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Lv 617,687 points


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a gay bear in the southern Ontario area

  • what level of report writing or other use of microsoft office is being taught in high school?

    I am in the job market. When I look at want ads, I find that when a job requiring "high school diploma and no experience" is posted, that the details of the job bear no resemblance to the skills that people are leaving High School with.

    that is based on the few times I have had to help students I know to do specific assignments. I don't know how it relates to the average student, or to the curriculum

    how ready are most kids these days to "generate reports in Microsoft Office conforming to ISO standards"?

    would that line in a job ad even mean anything to a high school graduate fresh onto the job market? or is this an experience issue that the employer real has no realistic chance of finding?

  • why cant gay guys lay off of Bisexuals?

    I totally get that many if not MOST of them only want raw sex and no level intimacy or commitment. with guys.

    BUT is that the whole thing? . are there any gay guys who can give me any more reasons to go on as to why we bisexuals are so looked down upon even here in LGBT?

    if Kinsey's findings hold any value then we need to accept that there are probably a proportional number of Bisexual guys who FAVOUR their gay side for all that intimacy and treat the females in their lives with great distance and coldness. (and possibly one or two who are capable of treating ALL their dates with some level of dignity)

    shouldn't we** just use our judgement on a case by case basis instead of assuming the worst about such a large group of people?

    personal stories or generalizations that you have come to accept

    any clue whatsoever.

    ** I refer to myself as bisexual because I have had attractions to females but I PREFER MALES and live as a gay male

  • why have a 7th level at all if all the benefits are EXACTLY the same as level 6?

    also the values for advancing to each level change arbitrarily from quadruple at level 2 to double then to 1.5 times

    I don't really care but it does seem pretty random and arbitrary.

    but why bother with another level at all when NOTHING changes?

    Points ................Questions....Answers...Comments.....Stars.....Ratings.......Votes

    7---25,000+ ....................20....... 80 .....40..................... 100..... unlimited .....400

    6---10,000 - 24,999 -------20....... 80 .....40..................... 100..... unlimited .....400

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • What does the service industry say about the other side of tipping?

    There is a workman in our home at this moment.

    he has cleaned our furnace and installed an air conditioner which we bought through his company last year. He knows our furnace is old and will need replacing sooner rather than later. he had every reason to assume we'll have him back. up to that time he had been prompt and courteous.

    we recently did some reno work and had to have the furnace and AC cleaned. after he was finished cleaning he addressed some issues with drainage and we gave him a $20 tip on a $100 service call.

    days later there was more dripping and we called him to come back

    2 days in a row he was a NO-SHOW without even a phone call.

    is this what we should expect when we tip?

    we have a pool guy who changed his attitude after we tipped him as well

    its as if we are now taken for granted as good customers so they DONT have to treat us well any more

    can anyone offer a single reason to keep tipping people when this is the attitude of the generation





    Does it mean that any more or is it just another subsidy that you expect and for which you don't feel the need to give any value back

    1 AnswerEtiquette8 years ago
  • whats the most succesful pick up line you have ever used or said yes to?

    i was really awkward as a teen and would never know how to approach a girl. (many years ago now)

    looking back "would you go out with me?" sounds so pathetically desperate to me, that i cant believe it could work.

    i know a lot of girls value the confidence it takes to ask them out but then I have also witnessed far too many soul-crushing rejections as well.

    those just dont seem like the words of a confident person to me.

    so as a female what do YOU WANT to hear?

    and as a male what has worked for you?

    if any females can answer this I am sure many males would appreciate it

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • How can the B in LGBT stand for bisexual when nobody in this forum will acknowledge their existence?

    The Kinsey scale is real science. its the result of 60 years of research

    0- Exclusively heterosexual with no homosexual

    1- Predominantly heterosexual, only incidentally homosexual

    2- Predominantly heterosexual, but more than incidentally homosexual

    3- Equally heterosexual and homosexual

    4- Predominantly homosexual, but more than incidentally heterosexual

    5- Predominantly homosexual, only incidentally heterosexual

    6- Exclusively homosexual

    its time the LGBT community made itself clear on this matter

    Yes they are BORN THIS WAY in that they cant help having attraction to BOTH genders.

    Some bisexuals excercise that choice freely and live as gay or straight.

    Some Bisexuals choose to repress their gay side under social and political duress

    Still others dont choose at all but instead enjoy both

    if we accept Bisexuality as a reality then BY THAT FACT ALONE (ipso facto for you lawyers) we must also accept that for a large number of Bisexual people who identify primarily as GAY there is INDEED a choice

    So stop saying its NEVER a choice because according to the Kinsey Reports it is a choice for HALF THE (free) WORLD

    So how can we as a community not acknowledge it

  • why is anyone falling for religious right wing smoke screen?

    there is some nonsense going around that there is an attempt to "NORMALIZE" paedophilia

    that is not accurate.What has been proposed is the removal of paedophilia from the DSM as a mental illness

    it would still be a CRIME to molest children unde the age of consent laws and the net effect would be that peadophiles go to prison rather than a cushy mental hospital.

    paedophiles will all know that this would be a death sentence for them. none would be supporting it as a way to marry their underage victims

    marriage laws are already predicated on mutual consent and ALL the lawmakers know that.

    so why are we still seeing this garbage in here?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • why do religious people continue to claim dominion over MARRIAGE?

    Marriage is neither FOUNDED on religion , nor is it even controlled by religion in the free world

    ancient Mesopotamian documentation clearly demonstrates that marriage was a form of contract law, some 5000 years ago. that was over a thousand years before Moses or any of the religions subsequently based on Judaism

    EVEN Today you cant have a religios wedding ceremony unless our laws ( and lets be clear about this ...that means :unless WE the people) say you can

    So stop trying to hijack things that aren't yours to begin with.

    you may bless those whom you find worthy

    and that's all you can do.

    you have no say over anyone else

    those who dont seek your blessing arent interested in your opinions

    We tell you what you can do in our society...not the other way around

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • whats the best way to come out?

    Personally i have always advocated coming out selectively so as not to offend those who dont want to know but I do recognize that some people feel they must be public about it. Since it was the early pioneers of the Gay Liberation Movement who got us to this place of freedom, I cant very well say it is a bad idea.

    So what is the best way you have heard so far?

    if you must get up in front of a number of people, some of whom you dont even really know you could start by saying

    "I am being Blackmailed - certain information has come to the attention of others and I have been told if I don't do gay stuff with them they will tell everyone that I am Gay.

    I dont like threats, so to those who threatened me...and everyone else. its true I AM GAY so now you got nothin' ! "

    another feature of this approach is that if you DO get bullied after the fact then you just tell them you will "reveal them as your blackmailers" who you've already said "want to do gay stuff".

    " you touch me and you've outed yourself"

    not to mention blackmail is a federal offense so they won't get a pass on the bullying

    any thoughts on this or other approaches?



  • where can I buy ONION BUNS in Scarborough ON?

    metro stopped making them last year and I crave them.

    i will start making my own when our kitchen is renovated but till then I'm in need

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink8 years ago