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Can anyone answer this jw's question that asked over and over again on R & S?

It is not enough to simply claim that Jehovah's Witnesses are delusional and wrong, where is your answer to what God's purpose is for mankind and the earth?

What have you learned from the scriptures that you believe is the truth? What is the answer to all of mankind's problems?

What Christian group on earth is fulfilling Matthew 24:14 today?

I will attempt to answer this apparently sincere question after your thoughts.


@ Ok I will have a go at each individual question:

""It is not enough to simply claim that Jehovah's Witnesses are delusional and wrong, where is your answer to what God's purpose is for mankind and the earth? ""

By your definition no one can point to errors without revealing the right answers. So you argue that corporate whistle-blowers who reveal malfeasance and corruption must also identify a competitor company or organization that is error/corruption free? Is that what you are suggesting? I think you get my point.

If is enough for a former member to feel a responsibility, perhaps to his former fellow employee's and their famlies, to reveal just how that corruption may be hidden from their view. And how much danger they may be in by continuing to work in that company/organization.I would suggest that that is courageous and the really loving thing to do. Telling them where to find another job, is beyond the scope. Risky to say the least. What if tha

Update 2:

......What if that former insider has no alternative, is completely unaware if there even IS a better corporation or company or organization, that is error or corruption free. Why would that person take the risk of referring an alternative place to go. I would be remiss, and making assumptions I have no knowledge about.

@@""What have you learned from the scriptures that you believe is the truth? What is the answer to all of mankind's problems?""

I do not claim to have the answers. I do not even in the slightest sense feel that must be compelled to answer everyone's questions about what is "truth". The very fact you ask that of me, shows just how deep you have been conditioned to expect a group of men to provide you with such easy access to "answers". There may well be no final authority that will clearly answer ALL of "mankind's problems".

I have learned enough from what little I have learned in examining the bible, and

Update 3:

...reading it straight through several times, that the bible does not directly answer the questions either. Men must stick their grimy hands into the pot, and start interpreting what God really, really, wanted to say. Thus we have over 30,000 denominations of christendom today.

All I can tell you is, I could care less what a group of old men in Brooklyn NY think the bible says to them. I can read, I can ponder as well as the next man. If God did provide the bible as message to mankind, I know he did not expect us to turn over our will, our own thinking ability, our very inner faith, to any man or group of men. That is the only truth I have gleaned from all my efforts to seek the truth.

Update 4:

@@@""What Christian group on earth is fulfilling Matthew 24:14 today?""

I consider this question a mute, non question. You and your organization of men display their grimy hands of interpretation all over this chapter and others, where Jesus is clearly and unambiguously talking in parables. Parables are not considered to be prophecies, they are stories to make a point.

Such brazen interpretation of Jesus words as being prophetic of some 20th century religious body of men, and the salesmen they use to spread a so-called good news taking a unwarranted license. A leap of conjecture. Especially when other similar organizations who started about the same time as the Watchtower have accomplished even more in just as many lands of the earth.

11 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    According to the bible:

    God's purpose for mankind and the earth is found in the bible. One only needs to read the bible to see what it is. See Genesis 1:26-28 and Revelation 21:1-5

    The answer to all of mankind's problems is God through Jesus and the kingdom.

    There is no single group on Earth today who has fulfilled Matthew 24:14. It can be argued that that scripture has already been fulfilled in the efforts of many professed christians the world over as opposed to any one single group. (Romans 15:20; Philippians 1:15-18)

    The great mistake that JWs make is limiting the definition of the good news of the kingdom to being just the message that God's kingdom is a government that will bring paradise. As a result of this very narrow definition, they think that they are the only ones preaching the good news. But if you look at the NT you would see that first century christians preached a lot more about Jesus' role as the messiah than they did about the governmental aspect of the kingdom message. In other words, the kingdom message is a mutl-faceted one. It's not limited to just the "government that will bring paradise" message that JWs are preaching. Sincere christians, who for centuries before the JWs, were preaching about Jesus being the messiah and the need to exercise faith in him for salvation, were preaching the good news of the kingdom! This is why I say that no one group is preaching the good news the world over. JWs seem to focus just on one facet while ignoring the other, while other christians focus on another facet while ignoring the other. But they're all preaching facets of the good news - mixed with error. But there is the widespread availability of the bible today, to allow persons to sift the truth from the error. So really, the good news is being preached the world over through the efforts of all professed christians together with the widespread distribution of the bible. There is no one organization that has the truth. There are just multiple organizations teaching truth mixed with error. When Jesus finally comes at the end he will separate the weeds from the wheat. That is what I gather from what the bible is saying.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    If we look few verses earlier, Jesus had warned that false prophets would arise and deceive many people (vs 11). A few verses further on, Jesus gave a specific example of a false prophet: claiming that Jesus had returned (either secretly, behind closed doors, or away out in the desert - either way meaning that very few people would 'see' him. vss 23-27)

