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Is the forced closure of a bakery in Greshem Oregon a parallel to "Kristallnacht" in Nazi Germany?

A bakery in Gresham Oregon has closed under pressure by LBGT activists. Similar events have recently occurred elsewhere in the United States (New Mexico, Tennessee). Is this a scaled down version of the tactics Nazis used in 1938, to drive out Jews from the economy of Germany?


To Adi and Katie - thanks for your thoughts, I agree it is not equal (not even close), but perhaps you missed the portion of the question which read "is this a scaled down version" of that tragic night.

Is it not an act of intolerance to drive business owners who do not fit in the "new society" by disrupting their business to the point of closure? As in Kristallnacht, our government is compliant to these things (See the New Mexico case below)

Update 2:

To Adi and Katie - thanks for your thoughts, I agree it is not equal (not even close), but perhaps you missed the portion of the question which read "is this a scaled down version" of that tragic night.

Is it not an act of intolerance to drive business owners who do not fit in the "new society" by disrupting their business to the point of closure? As in Kristallnacht, our government is compliant to these things (See the New Mexico case below)

Update 3:

To Adi and Katie - thanks for your thoughts, I agree it is not equal (not even close), but perhaps you missed the portion of the question which read "is this a scaled down version" of that tragic night.

Is it not an act of intolerance to drive business owners who do not fit in the "new society" by disrupting their business to the point of closure? As in Kristallnacht, our government is compliant to these things (See the New Mexico case below)

Update 4:

wow - a triple post.

Anyway, perhaps the most telling reply is:

"they got what they asked for." Yeah, that's tolerance for you......

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Normally I reject such comparisons but it is EXACTLY like that

    its not like the place doesn't have other bakeries

    Well done Bakery Owner

    “Better is a poor man who walks in integrity than a rich man who is crooked in his ways,”

    Source(s): and now, nobody has cakes....well done homonazis
  • 8 years ago

    Ummm... No.

    Kristallnacht was the Nazi's and supporters destroying Jewish businesses and homes by breaking their windows and doing other destructive activities. The name of that event was because there was so much glass on the ground that it looked "Crystal-like", so then it was forever known as Crystal Night.

    From what I understand about this bakery and the other events, these businesses were closed after being harassed. The Jews didn't close up shop or move until they were forced to by the Nazi's pointing guns at them and LITERALLY forcing them to close-up and move.

    Quite different. Just missed it....

    By a mile...


  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    The difference is that the situation with the bakery is not government-sanctioned like Kristallnacht was.

    They have a right to run their business as they see fit, but perhaps they should have taken the trouble of seeing local stats on same-sex couples. It's probably a fast-growing demographic there.

    The usual practice of any business that provides a service is not to care who or why, as long as they want to buy.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    During the night of broken glass, some people were killed and a few thousand people were arrested. Did anything like this happen in Oregon?

    Edit: I am not american and even if I read what happened in Oregon, I am not the best person to judge it. That's because I don't now exactly what the american government is doing and how it affects the everyday life of americans. I watch the news, I know what's happening in the world (and America) but I still can't judge anything because I don't live there. I just pointed out the major difference between Kristallnacht and the incident in Oregon.

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  • 8 years ago

    - Interesting that the owner quotes the first amendment as if it had any thing to do with his business, but it was closed down becuase other people were exercising their first amendment rights. the business "may" have the right to not sell to some one if they choose, it is still a matter under discussion having to do with discrimination, but the public has the absolute right to say what they want about that business and to protest it if they choose. the article uses the word "violence" in there but I did not see where any thing violent happened.

    portion of the question which read "is this a scaled down version" of that tragic night

    - People destroying and bombing businesses because they do not like that person and people protesting some ones bigotry is not the same thing. You and the owners want to think so, but that is your fantasy.

    Is it not an act of intolerance to drive business owners who do not fit in the "new society" by disrupting their business to the point of closure

    - Is it not an act of "intelerance" to refuse to sell to some one just because they do not ascribe to your particular fantasy. Where did it begin. Who threw the first "intolerant" stone.

