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Where have you experienced Love,...?

the Love beyond physical or emotional, or even mental love?

For myself, it has happened so many times in Nature, where my mind quiets and i became one with my surroundings. I also experience this Love when i look deeply into the eyes of an infant and experience their incredible innocence. Both ways i am able to "fall in(to) Love."

It seems, at these times, that nothing else exists but this most amazing communion...the communion of union...union with All That Is.

Where/when have you known this Love? Please share your own Love story.

12 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Spiritual Love is the most incredibly amazing Love I have ever experienced. When I visually think of The One who has guided, protected, and nourished me all my life, a warm glow trickles down all about me and within, and I get goosebumps all over! The tears begin to flow and I feel truly thankful!

    Peace and Blessings

    *You post the most intense questions - thank you.

  • flip
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Very interesting Sirius - I know that feeling /sensation / intensity and I hadn't thought of it as love until I read the question. It is connection - the kind of event that makes nerve endings tingle, the senses intensify and everything feel "perfectly right". I have found it sitting under gumtrees by the river at dusk with a little breeze on the face and a distant bird. Connection / love / peace / being at one ?

    Thank you.

  • 8 years ago

    Love can be classified into 2 categories.

    Love can be a Feeling and Love can be an Action.

    Most of us classify Love as a feeling. You see something, some view, or someone and fall in love with it or that person. This Love is a feeling. This is Love where you take and take from that person or a thing. This is a parasitic form of Love

    Then there is Love that is Action which is also classified in two types. One is where you do something for a person you love, but then you expect something in return from that person. That is Transactional Love.

    Then there is higher form of Love where Love is an action which comes out of a sense of duty - you understand, you care, you respect and you be responsible for that person or thing without any expectation of any return from that person. But this type of Love comes from a sense of duty. You may not feel like doing something for that person or thing, but you do it out of sense of duty.

    Lastly, there is a highest form of Love which is an action, where Love flows naturally through you because it is your nature to perform action selflessly. Just like how the sun shines, how the cloud rains, how the wind blows, how the flower blooms and gives out fragrance. Because it is their nature to act so selflessly. That is the highest form of Love where the essence of your being which is Love, naturally flows through you without thought of any return or expectation. That is selfless Love which is pure and unadulterated. You give and give of yourself because it is now become your nature.

    In essence the nature of the spirit souls that we are is LOVE

    These are ascending levels of Love which I learned from my spiritual teacher.

    He has depicted this Love in a short docu-movie which I would like to share with the readers here for better understanding on the subject.

    I personally keep going back and forth between the 2nd and 3rd form of Love. But with practice and my teacher's grace, I would love to perform all acts selflessly in true essence of the nature of my spirit.

    It may take a lifetime or it may happen overnight, but everyone must aspire to reach this fourth stage of Love. Because truly Selflessness is in our own Selfish interest. Lets all start now. Lets start with small acts of kindness selflessly to all those lives we touch because practice makes one perfect.

    There was also an English movie which demonstrated on this premise, I think the name of the movie is "Pay it Forward".

  • 8 years ago

    I'll tell you what i feel , if you're a Nature lover , go into a far forest , get very quiet , you'll experience that you're connected with everything

    Thats addictive

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  • 8 years ago

    Love of self enquiry carries me always. Dharma, the ultimate essence of everything from the smallest atom to the largest organism is law. This law I love. This Self I love. And for me the highest form of worship is to recognize this in all beings. There is no difference between any.

  • 8 years ago

    With Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Actually I cannot. Always, problems of life haunts me on such occasions, so I cannot truly "fall in love", there are times like you mention but it does not last long.

    "I am serious".

  • 8 years ago

    Yes, feeling of one with all that exist, when one sees all in oneself and oneself in all; it is a real ecstasy, highly enriching and uplifting "orgasmic" experience.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    In the passenger seat of my Honda.

  • 8 years ago

    my belief / opinion

    if you can put down "THAT" experience

    in words

    on paper


    you have actually "NOT" experienced


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