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Why is Obama threatening to shut down the government?

Why doesn't he just accept the budget the House passed? Is Senator Reid going to help Obama shut down the government? Are they anarchists?

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    'Cause he thinks it will help him and his fellow Democrat Party members take back the House in 2014. Barry and His Boyz are DESPERATE for a government shutdown - why do you think the mainstream media is using the phrase like 2,014 times a day as they carry water for their Democrat Party budz?

  • 8 years ago

    He is saying they were told No 41 times and aren't going to get away with attempt 42 so they need to authorize funding for the law congress passed.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Congress is threatening to shut down the government, which I find incredibly stupid. I don't see why anyone should have that kind of power. Just because Obama said congress wants to shut it down, doesn't mean that Obama wants to shut it down. Don't kill the messenger.

  • 8 years ago


    The Koch Brothers gave 400 MILLION to Mitt Romney but they still lost because the American people's vote CANNOT BE BOUGHT! Even with all the lies, bigotry, hate, homophobia, racism, & division from Republicans, Obama won EVERY battleground state, Romney lost Massachusetts, Ryan's state, Wisconsin, went to Obama, Democrats gained 2 seats in the Senate, & gained seats in the House, and President Obama won the popular vote by 3 million.

    The extremists of the Republican Party have called our president: Socialist, Marxist, Kenyan-born, Muslim and the Anti-Christ. Any rational person can figure out that it has NOTHING to do with their nutcase theories, but THE COLOR OF HIS SKIN. They LOST 2 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS IN A ROW, and instead of uniting our country, they use hate rhetoric, extremism and "side shows" to divide the people of this country. That's exactly why Republicans LOST last year.

    The only majority vote Republicans won last election? OLD WHITE MEN. In 2012, Obama won 73% of the LATINO vote, 93% of the AFRICAN AMERICAN vote, 77% of the GAY vote, 60% of the YOUTH vote, 67% of the FEMALE vote, and 70% of the ASIAN AMERICAN vote. Clearly, very soon, the Republican party will be nothing but a RELIC OF THE PAST. Instead of "soul searching" HOW AND WHY they lost last year, they always want to BLAME OUR PRESIDENT for something, "first." What they SHOULD be doing is reflecting on WHY they were rejected twice in a row before it's too late to save their "repressive" political party.

    We gave ONE TRILLION in taxcuts to the wealthy during Bush's 8 years. So, Republicans, where are those jobs from the "job creators"?! This trickle down drivel, which Romney wanted to continue if he were elected, is the ONLY plan to create jobs that Republicans have. Sorry Republicans, Americans didn't buy into your "trickle down snake oil" in 2012.

    It's also funny how the Republicans "all of a sudden" want to require voter IDs NOW THAT A BLACK PRESIDENT IS IN OFFICE. It's no "coincidence" that the Republican Party wants to try ALL their scheming tactics in their playbook to REDUCE minority votes. Remember when Republican Gov Scott Walker of Florida reduced early voting from 14 days to EIGHT DAYS, which lead to 8 hour lines to vote last year? Anything goes for Republicans to win elections, EVEN if it means disenfranchising voters.

    The "only" candidate that Republicans have in 2016 is Chris Christie. Establishment Republicans want to push the same fat, balding, old White men to be presidents. Christie stands NO CHANCE AGAINST HILLARY. They will lose because they will continue moving so far to the extremist right and neglect the CHANGING demographics of this country. Not only that but the THE GRAND OBSTRUCTIONIST PARTY (The GOP) refuse to compromise and just want to say "NO" to everything Obama.

    Since 2010, when Republicans took control of the House, they haven't introduced ONE JOB PLAN. They have spent THEIR ENTIRE TIME talking about repealing healthcare reform, getting of programs for the needy, passing voter ID laws, restricting early voting, fighting marriage equality, and other nonsense. Republicans are USING these sideshows to detract from the fact that they have NO PLAN TO CREATE JOBS.

    Also, ON THE FIRST DAY that President Obama was inaugurated into the Whitehouse, in 2009, Republicans met behind closed doors and started to immediately plan how they would INTENTIONALLY destroy Barack Obama. They have character assassinated him, they have said NO to anything he wants to do (even if Republicans supported it in the past or even if they were Republican ideas), and they have made it their mission to do WHATEVER it takes to sabotage his presidency. The anti-gay, anti-poor, anti-union, anti-female, anti-minority, Republican Party WILL BE HISTORY SOON.

    In 2015, President Obama & Hillary Clinton, will come out in favor of legalizing marijuana. The Republicans, like anything progressive, will be against it. Republicans will lose control of the House of Representatives in 2016, Hillary will be our president for 8 years, and it may be more than a decade or longer before a Republican is elected president again. The anti-gay, anti-poor, anti-union, anti-minority but pro-corporate America that is the Republican Party, is repulsive, and when Hillary takes over in 2016, they might as well get their “fishing rods” ready! Most importantly, the Republicans in office no longer represent the majority of American demographics across the board.

    Hillary Clinton/Julian Castro 2016.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Hes trying to protect that monstrosity for a healthcare bill he has

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