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Is this what the Democratic party is really about?

Alright. So I live in this little city called New Orleans.

Every single black person in this town gets a free house from an organization called Unity of Greater New Orleans because of Katrina. But the thing is. After Katrina, they received something called Road Home Money if they had a family owned home (which is most often the case, their families have never left and owned their own homes)

They received so much more money than their houses were worth. I know a man who received $250,000 for a home that was valued no higher than $75,000. Now. Said black people have mostly smoked their money and drank it up, yet now receive welfare for absolutely no reason.

I know 20 year old kids who get checks because they're "disabled" or "crazy" "PTSD" but when you talk to them they're completely normal and I often hear about how they're playing the government. I hear tell of new ways to get over on the government. Like having thirty Obama phones.

Now. We know that the larger Urban Black community are likely to support Obama, making them Democrats. Is this what Democrats want? To drain the economy by giving away free houses and money and phones to people who don't need it? Or never did in the first place? Or who can actually work with the rest of us.

I'm not saying white people aren't in on it too, it's just that there is a vast majority of black people compared to white people in this city.

Is this what we should do with the rest of the country?

17 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is how obama and the congressional democrats buy votes.

    The biggest determining factor in politics is,,,,,,,, "Can the democrat party buy your vote?"

    High paying government union jobs, forever unemployment, forcing the rich to pay the taxes of the poor, federal funding for abortions, free healthcare, welfare and food stamps, SS, lifetime disability, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. all democrat vote buying programs.

    Because we all know everyone living on government money votes for democrats, and big labor union gives big money to the democrat party, to buy democrat politicians.

    This statement is very easy to prove, just ask any one living on government money who they vote for,,,,,,any public teacher, any mailman, any DMV worker, any firefighter, (now cops and military are 50/50, it's a gun thing), but ask any state college student getting Pell Grants or government student loans, most union members, any illegal alien, or your retired parents who are struggling on SS and Medicare, or the poor living on welfare, anyone at the SS field office, or in the unemployment line. Myself I get SS but I do not need it, so I donate my SS to the NRA, and vote for Republicans, but my statement did say "Living on Government Money"..........

    Big Labor to Dems

    Top Campaign Contributors

    Food Stamp Recipients Up 28% in 2009

    obama Offers $75k Grant to Sign Up More Food Stamp Recipients

    Boost in Welfare Rolls Sees New Voters

    Welfare Check and Voting Card

    obama Blocks Illegal Immigration Laws in 6 States

    Federal Contracts to Union Shops Only

    Hey look at this voting block

    91% of Blacks Support obama Others Do Not

    Look here,,,,,,,,,According to the NYT "Democrats abandon white working class voters"

    Now why is that??????????

    Because democrats have a hard time buying the non-union private sector white working class vote.

  • 8 years ago

    Democrats are shallow low information voters. They understand nothing about their constitution, their representation, nor their rights. They consider a right to be food, shelter, some sort of education, and health care like a pet rather than reasoning intelligent people. Obama sees the "masses" as useful idiots but just wait until the gravy train has run out of funds.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Galveston Island and the Houston Metro area were devastated by Hurricane Ike. 5 years later if you drive through the HOuston/Galveston area-you are hard pressed to find any visible signs of the hurricane.

    It's the difference between a roll up your sleeves mentality and a suck off the government tit mentality

  • 8 years ago

    This is nothing new and black people are not the only ones doing this. It's the Uninformed Voter that is doing it and the Liberals are giving them free reign to continue doing it. If their entitlements were to evaporate, then they would have to get a job (any job) and that would grow the economy. But, they would rather not do that. Because doing nothing is easier than doing something.

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  • 8 years ago

    Clearly, Democrats spend tax dollars and accrue debt to buy votes. The a Democrat voters want more, they're so poor! And, here we are:

    Total US Unfunded Liabilities Per Person $395,720.48

    I think I should be able to rent their houses to them and get their selves to work! I can't pay for this mess and I've gotten nothing but poorer from it! How about you?

    This dependency is everywhere (cf: "Coming Apart" by Charles Murray).

  • 8 years ago

    True or not, quite simply, the correct word for that is theft.

    Now think about this. Liberal politicians have never gone after that kind of criminal.... NEVER! That's one of the groups of people that support them politically and the liberals are certainly not about to give their constituents a felony record which would in turn make them ineligible to vote. Nothing ever changes, does it?

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Personally I though that we should have let the Mississippi River take NOLA back because any money that the rest of America spent there was throwing good money after bad

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    When the government crashes to the ground under its own weight, what will these people do? Regardless of color, they'll suddenly be completely on their own.


  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Except you left out Democrats of other races (white asian hispanic, not a race per se but ...) yes the Democrats "profit" off those they have trained to be dependent

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Your problem is that you live in the south.

    Y'all spent a couple of centuries keeping black people down, and making their lives hopeless.

    Now you are pissed off that they have come to accept your view of things.

    Suck it up.

  • Sarah
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    No, this is what republicans are all about. Seriously, "every single black person". Let's not even attempt to make a valid argument.

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