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Favorite Answers41%
  • Canadians -- "You are the Sunshine of My Life"?

    I grew up around the US/Canada border, in Western New York State, in the 70s and 80s. Am I correctly recalling an ad on Canadian TV for some brand of orange juice that used "You are the Sunshine of My Life" as its main theme? Can you help me with this?

    3 AnswersToronto8 years ago
  • Lesbians: trying to understand, please help?

    OK, you've probably answered this a thousand times. Please indulge me anyway. I am a hetero woman, and most of the time when I see lesbians together, or on TV or whatever, I really don't care, don't think much about it. Once in a while, however, when I see a girly-girl lesbian with a butchy-guy lesbian, I can't help but wonder...what makes a masculine woman attractive to a woman who prefers women? And what makes a woman who prefers women want to be butchy masculine? I have the same questions in reverse for gay guys, so if any of you have taken the time to read this question, feel free to answer.

    I have zero interest in picking on you for your "lifestyle." I'm just trying to wrap this hetero brain around homo questions.

    Trolls, feel free to give all the juvenile answers you wish. I need to exercise my eyeballs.

  • What does it mean when a parolee is told by...?

    ...his parole officer that he is forbidden to live at a very specific address because there is "too much activity there"?

    As far as I know, "too much activity there" is exactly the way the parole officer phrased it. This parolee was forbidden from two very specific homes for that reason. Can you tell me, in much more direct words, what the parole officer meant?

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Has your name ever been featured in a song?

    My real name has been used in a number of variations: Kate, Katie, Kathy. One of my favorites is an old World War I tune, with "Jim" standing at the garden gate stuttering, "K-K-K-Katie, beautiful Katie, you're the only g-g-g-girl that I adore!"

    It seems I've heard dozens of names, girls and guys, used in songs. How about yours?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago
  • Vermicelli, spaghetti, linguine...what about....?

    "Angel hair" pasta? What is its Italian name? We use the Italian name for just about every other type of pasta, yet every box of angel hair pasta I've ever seen calls it...angel hair pasta. So what do the Italians call it, and why don't Americans call it that?

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • Fashionistas! Has anybody run away with "Runway"?

    I love "Project Runway," but I am definitely not a fashionista. I've been enjoying reruns lately, but I find myself wondering, have any or all of these season winners really gone on to anything big? Or did they fizzle and die?

    I've seen Austin Scarlett and Santino Rice invade country Texas towns to whip up dresses for prom queens -- d@mn funny stuff. But how about the rest of them? Can anybody really say they've made it in the fashion industry? Is there really anything to Christian Siriano besides "Fierce!" ?

    2 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Thoughts on heaven...share yours?

    Stephen Hawking has weighed in. Check it out, then share your thoughts:

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Darling Hubby is worried that he won't be able to...?

    ...see the Nebraska Huskers football and Big Ten football, in central California (Visalia/Fresno). How can I assure him he will be able to see just about every game? We will have cable or satellite TV.

    1 AnswerFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • Does anybody remember a TV commercial in which...?

    ...a guy wanders into a bar out of the desert. Dehydrated and barely able to talk, he orders some "dry, salty crackers." People in the bar watch in fascination while he chokes them down. Then he orders the product du jour, a bottle of some kind of soda, and washes it all down. The soda, of course, was so refreshingly wonderful, it was worth every dry bite of the crackers.

    What was the soda? What brand? Where can I see this ad again?

    My sister remembers a similar one in which the order is for a bag of potato chips.


    10 AnswersComedy1 decade ago
  • Can you tell it's spring, where you live?

    Here's how I know: I live on a gravel road out in the country. In the past few days, a couple of tractors went by, and one motorcycle (driving cautiously on the gravel). It's definitely spring!

    4 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • Ladies, how many of you will...?

    ...throw aside box after box of facial tissues on the store shelf, trying to find one that isn't butt ugly and matches your bathroom decor?

    I caught myself doing it today. Why do they have to make the boxes so dang ugly?

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • How long can a capitalist democracy last when there are no jobs?

    This is not intended as a political question. It's something I've been pondering since I read an opinion in the Wall Street Journal that NOBODY'S job is safe, anymore. Lawyers, doctors, tax preparers, all the bigwig I-got-a-college-degree jobs are going the same way as the auto workers and travel agents: jobs are going overseas, or made obsolete by technology.

    So I began to think...what happens to a capitalist system when there are far more workers than there are jobs? Then I thought about all the stuff going down in the Middle East, where they've been famously short of jobs for a very long time now, while their populations keep increasing. Can't say there's ever been much going there by way of, does being a democratic country make a difference to all of this? Does the fact that we get to vote for our leaders and thus, to some extent, our national policies, keep us more settled and satisfied, even though we are watching our jobs slip away?

    It boils down to: What happens to a capitalist democracy when there are no jobs? How long can a capitalist democracy last when there are no jobs?

    I don't necessarily have answers to these questions. I want to hear your ideas. Have at it!

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • What's on tap for you tonight?

    I'm finishing off a Leinenkugel's Fireside Nut Brown. (OK, it's out of a bottle, not on tap, I know!) One should be sufficient to knock me out, so that's where I'm quitting. How about you?

    1 AnswerBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • Anybody in or around Visalia, do you like it?

    Having spent the first 11 years of our marriage around his family, Darling Hubby and I are thinking of moving to Visalia to be closer to some of my family. They are in that immediate area. We have visited there and all around California many times, but now, thinking of moving to Visalia...what can you say that would convince us to do so? Or not? Thanks!

    2 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Are you out there, Caribou Coffee fans?

    Just curious how many folks (like me) have decided that Caribou Coffee rocks? Darling Hubby and I have tried all kinds of "premium" brands, and lots of supermarket brands, too. Hands down, Caribou Coffee wins with us. We grind and brew at home, mostly, and our favorites are Mahogany, Espresso, Guatemala, Columbian, French heck, there are a few CC roasts we don't like, but not many! If there's a CC store or kiosk where we're out and about, that's our place to sit down for a cup, too. Is it Caribou for you, or something else?

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • What about those Angry Birds?

    Is anybody else as loopy-stupid about this game as I am? It is wa-a-ay too much fun!

    (I play on my Droid X; what do you play it on?)

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • French fries dipped in strawberry shake?

    When Darling Hubby saw me doing it (over and over, it tasted so yummy!) at McDonald's last night, he said, "Why don't you just put gravy on them, too?" Obviously, DH is an unbeliever. How about you? What's the weirdest way you eat your fries?

    7 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • "The Producers" musical?

    OK, Darling Hubby and I think the ORIGINAL "The Producers" movie is a riot. We'd both heard that the recent stage musical was great, and certainly its popularity suggests so. Well, we haven't seen the stage show, but we did rent the movie version of the musical...and it stunk so bad we couldn't believe it! We expected it to be really good, and it was so-o-o far below the original--we almost didn't laugh at all. There wasn't a single good show tune in the bunch (and they ruined "Springtime for Hitler," too), scenes were WAY too long, the acting/humor was lame. We were so disappointed!

    That's my review. I'm curious how others feel about it, agree or disagree. Did it play better on stage than on screen? Did I miss something????

    13 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • In what order...?

    ...Do you perform the following:

    A. Buckle your seat belt.

    B. Start the car.

    C. Put the car in drive and start moving.

    My oh-so-unscientific observation suggests that, in general, women will do it in the order I listed above; men will actually start the car and get it moving, then pull the seat belt across and buckle it.

    I've noticed that I tend to start the car, then buckle, then start moving. Don't know why. How about you?

    34 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago