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Lv 7
ash asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 8 years ago

Is ACA a smokescreen, repubs will tantrum until dems eviscerate medicare, medicaid, and SS?

and then say, well, okay, aca can go ahead...

12 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    All except the last part is true. After destroying the social safety net, as they have been trying to do ever since Social Security started, they would simply smile and go home to what they thought was a better world, until the economy finally crashed around their ears.

  • It's become abundantly clear that the GOP eagerly wants to pressure democrats into capitulating into destroying historic legislation that democratic congressmen of the last century fought tooth and nail to implement.

    The ideal scenario for the GOP is trick Dems into destroying their own legacy legislation's and then club them over the head politically during each successive election cycle.

    The days of gentleman's agreement between politicians of opposite parties is long gone, the GOP does not care about losing elections as much as we first thought, they care more about using as many aggressive political tricks to steamroll their agendas regardless of how little or how much political power they currently have at their disposal.

    Source(s): Juxtaposition
  • 8 years ago

    And if nothing is done about Medicare and SS, then those two programs will implode on their own as they are fiscally unsustainable.

    Medicaid at the State level already costs States way more than they can handle in many cases.

    But hey...if Dems (and RINO Republicans) want to just put their collective heads in the sand and refuse to address the problems with those programs, then that is on them. In the meantime, I will continue to pay into those programs since I have NO CHOICE, and hope for any little chance there is any left for me when it's my turn to get something back from what I was FORCED to pay into

  • 8 years ago

    It's possible the Republican reactionaries have that in mind.

    And the cowardly, lying, fake-"leftist" Democrats will DO it, too, and go back to their constituents whining "We couldn't help it, they had us over a barrel."


    Source(s): an American Marxian socialist
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    ACA cuts billions from medicare and Medicaid....

  • 8 years ago

    Retired here. Give me back what I paid into those systems from my 50 year working life and I will be happy. Shut them down. I already tried [to get my money back] and they would not let me.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    It was OweBlamer who, in his usual snot-nosed little brat style, said"fine! I'm taking my ball and going home! then spends a full week saying "I will not negotiate!" then just today said (and I'll summarize so you pea brains can understand) "I am willing to negotiate with anyone, as long as they agree with me!"

  • justa
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Well they made no secret in the debates about wanting to get rid of all that and throwing us all, the ill, the elderly the infants onto the tender mercies of charities.

    But they don't want government at all, they want a defense department because they like guns, that's all they like.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Republicans do want to end social security and medicare so you may have a small point.

  • Aly
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    seeing as how obama already defunded medicare by $500billion to pay for obamacare , it seems its a little late for that.

    we can assume there is nothing left in soc security now anyway since Obama continues to threaten seniors with their checks saying there is no money to pay them...unless he is lying for politicial purposes.....go figure

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