoughts?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, and when racists were open with their racism in previous decades, they WERE respected for their honesty. George Wallace is a great example, although he repented late in life.

  • y
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    You only hear what you wish to hear and the media is willing to supply one with whatever that is.

    The women's fair pay, crept into a lot more then just trying to even out pay and you would have seen that if you bothered to look at the full content of the bill.

    As far as the race stuff goes, that belief is a very large part of the problem.It's the policies, the direction of the country that many object to, not the color of his skin.

    Compromise? From the get go he excluded republicans in many discussions. He came right out and said we won, you lost, get over it. He also stated that republicans can get in the back and come along for the ride or they can get run over. He is the one that set the tone. After the election is won, the president is suppose to put rhetoric aside, he is suppose to put politics aside, and he is suppose to be the bridge. He ran on being the unifier not only for the country, but for the world. He has been anything but, he refuses to negotiate, compromise, he has continued to work for half, not all the country.

  • 8 years ago

    I don't know if it's a race problem. If Hilary Clinton was president would it be then a gender problem? I'm pretty sure Bill Clinton when he was president a lot of republicans probably didn't want to cooperate with him like Obama and it's not about race and gender with Bill Clinton. You got to remember it got to a point where Bill Clinton told off fox news for the stuff they say so for that I would say he had his problems too.

  • 8 years ago

    you can only see labels and skin color.... is that being "open-minded?"

    Example: "Equal pay for could anyone vote against that?" Did you know that the bill would force employers to pay women equal money based on job title and not experience or performance... if you had put in 10 years in a position as a top performer, how fair would it be to you to know that a new-hire automatically made just as much as you because she was female?

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I don't see how it could be racial. He is just as much white as black. His mother was white, Irish as a matter of fact.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Yeah, and they positively HATED Bill Clinton because he was white. Yup, that must be why they HATED him 24X7X52X8. Yup, fershure. No question 'bout it.


    Honey, lemme see if'n ah-kin hepyaowt: whin ya gitz all big an growed-up, yull be able to figger this stuff owt - till then, tho', fuhgeddabouddit!!! Jist sayun. Honey.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
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