    This lets us know that false gospels would be preached, so it isn't good enough for a group to evidence much activity preaching their gospel - the critical point is whether they're preaching the gospel of the kingdom that Jesus taught about. As Paul warned in Galatians chapter 1, even if he, or an angel from heaven came with another gospel, they would be cursed by God.

    So if JWs are preaching a different gospel to the one Jesus taught, they are not fulfilling Matthew 24:14 at all, no matter how many millions [Billion] of hours they devote to it!


    But the JW does fit with Jesus warning that false prophets would arise and deceive many people (vs 11)

    SO there is no way Jehovah's Witnesses can claim to be Christian group on earth is fulfilling Matthew 24:14 today


    Edit: [Correction]

    2013 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses. Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. 2011. p. 31 (..... in 'Field Service Report' indicated a total of more than 1.7 billion hours of preaching up till 2012)

  • 8 years ago

    Well, the part about the end coming is going to be what God will do - we won't have a hand in that. But the Good News of the Kingdom has to be preached before he brings this system of things to an end.

    As it is, the Watchtower and Awake magazines are the most widely distributed journals in the world, the next greatest distribution is the AARP journal, and it has about half the distribution.

    We with God's help and support have been able to preach in 239 lands and island groups. Of all of the major countries, there are only three in which we are forbidden to set foot (although we are there, too, secretly) and in several of the countries where we are allowed, are ones in which we are officially being harassed and persecuted. But we are still there.

    Our Bibles and literature are - well, let me take these statistics directly from the website:

    Fast Facts—Worldwide

    239—Lands where Jehovah’s Witnesses preach

    595—Languages in which we publish Bibles and Bible-based literature


    7,538,994—Ministers who teach the Bible

    19,000,000—People who attend our meetings or conventions

    179,000,000—Bibles published by Jehovah’s Witnesses in 116 languages

    20,000,000,000—Pieces of Bible-based literature published by Jehovah’s

    Witnesses over the past ten years

    Yes, Matthew 24:14 is being fulfilled. We warmly invite everyone to look into this, because it is serious.

    Free Home Bible Study Request

    True Christianity is Flourishing

    (@Andre L The Bible answers Epicurus and Seneca both, very clearly and reasonably. And personally, we regularly meet people in our ministry who welcome us warmly and kindly, and we don't ask for candy, nor do we put on masks.)

    @Mimi Apparently you have not read our literature, because you do not know the work in that area world wide. We don't blow a trumpet announcing what we do, but your statement about our not doing any charity work is just not true. It is just that our main focus is the same as that of Jesus, to preach the Good News of the Kingdom.

    (Luke 4:43) But he said to them: “Also to other cities I must declare the good news of the kingdom of God, because for this I was sent forth.”

  • Mimi
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Christianity was spread to distant parts of the earth well before the relatively new Watchtower came on the scene....

    JWs only build on the foundation laid by others..

    Furthermore, Jesus' ministry included helping the needy...JWs have no REAL charities that benefit the community in the spirit of James 1:27...and so are not fully following the example Jesus set in his ministry.....their focus is distributing Watchtower literature that in actual fact has little content about Jesus.

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  • 8 years ago

    “Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?

    Then he is not omnipotent.

    Is he able, but not willing?

    Then he is malevolent.

    Is he both able and willing?

    Then whence cometh evil?

    Is he neither able nor willing?

    Then why call him God?” Epicurus.

    -Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.- Lucius Annaeus Seneca

    -Since it is obviously inconceivable that all religions can be right, the most reasonable conclusion is that they are all wrong.- Christopher Hitchens

    I learned the Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate Halloween. I guess they don't like strangers going up to their door and annoying them.

    “There is something infantile in the presumption that somebody else has a responsibility to give your life meaning and point… The truly adult view, by contrast, is that our life is as meaningful, as full and as wonderful as we choose to make it.”

    ― Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion

  • yesmar
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    My analysis is that there is no one group on Earth fulfilling Matt. 24, or anything else in the New Testament, although many groups and individuals fulfill in part.

