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. Smith asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 years ago

george bush a war criminal?

Did you know that bush,cheney and others have been convicted of committing war crimes?

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    There have been many attempts over the last few years to prosecute former president Bush, vice president Cheney, and other senior members of his administration for war crimes of various sorts. None of those until recently were successful. Well, one of those prosecutions has now ended up in a conviction—in absentia, of course. And that took place in Malaysia. .

    I still know that OBAMA IS THE WORST PRSIDENT IN AMERICAN HISTORY. But I also know the truth about all presidents that have served in my life time and I am aware that no president have been true and faithful when it comes to laws of the world. I honestly don't think there is an honest person in politics. . As I'm no fool to deny the truth, regardless of wether I support them or not.


  • Anonymous
    8 years ago


    Every "world leader" since WW2 is a Convicted War Criminal

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Lets be honest.....Isn't every President a War Criminal?

    Starting with Washington who Northern Native American tribes still to this day refer to him as "Town Destroyer"

    Maybe we should look at our foreign policy for the last 50 years rather then attacking a particular man or party

  • 8 years ago

    They didn't do anything that FDR, Truman, Kennedy and LBJ didn't do. And no they have not been convicted of any crimes at all.

    Matter of fact Obama has done all they did and far more.

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  • Par 4
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    If Bush and Cheney were convicted then why aren't they behind bars?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The only country that might give an American president trouble is North Korea. And when that poor country finally (if ever) gets a sane ruler, it will pursue democracy.

  • 8 years ago

    We were his enablers by voting carelessly so his crimes are ours, too, in the eyes of the world,

    It is we who let criminals run the polling cites especially in Florida which empowered Bush who used our money and our children to perpetrate inhumane crimes upon humanity Mr. O is out-bushing Bush.

    500 children a day are dying from these sequels to war and sanctions and that the death rate for Iraqi children under 5 years of age increased from 23 per 1000 in 1989 to 166 per thousand in 1993. Overall, cases of lymphoblastic leukemia more than quadrupled with other cancers also increasing 'at an alarming rate'. In men, lung, bladder, bronchus, skin, and stomach cancers showed the highest increase. In women, the highest increases were in breast and bladder cancer, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma.1 On hearing that DU had been used in the Gulf in 1991, the UK Atomic Energy Authority sent the Ministry of Defense a special report on the potential damage to health and the environment. It said that it could cause half a million additional cancer deaths in Iraq over 10 years. In that war the authorities only admitted to using 320 tons of DU-although the Dutch charity LAKA estimates the true figure is closer to 800 tons. Many times that may have been spread across Iraq by this year's war. The devastating damage all this DU will do to the health and fertility of the people of Iraq now, and for generations to come, is beyond imagining. The radioactivity persists for over 4,500,000,000 years killing millions of every age for centuries to come. This is a crime against humanity which may rank with the worst atrocities of all time. We must also count the numberless thousands of miscarried babies. Nobody knows how many Iraqis have died in the womb since DU contaminated their world. But it is suggested that troops who were only exposed to DU for the brief period of the war were still excreting uranium in their semen 8 years later and some had 100 times the so-called 'safe limit' of uranium in their urine. The lack of government interest in the plight of veterans of the 1991 war is reflected in a lack of academic research on the impact of DU but informal research has found a high incidence of birth defects in their children and that the wives of men who served in Iraq have three times more miscarriages than the wives of servicemen who did not go there.

    The easiest way to control someone is hook them on heroin. We are stockpiling it now. An addict with access to the drug can continue to be an honest and upright person but when it is withheld by a controlling person, one is enslaved. They can be: manipulated to commit heinous crimes they'd never have considered before facing withdrawal..

    Are you aware that O went to Burma the day after the Benghazi incident Although the media kept it pretty quiet.

    Hooking a virgin on heroin can turn her into a street whor e, a straight man into a gay, a kind and honest person into a thief or even a murderer .

    Smart Meters being deployed across America are easily turned into weapons that can target individual households, altering their brain waves through the radio transmissions, making normal people person crazy, violent and even suicidal. .

    Why are we in Afghanistan really? Well, several different soldiers have admitted to me their job there was to guard opium fields. Second biggest opium producer is, you guessed it, Burma.

    The anti war protesters of the 60s were quieted by releasing heroin on the streets in San Francisco..

    The USSR fell after Afghanistan's heroin was dispersed there. Japan took over China in WW1 by hooking the last emperor on heroin. Given three days in a row, you become addicted. Missing a fix can be so terrible people and people will commit heinous crimes to avoid the comedown.

    Burma's 'Godfather Of Heroin' Dies, But Drug Trade Flourishes As ...

    Jul 10, 2013 ... Lo Hsing Han was only one part of Myanmar vast illegal narcotics empire. ...

    producer of opium (the source of heroin), behind only Afghanistan.

    Source(s): Making Afghanistan Safe for Heroin - Boiling Frogs Post Dec 13, 2009 ... 1990s, Burma: DEA Agent Richard Horn, whose case was recently settled ... to bring democracy and an end to the heroin trade in Afghanistan. Tthe WMDs were not found in Iraq because they had been sent to Syria. Saddam, Ghaddafi, Muruburak and Assad 's crimes, evil to be sure, pale in comparison to what Bush started and Obama continued. He approved use of chemical gases on Iraqi civilians and exposed hundreds of thousands of US soldiers. Depleted Uranium will continue to mutate and kill for an estimated 4.5 trillion years.
  • 8 years ago

    Yes just don't understand why they haven't been imprisoned yet

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    yes, I've heard that..but nobody has EVER shown me an indictment!..will YOU show me one?.or are you just like all the OTHER retards who just claim a "friend of a friend" told you this?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    War CrinmeS?

    As in more than one?

    Just name ONE for me.

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