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jdman13 asked in SportsFootball (American) · 8 years ago

Who has the toughest schedule of these Ncaa teams?

Florida St.






Ohio St.


I say it is Clemson, Georgia, then FSU.

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The ACC is a joke. FSU never plays anyone. Clemson only plays two games - Georgia and SC. I'd go with Stanford and then a dead heat between Alabama & Michigan.

    Source(s): Murray St and Savannah St from last year's FSU schedule.
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Not Ohio State or Michigan because the Big Ten is a joke. This is why they get the mess beat out of them nearly ever year in the Rose Bowl and have don't fair much better against the upper tier of the SEC, either. Big Ten = Sears. PAC 12 = Apple.

    Florida's toughest games will be against LSU, Georgia, South Carolina and Florida State – 4 real games.

    Georgia was beat but Clemson, a very good team, beat South Carolina, quite a good team and will face Florida (meh) and LSU later this year. 3.5 real games.

    Oregon will face Washington (good), UCLA (good), and Stanford (very good) – 3 real tough games.

    Stanford will face Oregon (outstanding), Arizona State (decent), Washington, UCLA and USC (who probably won't be good). 3.5 real games.

    Clemson beat a pretty good Georgia, will play Florida State and South Carolina, but other than that, have a pretty soft schedule. Three real games.

    Florida State will be play Clemson, Miami and Florida. 2.5 – 3 real games.

    As such, I will give the nod to Georgia, as they played an outstanding OOC game with Clemson who I think is better than Florida State, who Florida shall play.

    By the end of the season, it may turn out that Stanford had the toughest schedule as Oregon may well actually be the best team in the country, UCLA is one the rise, Washington is improving, Arizona State is dangerous and USC the wild card.

  • Sean M
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Georgia has the 23rd toughest schedule in College Football this year, giving them the toughest schedule among the teams you've mentioned

  • Snid
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Certainly not Michigan.

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    Lv 5
    8 years ago
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