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If you had a choice to not know or experience evil would you choose that?

That was the choice facing Adam and Eve in the garden. The tree of the Knowledge of Good and Bad! All they knew up to that point was Good. But the knowledge of bad seemed good? Or the knowledge of knowing the difference? What do you think was appealing to Eve? The serpent said "you will be like God". So is know the difference between Good and Bad God like? What are your thoughts on this subject. Certainly I mean this for Christians but I would love to hear views from anyone who has a viewpoint on this subject.

11 Answers

  • Keith
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    To me, it is the same situation, that Eve faced that Christians are facing. The only difference, is Eve was in a perfect environment. To duplicate this scenario of the Garden of Eden, I would use the Blood bought Church of God. Not the denomination, but as purchased by Jesus Christ. We are Born Again, Free of sin when we accept Jesus into our hearts and we start afresh as Christians. Adam and Eve up until the time they were placed in the Garden, were sinless.Genesis 2v7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.v15: And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it. In Genesis 2v16: And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat; ... " The command was not given to Eve, before Eve was created, God gave Adam to be the caretaker of the Garden. I am not familiar with Gardens, but from my observation, whenever these companies are called in, to see about the planting of trees and flowers in a corporation, there is someone who is in charge. The Head Gardener. Who is responsible for every detail. The other people who plant are subject to the Head Gardener, if something goes wrong, it is the Gardening CEO they call, not the side kicks. So the problem was not only the Knowledge of Good and Bad. It was Adam not having due diligence, of the side kick (Eve) whereabouts, and the Devil (cunning Serpent who was minding his business) using the Serpent to speak to Eve, who was gullible.People may ask why the Devil used the serpent, I believe, if Eve had seen Satan in all His Evil State, she would have immediately been alarmed-The Devil having a Nature to appear as an angel of Light, possessed the Body of the Serpent, because the Serpent was not crawling at that time, the serpent probably looked like any other beast. The Bible refers to the Serpent as Being 3v1"the Most subtil of any beast of the field" Adam was not there to stand in the gap of this conversation and deception. Period. The Good and Bad part means the horse is down and out of the stable already-anything else that happens is a moot point. God already told Adam what would happen, he had foreknowledge, and his job, was to prevent this from happening at all cost. Eve conversation with Satan, was a direct action of Adam dropping the Ball and still blaming Eve, and God, except himself for the biggest Snafu of Mankinds inheritance. Genesis 3v10:'And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself (this is as far as Adam is willing to go for the blame) In Verse 11:And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I COMMANDED Thee (NOT EVE) THEE/ADAM that thou shouldest not eat? V12 (BLAME GOD)"And the man (ADAM) said, The woman whom thou GAVEST to be with me, she gave me of the tree..." Then the rest is history. The Woman blames the serpent (Satan who has possessed this creature and doomed it to crawl on its belly and eat the dust forever)Finally, I think that it was possible to live in the Garden of Eden, because God walked with Adam and Eve, but due to Adam being negligent to take care (being watchful) of the Garden, All the rest of the good and evil part is the fine print or result of the main Event of Lack of Due Diligence on Adam The Caretaker. So Sad. God Bless

    Source(s): The Holy Bible
  • 8 years ago

    The deception Eve fell for was larger than just "knowing evil." The serpent was essentially telling her that "she" could decide what was good and what was evil. He was insinutating that she was in mental bondage by not having this authority.

    The Bible talks about 3 types of sins: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. (1 John 2:16) All 3 were present in Eve's deception.

    1. The lust of the flesh: "she" saw that the tree was good for food.

    2. The lust of the eyes: "she" saw that the tree was pleasant to the eyes.

    3. The pride of life: "she" saw that the tree was to be desired to make one wise.

    I would never want to know evil. God's law is designed to bring the utmost fulfillment and happiness.

  • 8 years ago

    Adam and Eve knew good. They had knowledge of God and knowledge of good. It was knowledge of Evil that they didn't have, until they decided upon the evil of wanting to obtain things their way instead of God's way. They had a choice. They could have trusted (had faith) in God's perfect goodness and that would have resulted in them getting to eat of the Tree of Life.

    Could it be that those who desire knowledge obtained by their own efforts (or by the methods of the Deceiver) are thereby prevented from partaking of Life Everlasting?

    Once a person has stopped acting in faith, they experience evil. The Bible states that "All that is not of faith is sin." Romans 14:23. Sin in evil. I think lack of faith is what causes us to experience evil and the moment Adam & Eve stopped having faith in God, they sinned. Thus the Tree of Life was postponed for them and their offspring. But it's there, in the last book of the Bible, Revelation!

    God knows both good and evil in the sense that He knows absolutely everything. And even before our first parents lost faith in God's goodness, He had the plan of restoration all worked out so that finally, paradise would be regained. Faith is the only way back. AiH

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    There was no evil. What happened was that there came a "belief" in the existence of evil. Because we are gods, we manifest according to our beliefs. Suddenly believing in evil, that which was seen as evil began to manifest, and propagate in its own likeness.

    Evil causes those who believe in it to fear - and fear does provable damage to the brain - which is the part of the body that is resposible for manifesting.

    to get back to the tree of life, you have to walk past the flaming sword and the cheribim. What this means is that you have to see your own innocence, and you can only do that after you have walked through your fear.

    Belief systems are like trees. They have many branches. They are the source of cultural differences. When a belief in evil is in the seed of a culture, those people will naturally do evil things. Take away the belief in evil and those who once behaved badly will behave differently.

    This is the essence of Jesus' teachings.

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I think Eve wanted to know what God knows, or was she just eyeballing that pretty apple, it's not impossible. I believe God knew they would eventually eat the apple. I am glad I know evil and have sinned because I have learned to hate it . I long for something better.

  • Andy W
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Eve had no idea what she was getting into.

    The desire for a higher position or a higher level of existence is attractive to all of us. That's what Eve fell for. Of course, what she did not know was that one cannot rise higher by disobeying God. She wanted to rise but she fell far below.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    It's just human curiosity. People can't resist knowledge sometimes, especially if someone makes it seem appealing to them.

  • 8 years ago

    If you don't know what good or bad is, you can never experience it. To get a bit philosophical. If you don't know **** is a swear word then you would never know I was cussing around you and therefore never experience someone swearing in your presence.

  • 8 years ago

    God threw a tricky snake in there to trick them. He didn't want anyone else to be perfect, otherwise he wouldn't be so special.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I think we do this every day in our own lives, no?

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