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Lv 4
Rick asked in SportsAuto RacingNASCAR · 8 years ago

How can NASCAR justify not giving Gordon back the spot in the Chase hes had before Bowyer cheated?

So, basically, NASCAR is just picking who they want in the Chase and who they don't? I don't think Bowyer should have been allowed to compete in the Chase but, at least, NASCAR did something to acknowledge that he cheated. How can they do something to correct every other aspect of the results that were affected and not give Gordon back his spot? Gordon was a lead pipe cinch to make the last spot in the Chase if Bowyer hadn't intentionally spun.

14 Answers

  • E
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are definitely some idiots on here.

    Gordon absolutely would have made the Chase if MWR's manipulating didn't happen, and anyone who objects either wasn't watching the race or can't do math.

    Gordon was 2 points to the good before Bowyer spun. Bowyer's spin directly affected Gordon being screwed out of the Chase.

    But since NASCAR insists they didn't find enough evidence that Bowyer spun intentionally, they can't give Gordon back the spot.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    They are not going to do anything more than they have done. I for one think what Bowyer done was sorry, Does he think Truex would have done it for him No he would not have. Even though there is only 12 drivers in the chase I think if they are not going to take Bowyer out then they need to make it 13 driveers and put Gordon in there also. I am not a Gordon fan but that was wrong

  • Racer
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Last year at Phoenix, Jeff Gordon intentionally wrecked Clint Bowyer and ruined any chance Bowyer had at winning the championship. So I think it was poetic justice that Bowyer's intentional spinout unintentionally kept Jeff Gordon out of the chase (he missed it by 2 points). You know what they say; what goes around comes around! lol!

    And oh, by the way, what penalty did Gordon get last year when he took out Bowyer?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    It's motorsports competition, and NASCAR is taking away the strategy from the teams and the drivers, which will ultimately make the "sport" boring and dull. Remember the saying "boys have at it"? What the hell does that mean, the drivers can't even voice their opinion in an interview. Now they have to drive and race a certain way. I hope all the whiners are ready to come back in here and cry again when NASCAR manipulates the drivers in the chase. People need to quit being sissys, and let the competition speak for itself

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  • don't worry, looks like Jeff Gordon might be in the chase after all, Fox Sports just revealed that Joey Logano also may had cheated to get into the chase too with the help of David Gilliland. just found about it on NASCAR Race Hub on Fox Sports 1. i hope NASCAR drops the hammer again and right the wrong and take Logano out and put Gordon in the chase, Jeff got screwed too. they need to drop the hammer before Sunday.

  • Tom
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    They don't have to. They do what they want and they don't get people aren't buying it. Seats in the stands are empty and ratings are down. NASCAR needs to stop making so many changes over little stupid stuff and needs to work on making sure the integrity of the sport is regained.

    I don't like Gordon but think he should be in and Bowyer should be out for the rest of the year. But that's just my opinon.

  • 8 years ago

    They just added Jeff Gordon as #13 in the chase!

  • 8 years ago

    Logano beat Gordon by 1 point. Without Vickers pitting and moving Logano up that 1, it would have been a tie. After which, Logano would have got in anyway, since he had a win and Gordon didn't. So Gordon would not make the chase period, regardless of and attempted fixing.

  • Pete
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    "When your boss tells you to do something at work you do it . "

    C'mon man. That's just plain stupid.

    If your boss tells you to do something unethical, that will reduce your integrity

    to that of a weasel, and you do it, then you are a moron.

    Your boss tells you to falsify a legal document, so that another employee

    can look really good, but you get nothing, you're going to do it??

    And don't forget, Bowyer has a CONTRACT. He's going to get let go

    because he did not throw a race?? and in the court proceedings, he isn't

    going to tell his side to keep getting his multimillion dollar salary??

    Dream on....

  • 8 years ago

    Gordon wasn't getting in period! Bowyer isn't the bad guy he was just following team orders. When your boss tells you to do something at work you do it (unless you want a close up view of the back of the unemployment line). Nascar is guilty of using their magic rule that could be interpreted by Nascar to mean anything Nascar says it means. Just Nascar moving pawns around at their will in a high speed game of Chess. Nascar is the guilty party here!

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