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What in hell's name is going on? This new-look Answers is unfathomable.?

I cannot navigate around it, but when I tried to find my Contacts answers, it told me no-one in my Contacts had answered any questions in the last week. And I can't find my Contacts list to try seeing what anyone HAS in fact answered (I know full fine they have answered questions because I could see them last night!).


EDIT: Sorry, Choko, but as this is the section I'm active in and the place where I wanted to be able to find my Contacts, it seemed an entirely reasonable place to ask the question. Sorry you're offended.

Update 2:

EDIT2: Samwise, since you can see my contacts list, please would you tell me how to find it? I'm not an idiot, but in the new format I have been unable to discover how to find it. Hence my comment - it's not hugely helpful of you just to make a derogatory remark.

I have also now discovered that if I put myself back in the UK version (I am in the UK), I still, currently, have the old version and then everything's simple.

Update 3:

And the weird thing is, now I can't even find how to get back to the 'new' version! I click on the US site and I get the old look. Bemused.

7 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Yep. It's all about which version you're accessing it through. They've been borking the U.S. one for at least a month now. Clicking from links in email (BA notice or e-mail) can change which version they're running you through too.

    Try to stick with the UK version (flags on the bottom are a tedious but fairly reliable way to get back). Rumour is Canada is still safe too. Try that if need be.

    [edit: maybe the UK is borking too and i'm still protected because of my browser. have seen several people suggesting Canada.]

    While you're using either the UK or Canada's, look for the or and note the place where the country code goes. Then whenever you accidentally get sent to a page with the horrible format, try typing uk or ca into that space and reloading the page.

    Source(s): Shanah tovah (((Ambi))) (((fractal))) you two know each other, don't you? fractal - apparently there's some browser related issues too. try using something different. (i'm using a semi-obscure mac one, so i'm hoping that gives me an extra month or two.) if you have a backup account, see what it's doing. people have reported different formats on different accounts.
  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I can see your Contacts list. Why the heck can't you?

    The one irritation I have with the new format is that they put a link to my Yahoo! profile, which pops up a "sign-out" option, about where I used to see a link to my Answers activity. The profile link stays in a narrow frame at the top of the page, while the activity link (with all the connections to Qs, As, and Contacts) scrolls up out of sight as you go down the page. If that's what's messing you up, all I can suggest is that you get used to it.

    It means you don't have to page up to get to a quick sign-out link any more. But I agree that it's more complicated than useful.

  • 8 years ago

    unfathomable is right!

    that's strange though, i'm also in the uk and i'm constantly finding myself flipped between the old and the new formats - which i find extremely disconcerting. so, it's canada or australia for me :)

    (((angels))) is the same thing not happening to you?

    the two most annoying things about this new format (and there are quite a few things) is that i cannot see a way to email my contacts and that you don't seem to get your network's q&a easily. what happens when it goes live globally? :(

    do you reckon they're just trying to break the party up?

  • OK choko...... why is God allowing such disgusting upgrade actions as YA is engaging in now..... I would like to know what the hell is going on too

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 8 years ago

    Yeah, it's a bit confusing, but that doesn't excuse you for posting your "Yahoo! Products" question in the "Religion and Spirituality" section.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Yep. New format is ridiculously stupid.

  • 8 years ago

    maybe they had to upgrade your passport? :-)

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