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why cant gay guys lay off of Bisexuals?

I totally get that many if not MOST of them only want raw sex and no level intimacy or commitment. with guys.

BUT is that the whole thing? . are there any gay guys who can give me any more reasons to go on as to why we bisexuals are so looked down upon even here in LGBT?

if Kinsey's findings hold any value then we need to accept that there are probably a proportional number of Bisexual guys who FAVOUR their gay side for all that intimacy and treat the females in their lives with great distance and coldness. (and possibly one or two who are capable of treating ALL their dates with some level of dignity)

shouldn't we** just use our judgement on a case by case basis instead of assuming the worst about such a large group of people?

personal stories or generalizations that you have come to accept

any clue whatsoever.

** I refer to myself as bisexual because I have had attractions to females but I PREFER MALES and live as a gay male


BRian ;;;; I said many if not most

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, not everyone just wants sex...I mean, I am sure sex is fun, to those whom have had and enjoyed it, but I am bisexual (granted i'm a chick, but still) and I don't just go after the thoughts of just sex. It's more of commitment, and then, when the relationship gets more into it, as in they aren't thinking of leaving, and it starts to get serious, then sex would also come in too. But, ya, I see what you are meaning,.. although the LGBT don't all hate bisexuals, because I have met more than quite a few gays, lesbians, trans, and heterosexuals, who don't hate bisexuals. I've also noticed that the reasons for some to 'hate' us, as you have said, is because of the stereotypes who say that because you are bi, you would instantly do a threesome, and is always grouped with the thought, because of the bring-up of the threesome (which not all bisexuals want a threesome), they think that we bisexuals only think of sex, when in fact, we don't, that and some also think that we are confused, which that is not it either. But now that the reasons as to why some, not all, of the LGBT seem to possibly dislike bisexuals, I would say that yes, you are defiantly right, they shouldn't judge. No-one should, but sadly, they do...even the stupid movies of bisexuals will stereotype more by showing bisexuals in threesomes...but until there is a way that will stop Hollywood from showing us in stereotypes, and even some, not all, of the LGBT and heterosexuals too, I don't think that there is anything we can do at the moment. anywho, I hope that you have a brilliant day, my friend! :D

    Source(s): (again, most would think that bisexuals would abandone their partner for another whenever they feel, but it AGAIN, is not always true, saying that because of the comment Hermes had said)
  • Hermes
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Bisexuals get the short end of the stick because quite often (read that as usually) they abandon male companionship, even committed relationships, for the "easier" straight relationships. I've had four long term lovers, all were bisexuals (not because I look for bisexuals, I don't look - my partners have always found me) The first three left me for women eventually and two of them even explained that was what society expected -- and it was fun, and sex with me was better - but they had to do what they were doing. My present relationship is 20 years long. He understands that what he does on the side with women is ok with me, I never want to know, never want to see, and never want him to bring home a disease. I am cautiously optimistic.


  • 8 years ago

    I think the reason is that most outgoing gay men will have had experiences of men who label themselves as bisexual, but who are really unsure of their sexuality and trying to be something they are not. Any gay guy who has experienced this is always going to be a little "stand-offish" until they get to know you. Once they know you, you'll just be one of the crowd.

    I'm bi, with no preference, but am in a fantastic gay relationship. If anyone wants to call me gay I'm cool with that, at the end of the day I'm me!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    I know, it's terrible and it's the same group go gay men that give bears a hard time too.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    "shouldn't we** just use our judgement

    on a case by case basis instead of

    assuming the worst about such a large

    group of people?"

    Source(s): Hypocrite. Try finding facts before instead of using stereotypes.
  • 8 years ago

    "MOST of them only want raw sex and no level intimacy or commitment. with guys"

    This is so untrue, I'm not gonna bother saying any more.

  • 8 years ago

    Ur 100% right...I wish ppl were open minded and see people as individuals.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    don't know - Think it would actually be best if all people just let everyone of everyone of every orientation & Gender just be free to be their own person and valid as who they are

  • 8 years ago

    Here's my question - why do you keep asking the same question everyday?

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