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Collective awareness- How long humanity may take before it may destroy itself due to the growing imbalance?

... between the scientific progress and the collective human wisdom?

Humans appear to use scientific growth at a much rapid rate as compare to the growth of the collective human wisdom required to handle it in a healthy, harmonious and peaceful way. And the growing imbalance between these two has already resulted into the global warming, pollution of all types, depleting natural protective layers, psychological stresses, changing social values and behavior, e-waste, nuclear waste, carbon emission and much much more that science and humans do not yet know.

Do you think we humans are fast reaching to a critical point in this regard?

Thanks for your contributions.

7 Answers

  • Tiger
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It will not happen. God will keep the world up until time is up.


  • Monk
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Dr pushpinder k,

    The collective human wisdom are you kidding? It can be clear what human wisdom results are by seeing what it has proven in the destruction of life on this planet. Along with the galactic alignment this planet is going into changes unimaginable within fifty years.

    Scientific progress should be looked at as a very limited view of the relative field of existence while completely ignoring the absolute eternal field of existence. Two aspects of one thing just like all the opposites are in nature. When humanity awakens to wholeness in being the false-ego-idea has to go. This self idea is a identity for the mind but not real. There is no self and separation from existence.

    Take a look see.

    Source(s): Zen Vipassana, inner vision.
  • 8 years ago

    It's of course true that the limits of what we can do are gradually expanding, some would argue at an accelerating pace.

    And when you place that much power in the hands of fallible humans it's a recipe for disaster. Which is why I think that emerging industries such as biotechnology and genetic modification should be regulated to ensure what they do actually benefits people rather than harming them and all their products should be heavily tested.

    I think we as people will come to agree that this needs to be done and avert disasters such as genetically modified supersoldiers with dulled emotions and a drive to kill.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I am convinced of it. Not many more years left - if that.

    But I believe that humankind will transcend our barbarity - largely within my lifetime, and I am in my early 60s

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  • 8 years ago

    Everything is fine. Species come and go. It's the way of things.

  • Happy
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    If Christ doesn't come back to judge us, soon. I fear that might happen within my lifetime at least.

  • Banaus
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    intelligence is an evolutionary dead end.

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