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How many atheists have and do still?

Attend religious ceremonies and belong to a religious group but actually are atheist and do not even believe in god(s)? But for fear of being ostracized and loosing the only community they've ever known, just continue to go along with it and keep their months shut.


@Boston. I hope someday you can experience the freedom to express yourself as you are.

@Charlie. That is basically my participation level as well. But I only attend burials and marriages. There really is no other reason which would obligate me.

13 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm getting the impression from this forum that religious people in parts of the USA aren't very tolerant. (Though I note that your question is attributed to Canada.)

    I'm open about not believing in God, and have been for something like 45 years, since mid-teenage. People have respect for me generally, and I respect others.

    I live in Wales, UK, and my background is Roman Catholic. Some of my family and friends are still religious and I understand and accept that; and they understand and accept that I don't believe in God. I still get hugs and kisses, even from those who are still religious. And we're always pleased to see each other when we get together.

    I also attend weddings, baptisms, and funerals/cremations. And if a church service or Mass is involved, I attend. I give support to family, friends and acquaintances and am glad to receive support from them. I don't attend religious ceremonies as a matter of course, but I have arranged with the local Church in Wales vicar (Anglican) to visit my mother-in-law who does still believe; I don't pretend to believe myself.

    In the days when I was a scout leader, I saw my duty in this respect as supporting the children in what they believed. I didn't discuss with them the fact that I didn't believe. The other adults involved in scouting and local clergy were aware of it.

  • 8 years ago

    I never have. Once I was free, I was gone. I'm not the type of person who can play along with what I think is wrong information and to do it to satisfy other people's "power" over me.

    I can't stand false authority. I can't stand coddling adults and putting myself in a position of weakness to people with non-respectable intellects.

    edit: The question is "attend and belong". I have attended a couple of funerals and went to mass with a friend once between my belief and atheism time-frames. But I don't belong and made it clear to the friend with mass that I found it silly. Since I have realized my atheism, I refused to attend my nieces' fraudulent Baptisms. They were all by different daddies, all three of them. What a joke religion is and the people who belong for real. I would attend again for funerals, but I refuse to belong.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    most every congregation of those of The True Christian Faith has others attending.... for various personal reasons.... ALL are welcome at any gathering of The True Church...... a good place for them to be.......... if... they are feeling any such fear as you cite..... they should not be..... and those instilling that kind of fear in another..... is not properly practicing The Word and Will of God for man-kind.... as given to us in the example of the life of Jesus The Christ...... Christ would certainly point out such an error in behavior and attitude on the part of The Body of The Church... and would correct the offenders

    but, yes... the conditions you cite do exist.... to Christ's sorrow for us......

  • 8 years ago

    A few years ago I was married in church. The priest knew beforehand I was an atheist and was quite prepared to allow me not to utter anything that would suggest I believe in any god.

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  • 8 years ago

    I still peform some of the rites and rtuals of my religion (generally the most imoportant ones, and the ones that involve wine and/or mung bean cake)

    I do it because I want to, not because of any concern of what anyone may think.

  • 8 years ago

    We attended my brother-in-law's church wedding but refused to pray or sing hymns. We were invited to his kids baptism but declined as forcing superstition onto children is out of order.

  • 8 years ago

    Like sans deity I live in a secular part of America. I don't know any Christians. I have never been inside a church or temple or mosque. I have no interest in religion because I was born without the god-gene.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Not me. I'll attend ceremonies in churches if family members wish me to do so but I'm not pretending to pray and they know I don't believe.

  • 8 years ago

    I was and still am in the spiritual closet. Other than my parents no one knows that i am atheist. I live in a small christian community so it would be pretty awkward.

  • Fitz
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Just religious weddings and funerals for obvious reasons. I do not hide my views.

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