  • Raine
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    One of the clearest biblical connections between world evangelism and eschatology is Jesus' message on the Mount of Olives that is commonly called the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24, Mark 13). Jesus' disciples wanted to know some specific details about the future. They asked Jesus the question: "What will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age?" Jesus begins His answer by talking about religious and international conditions that will prevail and about natural disasters that will occur: famines, wars, earthquakes, false prophets, and apostasy. Then Jesus moves away from the bad news to a definitive and positive sign: "And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations" (Matthew 24:14).

    What Jesus meant by that phrase has been the subject of debate. What does "preached" mean in this context? How do we measure "in the whole world"? What does "as a testimony to all nations" mean?" What will be the measuring stick of fulfillment for that prophecy?

    Nichiren Daishonin

    These words you show are not the Buddhas words.

    Nichiren Daishonin fulfilled the prophecy of the Buddhas true words.

    Question: How can you be certain that you are the votary of the Lotus Sutra prophesied to appear at the beginning of the Latter Day of the Law?

    Answer: A passage from the Lotus Sutra states, " much worse will it be in the world after his passing?" Another passage reads, "There are many ignorant people who will vilify and attack us, the votaries of the Lotus Sutra, with swords and staves." A third passage says, "We will be banished again and again." A fourth reads, "The people will be full of hostility, and it will be extremely difficult to believe." A fifth reads, "They will stone him and beat him with staves." A sixth reads, "Devils, people under their influence, spirits of the heavens and seas, sinister demons called Yasha, demons which drain human vitality and others will seize the advantage."

    That the people might believe in the Buddha's words, I have sought throughout Japan, among the sovereign and his subjects, among priests and nuns, lay men and women, for one who has fulfilled these explicit predictions, but I can find none other than myself. Now is most certainly the beginning of the Latter Day of the Law, but had Nichiren not appeared, the Buddha's predictions would be false.

    Question: You are an extremely arrogant priest--even more arrogant than Mahadeva or Sunakshatra. Is this not so?

    Answer: Slandering Nichiren is a sin even graver than those of Devadatta or Vimalamitra. My words may sound arrogant, but my sole purpose is to fulfill the Buddha's predictions and reveal the truth of his teachings. In all Japan, who but Nichiren can be called the votary of the Lotus Sutra? By denouncing Nichiren, you will make lies of all the Buddha's prophecies. Are you not then an extremely evil man?

    Question: You certainly fit the Buddha's prophecies. But are there perhaps not other votaries of the Lotus Sutra in India or China?

    Answer: There cannot be two suns in the world. Can there be two sovereigns in one country?

    Question: What proof do you have of this?

    Answer: The moon appears in the west and gradually shines eastward, while the sun rises in the east and casts its rays to the west. The same is true of Buddhism. It spread from west to east in the Former and Middle Days of the Law, but will travel from east to west in the Latter Day. The Great Teacher Miao-lo said, "Buddhism has been lost in India, and they are seeking it abroad." Thus there is no Buddhism in India anymore. One hundred fifty years ago in China, during the reign of Emperor Kao-tsung, barbarians from the north invaded the Eastern Capital and put an end to what little was left of both Buddhism and the political order there. Now, not one Hinayana sutra remains in China and most Mahayana sutras have also been lost. Even when Jakusho and other priests set out from Japan to take some sutras to China, there was no one there to whom these sutras could be taught. Their efforts were as meaningless as trying to teach Buddhism to wooden or stone statues garbed in priests' robes and carrying mendicants' bowls. That is why Tsun-shih said, "Buddhism was first transmitted from the west, just as the moon first appears in the west. Now Buddhism returns from the east like the sun rising in the east." The words of Miao-lo and Tsun-shih make it clear that Buddhism is lost in both India and China.

  • 8 years ago

    Just look around you ! There are always more churches , more ministries and even more Christian charities in very single city where ever their is a kingdom hall ! You think those buildings are there to decorate your city? You should ask yourself whether you are proud to be part of an religious organizations that runs nor finance not a single charity wherever they are ! Here is a an example of a Christian charity where I am involved in

  • Paul
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    "...where is your answer to what God's purpose is for mankind and the earth? "

    Simple. There's no evidence this claimed "god" thing exists, or has any "purpose" for anything.

    So the answer is, there is none.

    You're welcome.

  • 8 years ago

    If they are fulfilling Matthew 24:14, then they are trying to kill us all!

    Someone's gotta stop them!

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