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Christians, can you give me a list of "end of days" predictions, and were they are in the BIBLE?

I know many, but I am not sure were they are in The BIBLE.

I know that Israel will be reborn. - has happened.

Jerusalem would be at the center of a political problem. - Is happening

There will be a increase in reported earthquakes. - Is happening

There will be wars and rumors of wars. - Is happening

There will be plaques. - Is happening as viruses become resistant to medication.

I know there is more, MANY MANY more, but these are all I can think of right now.

9 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's ALL history! Every "end of the age" prediction came to pass in the first century. It was all about a COVENANT transition, written with COSMIC imagery (apocalyptic language). Scripture says our planet endures forever. (Eccl 1:4, Psa 78:69, 104:5)

    Roman Jewish War, Nero's 42 month persecutions, etc. See link for history of the "last days" in under 3 minutes.

  • 8 years ago

    Homosexuality would be more evident (2 Timothy 3:3)

    Many Wars (Matthew 24:6)

    Knowledge would increase(Daniel 12:4)

    Increase of religious cults/false teachers (Matthew 24:11&24)

    Jesus said Christians would be hated for his name sake (Matthew 24:9)

    Deadly diseases would be prevalent(Matthew 24:7) example as Aids death is inestimable and Cancer killing 160,000 a year.

    People would forsake the Ten Commandments as a moral code,committing adultery,stealing,lying,and killing (Matthew 24:12)

    The institution of marriage would be forsaken by many (1 Timothy 4:3)

    A cold religious system in denying God's power(2 Timothy 3:5)

    Men would substitute fantasy in place of Christian truth (2 Timothy 2:2) It is evident at Christmas when the birth of the Saviour is lost behind the myth of Santa Claus.

  • Randy
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    The end of days are happening now. New world order is one of the items on the list under a Godless government and controlled by satan. People will be force to choose between giving up Christianity and joining the dark powers or staying true to Christianity and being persecuted or possibly killed. Christians are already being persecuted today because they have been defamed by the government controlled media. So called Intellectuals, backed by the government, are also defaming Christianity and Christians. Christians in the US military are even claiming that they are being persecuted by their chain of command. Revelation is a process. It is happening slowly but surely. As for all the technical stuff, pick up a bible. Revelations is the final book.

  • 8 years ago

    Matthew 24

    Mark 13

    Luke 21

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The development of the numbering system of the anti-Christ (Revelation 13:18)

    was financed by the World Bank, who would like everyone to have the RFID

    micro-chip. Some people have been implanted already in certain places.

    You can check barcodes on products in any kitchen ... look at the structure

    of it, two sets of numbers represented by black & white lines of varying width,

    but set between THREE pairs of thin lines which extend lower than the code.

    When the same pair of lines appear within the code, their value = six, so the

    grid on which a bar code sits consists of three pairs of thin lines ... 6 6 6.

    The RFID chip contains an electronic version of that barcode system.

  • Joseph
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    But you forgot the most important of them all, great and terrible destruction shell cover the whole earth. None shell be spared for it shell be the workings of the lord. To destroy all the wicked the ungodly the unholy and the unclean, from off the face of his creation. Our earth.

  • From a man that seen is not the end of days.for Christian.we hsve no worry.

  • 8 years ago

    Damascus will be flattened.

    The messiah will return and the wicked followers of the lawless one (possibly Paul - he wrote 66.6% of the new testament and twisted the teachings) will be destroyed.

  • 8 years ago

    Eschatology sounds very similar to scatology, and not just phonetically.

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