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Can anyone explain to me how anyone can think that the tribulation will only be 3.5 months long?

My aunt thinks that the tribulation is only going to be 3.5 months long.

Somehow a TV preacher convinced her that the 7 years had been reduced to only 3.5 months because the BIBLE says that it had to be shortened or no-one could survive.

I tried to explain that there is no way it would be reduce that much since some of the plaques would be longer then that, and the 2 witnesses would be much longer then a few months, so she tried to claim that those must happen before the tribulation happens.

Can anyone help?

8 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is 7 years unless YHWH in His mercy shortens it for the elects sake.

  • Dalan
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    The 7 years is referred to as Jacob's Trouble. The last 3 1/2 years are the Great Tribulation.

    According to Daniel 9 the starting point for the counting is from the commandment to restore Jerusalem, which was on November 29, 1947.

  • Seaday
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    It seems she combined two prophecies and a popular theory. The first prophecy is from Daniel 9:24-27 and is called the 70 Weeks.

    The theory is called the 70th week of Daniel and was made popular by a man named Darby and lately by the Left Behind series of books by LaHayle. It takes the 70th week of the prophecy (which took place already in Israel after the 69th week oddly enough) , and puts it still to be fulfilled at the end of the world with an evil being called Antichrist ruling the world at the midpoint of the week, 3 1/2 years.

    The second prophecy was given by Jesus in Matthew 24:21-22 about a time of severe persecution, that would be shortened for the sake of the elect. Some believe this was the early persecutions of the church by Rome, but others again move it to the time of the end of the world and the Antichrist.

  • 8 years ago

    The first 3 1/2 years = trinulation

    Last 3 1/2 years = God's wrath

    rapture = half way point, between tribulation and Gods wrath. after sun and moon are darkened. God's wrath is from God, tribulation is from the world.

    Matt 24:29 Immediately "after" the tribulation

    Matt: 24: 31 and they(angels) shall gather his elect(believers)...elect = believers, pretribers will say it means the Jews and that this chapter is only talking to the jews to keep their false pretrib doctrine. But its not a sound doctrine if one reads the bible, especially, without preconceived ideas that pretribers heavily depend on. Plus, then when you read, Mark 13 and Luke 21 it talks about the same events over again.

    Read Rev 6:12 to 17 here, sun and moon are darkened, people who are still on earth cause they are non believers are afraid what is to come. ....key words in 17 "wrath IS come" in the KJV...all the other version pervert "Is come) to "has come" which throws a curve ball and you can say any time before that. However, Is come, lets us know God hasn't hurt the earth yet, so when is this time? right after the sun and moon are darkened, thus, the mid point. God hasn't hurt the earth, but will, why? because after sun and moon are darkened, it is now the time of God's wrath.

    tribulation is not the 7 years, thats a lie, and told by pretribers who don't distinguish between tribulation and Gods wrath. We are all to suffer in tribulation. John at patmos island as he wrote the book of revelation was in what? He was in tribulation at that time...All the prophets and apostles suffered what? tribulation....tribulation is the worlds persecution...not God's. So when pretribers say, Oh God would not have you be in tribulation(which they confuse with God's wrath)? He put his own son in the world who suffered tribulation, to die on the cross.

    Thats why Jhn 16:33 says, ye shall have tribulation. in John 16:1 it says "should not be offended".... of what should we not be offended? of tribulation ( persecution from the world),,,even unto death.

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  • Achmed
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    The Christian belief is it will be 3.5 years.

    In the first 3.5 years the antichrist will be setting up his kingdom and talking of peace. The second 3.5 years are the tribulation making the total sum of 7 years.

  • 8 years ago

    the tribulation will last 7 years just like the bible say no man can say it will be shortened

  • 8 years ago

    There is no condemnation in hell, only the outworking of our own misjudgments, mistakes, misalignments, or misappropriations. (Dr. PMH Atwater)

    Those with too many negative thought patterns might flee the light of God after death because they are too ashamed or too afraid to have their inner thoughts and negative natures revealed to everyone. (Dr. George Ritchie)

    I saw the reasons for all of my actions and understood why I did what I had done. There was a place for all of my positive and negative actions. There was no action that was necessarily wrong, but there were actions I took that did not enhance positive growth. (David Oakford)

    In hell, we have the opportunity to either revel in our folly or come to grips with the reality of consequences -that every action has a reaction, what is inflicted on another can be returned in kind. This is not a punishment for our sins but a confrontation with any distortion of our sense of values and priorities. (Dr. PMH Atwater)

    Just knowing the bad mistakes you made through your carelessness or your selfishness is a hell. You don't need a devil prodding you with a fork. (Margaret Tweddell)

    God does not condemn anyone to hell and there is no eternal damnation. We have the ability to condemn ourselves to the hell we create within ourselves. (Kevin Williams)

    The God of love suffers for those in darkness, ignorance and misery. (Nora Spurgin)

    Many people believe that those who don't give verbal assent to Jesus are cast headlong into eternal fire to burn forever. It should be common sense to anyone that a God of love would never treat people this way. As Jesus said, even an evil father knows how to give good things to children. (Kevin Williams)

  • Darrin
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Simply they dont know what they are talking about or they are greatly deceived.........>

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