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Is the U.S. job market actually getting anywhere...?

I keep seeing it said that more jobs are being created in the U.S., but I also see (and know) that more people have to work two jobs to get by, because they can't live on one paycheck anymore. I know of several stores and businesses that cut nearly all their employees to part-time, but hired more people (part-time) to fill in the work force. Is the number of jobs increasing at a fast enough rate to cover this? Is it a consideration when coming out with the numbers of new jobs, or are jobs that can't be survived upon alone counted?

I overheard someone talking about this and now I'm curious.

6 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The people who lost there jobs when every thing went crazy, will never have the high paying jobs they had before. It was a great time for the companies because they lowered there salaries. now everything is a little better but the many have jobs that they make only half of what they were making before.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    jobs are the problem of Companies NOT the government . out sourcing and changing from a production to a service economy is the big problem.

    AND now the robots are coming. Robot factories.driverless cars and airplanes , Space robots. I have a robot vacuum cleaner. in 50-100 years there will be almost NO working jobs for anyone

    it is difficult to count jobless ness. so the rule is count only those getting unemployment insurance, count "new jobs" as reported by companies, they have to file that employment information.

    I think that in 100 years we will have some different system for people to get the money they need to buy things.

    Europe "solves the problem" by reducing work hours and overtime, giving more vacation time and requiring companies to hire as many as possible.

    Productivity per person has increased greatly in the last decades but the companies kept the profits and reduced labor costs..

    read Richard Wolffe and Robert Reiche, economists.

    Source(s): we are a consumer economy and people need income in order to buy the products.
  • 8 years ago

    Yes.. If you added in everyone who stopped looking for work back into the U3 unemployment number from the bls, the headline unemployment number would be 11.3%.

    There have been more people leaving the workforce for the past 40 consecutive months than have found new jobs in the past 40 months.

    Where is the recovery?

  • 8 years ago

    No it is not getting better just that fewer and fewer of the people who can work have stopped looking.

    According to the last report there are still well over 2 million jobs that have not been added that should be to get the unemployment back down below the 5%.

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  • 8 years ago


    yes, infiltrated - the 30 to 50 million illegal immigrants[Jer51:14{Isa1:7}] are here doing the jobs Americans won't do[the jobs they would not do a decade ago]

    ALL the numbers can be considered as the 'red line' now.

    And it is not as David Letterman said that after 5 years Obama has finally learned how to bullish*t, it is that after 5 years America can finally see its all bullish*t -

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Pay attention.

    The job reports are overcounted in Big Headlines EVERY MONTH. Then later revised downward, usually on page 27. Ever sense Otawa got in the WH.

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