    As in Kristallnacht, our government is compliant to these things

    - The government did not tell those people not to sell to "those kind of people" that was their choice, the people who believe in the 1st amendment decided to say something about it. But you want to make it into something so far fetched it is absurd.

    they got what they asked for." Yeah, that's tolerance for you

    - Exactly, if you walk into Harlem and start calling people *****rs is it any surprise that some one might pop you one? You of course think they would be intolerant, but then you think your stand is perfect.

    In other words, Christians who live and work in Oregon must follow man’s law instead of God’s law.

    - funny, your magic books SAYS Render unto Caesar's what is Caesar's, but that is an inconvenient part and christianity is nothing if not a religion of convenience.

    Klein said it’s becoming clear that Christians do not have the “right to believe what we believe.”

    - You have EVERY right ot believe what you want, you just do not have the right to force other people to believe your personal fantasy.

    The Bible tells us to flee from sin,” she said. “I don’t think making a cake for it helps. I guess in my mind I thought we lived in a lot nicer of a world where everybody tolerated everybody.”

    - So did other people until THEY did not tolerate people who did not believe the way they did. Does any of this hypocrisy sink in at all?

    - If the bakery refused to sell cakes to blacks becuase they were the evil sons of Ham, would you support them then?

  • 8 years ago

    I'm not gay...but I would NEVER patronize any business that discriminated against gays. Or blacks or jews or any other minority.

    These ignorant bigots learned that bigotry and business don't mix. When you open a business to serve the public, then you are at the mercy of public opinion. Fortunately, the majority of the public does not agree with knuckle-scrapers like this who discriminate against others.

    If they'd rather lose their business than open their minds...they got what they asked for.

    Edit: @ No Chance (whatsoever) "well done homonazis"

    Well done showing what a hateful, bigoted and DISGUSTING religion you represent. People like you sicken me and no doubt would sicken your jaysus too, if he existed.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    So lets see. Is protesting bassackwards bronze age inspired bigotry the same thing as racism inspired imprisonment and genocide. It isn't.

    I'm surprised that this actually has to be explained to you.

    Did you notice that in your very biased article unlike your Nazi comparison the government did not swoop in and shut them down? They just went out of business. Have you considered the fact that what most likely drove them out of business was that their customers didn't want to support their bigotry? All these protestors did was bring their bigotry to light. These people are the epitome of christian hypocrisy. Their own supposed "savior" tells them to judge not lest they be judged. Yet they will stand there and look a *person* in the face and refuse to bake a cake for them because they judge them based on who they love? These a**clowns should have gone out of business.

    Source(s): I am not gay. And I would not give those self righteous pricks my business either.
  • 8 years ago

    So you're comparing a COMMERCIAL BOYCOTT and a LEGAL CASE, with forced closure, murder, and physical destruction at the hands of uniformed street thugs?

    Do you think people should, instead, have been FORCED to spend their money with these bigots, and that they should be exempt from discrimination laws?

    Good luck with that sense of proportion problem you've got.

    Did you even READ the facts in the story you linked to?

  • 8 years ago

    Sorry - I do not read links from this site.

    Are you saying that Gay stormtroopers smashed up stores and killed proprietors of minority businesses in Oregon?

    That's horrible.

    I'll have to google the situation.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You're point is instantly invalidated when you bring up the NAzis

    I have no idea if the closures of these businesses was just or not, but no, it is nothing whatsoever like Kristallnacht.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    yes, it is paralel and similar however, someone said the supreme court already ruled that the constitution is outdated, at least thats what someone said earlier today.

    where have you been? they have been closing legal businesses that are not agenda 21 compliant for the least of offenses. men with machine guns and probably having no oath to thte constitution as well, have been shutting down milk farmers and sheep farms and even wild pig farms, in fact they blew up a house and killed its owner according to allegations.

    Source(s): see dvd farmegeddon, Food inc.
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