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Where would we be today, if we had applied a Ron Paul-style foreign policy, instead of the Obama/McCain style?

Led by Senator John McCain, the neocon faction of the Republican party strongly agrees with President Obama in support of more war, for the globalists.The only argument now is which side gets to approve attacks first. On the matter of foreign policy, there is no difference between the neocon faction of the Republican party and the Democrat elites. I don't think regular Democrats want more war any more than the libertarian faction of the GOP does. Corporate media of "liberal" and "conservative" marketing divisions, both agree that the people just need a good false-flag and proper "news" coverage to make both sides clamor for more war, death and destruction, in the name of nation-building in the globalist design and the children, of course. War s Peace.

We know that most establishment politicians on both sides of the aisle, strongly favor swift aggression to any war, to ensure submission of all nations that offend the banking cabal, so there is scant difference between either party on foreign policy.

How is the Democrat/neocon Republican foreign policy working out, so far and how might things be different, if we adopted a Ron Paul-style foreign policy that obeyed the Constitution, in place of the Obama/McCain style foreign policy?

13 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree with Timbuk4. Remember down the Damascus Road

    “See, Damascus will cease to be a city and will become a heap of ruins. Her towns will be deserted forever.”

    That’s a prophetic passage from the Biblical book of Isaiah, chapter 17, and now some fundamentalist Christian blogs are buzzing with the belief that the escalating violence in Syria means the ancient text may soon be fulfilled. ”The long prophesied end days are here,” one blog announces. “With the terrorist groups that operate out of Damascus building up arms caches on the border of Israel in anticipation of another war in the near future, it may not be long before this prophecy from Isaiah 17 becomes history,” another group awaiting Jesus Christ’s return predicts.

    Read more:

  • 8 years ago

    That depends on when we had started it. If we started it in 2009, we probably would still be in the process of shutting down the thousand or so foreign bases we have currently. Ghadafi would still be in power in Libya and hundreds of thousands of Libyans would be dead. On the other hand, we wouldn't have had a consulate in Benghazi to result in the deaths of four Americans. Egypt would still be the same, since we had no part in what happened there. The Syrian civil war would be over now, same results as in Libya.

    If you go back a little further, Iraq would still be a united country and the civil war that has been going on there since about 5 year after we invaded would not be happening. Al Qaeda would not be using it as a base from which to launch operations. Back during the Cold War, the USSR would have taken over all the countries they wanted to, and since we wouldn't be opposing them, it would not result in their bankruptcy and collapse in 1990. They would be the most powerful country in the world.

    Going back even further, Hitler might have conquered the world, etc.

  • 8 years ago

    Before anything is "waged" there needs to be one key point made known: the Objective. If not to "regime change", then what is the point? If it doesn't stop all killing of civilians not just from the proverbial "MWD" but by all arms, then what is the point? If a regime change brings about one ruled by extremists worse than the original despot, then what is the point? These are just some questions I want answered but the first one is: if Congressional approval is sought but not obtained and you attack anyways, (1) what is the point of our Constitution and (2) on what "moral high ground" do we preach from?\ to others? Nearly 100,000 people have already died in this conflict so what made the last 200 or so more important than the other 999,800? The fact that a "red line" was not drawn for them?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    If that happens, then American influence will then be on the wane and Russia and China will definitely takeover and influence events in the world, which I believe in my opinion, destructive to the goal of world peace. Rand Paul's version of America would be something akin to pre-World War II era. Today, with the exception of the Middle East and some parts of Africa, world peace is getting closer than ever.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Had we been following his foreign policy in the 1940's, we would all be speaking German and saluting images of Der Fuhrer. And of course our population problems would be over, with no more Jews, Blacks, and other non-Aryans.

    He is on drugs, it is not a problem if Iran acquires nukes?

    Senility is really sad.

  • 8 years ago

    Watching the world coming unglued even faster than it sometimes is, all the while singing to ourselves

    "Isn't it just tooooo cool that we get to hang out on this aircraft carrier called North America, safe from our enemies across the vast oceans?"

    Well, sort of safe. Until they come calling. See: Iran, ICBMs, and nuclear weapons.

    Yeah, ol' Randy's really on the ball. Yeah, fershure.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    We would be in Peace and Prosperity. Obviously. TRILLIONS IN THE BLACK!

    Congress needs to grow some stones and request that the UN send troops HERE to supervise some serious indictments of Bush and his accomplices and Congressional Impeachment Trials for the current Zionist Puppet Administration.

    Fact is we are not defending our own constitution. We need help.

    Chemical False Flag attack in Syria had been in planning for many years.


    Everyone who sees the truth start wearing FU(K I$RAEL T-Shirts EVERY DAY EVERYWHERE!


  • 8 years ago

    Do you have any idea how much the weapons industry alone employs people in the United States.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago


  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Broke. Some of us do business internationally.

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