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Why have 2/3rds of the mass shootings since Columbine happened since Obama...?

took office, with half of them occurring this year? Could it be true that gun control emboldens criminals?


New Federal gun control has come by Executive Order, or as Obama put it, putting them in place "under the radar" and making "an end run around the Congress". One example is the heightened reporting for multiple purchases of long arms, (voted down by Congress when put up for a vote). And Obama has played a part in the passing of new state gun control laws.

@Smells like new screen names - So, you want me to believe that we were safer when gun control was stricter? We were safer when there was only 50,000 CCW holders in the whole US instead of the 8 MILLION now? Do you really want me to agree that the 10.7 per 100K murder rate made us safer than the 4.7 per 100K now?

9 Answers

  • Mutt
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    @Smelly - Ever wonder why these mass shootings are in "gun free" zones, and why no one is able to try to take out the shooter? It's because the LAW ABIDING gun owners follow the laws. And maybe there are more guns because people want to protect themselves from the ones that don't obey the laws.

  • 8 years ago

    There is and has been no new Federal gun control legislation.

    People are just stressed out by the cruddy economy and no hope in sight.

    Let's be real here. In a Nation of over 300 million people it should be no surprise that every week someone freaks out and goes postal. The odds are pretty good that most people will not be injured. It's a continent of a country.

  • 8 years ago

    No because even minor gun control measures have failed to pass, at least on a federal level. Yet, as you say so yourself, there are way more CCW holders in the US now compared to the past - so should we say - more guns, more mass shootings?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    1. Because more people have guns.

    2. No. And how in the world you could think gun control emboldens criminals is completely beyond my comprehension.

    In addition, there have been no gun control measures taken since Obama became president.

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  • Frank
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Yes, the idea that gun control laws are a communities response to gun violence is just goofy. It makes more sense that the laws actually create mass murderers.

    In some really weird parallel universe - and AM radio.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Complete fabrication dependent on nonsense statistics compiled by gun lovers.

    Say I accept your claim.

    Here's a fact. There are more guns in the US now than last year. Ever think to blame that?

    If the NRa fantasy of more guns=safer, then why aren't we safer?

    We have more guns, yet we're less safe.

    The US now has the most permissive gun ownership and concealed carry laws than int he last fifty years.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    The media is only exploiting them for President Obama's gun control agenda to have government take over happen more smoothly with not much rebellion from average citizens with firearms. Plus he has an excuse to blame mental health to try to manipulate pyschritary abuse with Obamacare to disarm the country through manipulation by having political critics diangosed ill.

  • Bill
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    There hasn't been any new gun control since Obama took office.

  • Bill
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    it's called false flag and it helps their agenda.

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