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Lesbians: trying to understand, please help?

OK, you've probably answered this a thousand times. Please indulge me anyway. I am a hetero woman, and most of the time when I see lesbians together, or on TV or whatever, I really don't care, don't think much about it. Once in a while, however, when I see a girly-girl lesbian with a butchy-guy lesbian, I can't help but wonder...what makes a masculine woman attractive to a woman who prefers women? And what makes a woman who prefers women want to be butchy masculine? I have the same questions in reverse for gay guys, so if any of you have taken the time to read this question, feel free to answer.

I have zero interest in picking on you for your "lifestyle." I'm just trying to wrap this hetero brain around homo questions.

Trolls, feel free to give all the juvenile answers you wish. I need to exercise my eyeballs.


Regarding "lifestyle": I don't think homosexuality is a "choice" or a "lifestyle"; that is precisely why I use the quotation marks. Perhaps the subtleties of quotations marks other than enclosing dialogue have fallen out of use?

Regarding "hetero" and "homo": Sorry, it's a writer's thing. They both start with "H," and both encapsulate their sexual bias. No offense intended.

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Okay so first! I don't find homo offensive in the least..... It's just shortening homosexual. Am I right?

    Personally, I think attraction is all about the person within. Now, appearance and gender do have a lot to do with it. Blind people can still be heterosexual even if they can't see the person.

    But when I'm with a girl, I'm just thinking about how white her teeth are, how her hair smells. Things that aren't really gender specific.

    I don't like men not because of their appearance, but because men generally make me feel controlled and condescended, rather than protected and valued as straight women feel. So being with a more masculine woman isn't like trying to find a middle ground between a male and a female. For me it's just like being with a unique individual.

    Still, I prefer girls like myself, very feminine. Or, even better, feminine girls with a bunch of tattoos and a daredevil attitude!

    Anyhow, just one person's sexuality for ya.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    I don't see the difference with straight people. Imagine this. A normal average guy with a really attractive woman. Many people wonder how the hell they got together, and what this girl could possibly see in him. So you see, it's the same the situation. And all about preference. Also another example as how girls go out with douchebag dudes. That's all there is to it. It's the same pattern, you just can't see it since it involves the same sex. I find it a BIT insulting putting quotation marks around lifestyle, how nice of you. -.-

  • reme_1
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    We all have our 'types'. Some of us are more comfortable living very feminine and also like to date the same while others like to date more butchy gals.

    Some butchy women are more comfortable with other butchy women and some are more comfortable with softer feminine women.

    It is not a 'man' we are searching for. We do not want their macho attitudes or the junk in their pants.

    I personally am more attracted to women who are a bit femme but not a lot. I have no interest in dealing with someone who is high maintenance: hair styling, nails, girly clothes. I would rather be with someone who is not afraid to get her handy dirty on some project around the house but also looks nice when 'she cleans up'. I consider myself more of a 'tomboy' type of personality but now that I'm older no one notices. lol

    HUGS from a senior lesbian

    Please do not use the word 'homo' . Thanks

  • 8 years ago

    First off I would like to say that being homosexual is not a lifestyle. We are born this way. Is it a lifestyle to be something you can't control?

    A lot of times in the media, homosexuals are very stereotyped. You cannot believe everything you see on TV or the movies. And to answer your question, it is just people's personal preference to whom they like. There are some hreteosexual women who are attracted to skinny guys, some to tall guys, some to big guys. Some heterosexual guys attracted to big breast, some to short girls, some to tall girls.... whatever.

    Source(s): I am a gay man.
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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    If you can't wrap your "hetero brain" around "homo" questions, you might at least wrap it around the idea that "homo" is an offensive term.

    There is a tremendous difference between a butch woman and a man - any man. You don't HAVE to understand it, but it seems rather obvious that a man has a penis and a woman does not. That's most of the argument, right there.

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