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Philthy asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 8 years ago

Is it just me, or is the new Yahoo format just horrible across the board?

I don't mean to rip on Yahoo--I love Yahoo! I've been a regular Yahoo user (fantasy sports, groups, news headlines, email, etc.) for over a decade. But yikes! Across the board this new look and formatting is just so...amateur! It's god awful!

Keep in mind, I've been using Yahoo for a long time and in that time they've undergone several facelifts. I know people don't like change and there's usually push back when you make such attempts, but I never really have when it came to Yahoo's changes. This time, however? It's unbelievable, almost like they put an intern in charge of it.

E-mail is buggier (which I suppose will happen at first amidst a restructure), fantasy sports is convoluted and extremely text heavy and difficult to navigate, groups are a mess--it's extremely hard to find photos in a group, to shuffle through messages appropriately and impossible to get rid of that gigantic header and toolbar which both take up more of the screen than the content you aim to see. Heck, even Answers is ridiculous. I hadn't set my question so that I got updates when I got an answer and then had a hell of a time finding it again. I've got web background as part of my profession, and I know a crappy nav design when I see it.

...or is this all just me? Seriously, I'm curious. Do people prefer this new Yahoo? Cuz after 10+ years I'm very close to switching it up. What am I missing?

Thanks for reading the rant :). I know I got a bit wordy :P.


@Half Crazy. You're right :). I didn't think of that (being a violation). I hadn't intended to make it one. I'll cut out some of that stuff, not because I'm afraid of reprecussion but because I'm not a rule breaker :). Thanks.

Update 2:

annnnnnd I can't edit it. Well sorry Yahoo.

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I totally agree. I've stuck with Yahoo for many years but this version is driving me to seek alternatives. I saw a recommendation for Netvibes and I have the initial setup for this in an open tab waiting for me to give it a try this weekend.

    Does anybody have any other suggestions for something that's similar to what we used to have with My Yahoo!?

    And, if anyone at Yahoo is wondering specifically what I don't like, here are a few of the things:

    - Can only see about half of the information that used to be displayed on one screen.

    - The top banner of blank space alone is about 20% of the screen.

    - Can't move the ad (probably a bug on the old version) and it takes up even more room.

    - The Yahoo Sports Scoreboard appears to be only minimally customizable. It shows so many scores that it doesn't fit on one screen, and the link that you click to go to the Yahoo Sports page is at the bottom of the scores. This means I have to scroll before I can get to stories, where I used to be able to click on the Scoreboard title at the top of the box.

    - The Weather widget, which was already getting bad enough for me to consider changing a few months ago, has gotten worse. Sometimes it displays a city hundreds of miles away, and it only shows one city, not the list of cities that I used to be able to view. Right now it's unsure what city I'm in, I guess, and is only listing the state.

    - Somebody just didn't understand what I want in a home page. I want as much one-line info that's interesting and relevant to me on one page as possible, so I can click to links if I want to explore further. And maybe a couple of useful widgets. (Hey, where did those go, the Driving and Local Movie boxes? Gone...) But I just lost at least 50% of all that.

    - So I just went in to see if I could get back things like the Local Movie Times (even though they'd now have to sit, invisible, below the viewing area). I got a message that I'm unable to load new content at this time. So add "buggy" to the list of complaints.

  • Gone
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Is it just me or did you just admit to ranting when ranting is a violation?

    Anyway, it's not just you. It sucks on PC but on mobile is just plain does not work period.

  • 5 years ago

    It sucks!!

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