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Those that reject The BIBLE, what do you think of this?

The BIBLE says that Damascus would be destroyed just before the end of days.

Damascus is reported to have the worlds biggest stockpile of chemical weapons.

Damascus is in Syria.

The Muslim Brotherhood is trying to take control of Syria.

Obama is looking for a way to help them.

Israel has said that if the Muslim brotherhood should win, they will have no choose but to totally destroy Damascus, by any means possible. I am sure that "by any means possible" also includes nukes.

The BIBLE says that Damascus will be destroyed, and the world politics are lining up to make it happen.

Before you try to claim it is a coincidence, think of this, of all the cities that could have been named, The BIBLE names the one that must be destroyed to prevent the Muslim brotherhood from getting chemical WMD???

Now, before you try to claim that it if being manipulated (as some have tried to claim in the past) Do you really think that the Muslims and the Jews would be trying to manipulate events to support the New Testament, something both groups reject???? Do you expect others to believe that?


This is truly amazing.

This prophesy was made thousands of years ago, events are now lined up that could very likely lead to it, and so many people still can not see it.

I have to wonder if they will see it AFTER Damascus is destroyed, and will they realize that it's destruction was another BIBLE prophesy being fulfilled, with the small time window that they can be fulfilled.

10 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    "Israel has said that if the Muslim brotherhood should win, they will have no choose but to totally destroy Damascus, by any means possible."

    Link your sources please.

  • Wan
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    The part about Damascus is probably true.

    The part about God...Trinity.. abviously Wrong.

  • 8 years ago

    I am going to be the first one to call BS on this.

    damascus occurs 60 times in 55 verses in the KJV.

    not one time does it make a reference to you're babble.

    Source(s): all you have to do is show me. I will make it easy for you.
  • Sol
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    I need some Bible verses to see exactly what it says about this. For all I know you're just giving a vague verse or verses your own interpretation.

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  • 8 years ago

    What about the thousands of other religious texts that made predictions that turned out to be correct? Why do YOU continue to reject them?

  • Aaron
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    One cannot come to the knowledge of Truth except repentance and trust is Jesus as Savior. Until then they'll remain blinded of anything that's going on and dead in their sins. Until salvation, hell is their destination.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    They're not going to nuke it, period.

    The fallout would be unbearable --

    The political fallout, that is.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    D minus : needs to troll better not harder

  • TBone
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Ummm, they came to an agreement and there is no attack planned now.

    please read the papers and not a 2000 year old work of fiction

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    If it hasn't happened yet... it's not a prophecy.

    And your entire effort just falls to pieces.

    Thanks for playing.

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