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What is the reason haters of Jehovah's Witness' think they have found something?

really controversial when they find a change in some doctrine or belief in literature over 100 years old.? Are they not trying to discredit us? Does it work? Everything we preach we use our bibles. Does any other religion use the Bible as skilfully as we do?

19 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Their reasons are irrelevant and of no concern to us because their efforts will be in vain.

    In fact, it's quite funny that inadvertently they are directing people's attention to the truth. I've had emails from genuinely interested ones who have been happy to learn about Jehovah's truths after being disgusted at how our haters are behaving on this site.

    So, does it work? you asked

    Of course not, because Jehovah draws those rightly disposed towards him.

    They can see through all the negative rubbish that's ultimately promoted by Satan

    John 8:44

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    <---Not a hater of JWes...I don't hate my own family but I hate the organization. I hate that they have been deceitful as in the case of Candace Conti's molestation and tried placing blame upon the parents for a brother's molestation when no one in the congregation had been told that this "upright" brother had a past of molesting his own step-daughter! And the list of pedophilia court cases is endless! One law firm has several cases right now against the Jehovah's Witnesses due to all the molestation charges in the congregation. I don't have to discredit your organization, they discredit themselves in their own publications.

  • 8 years ago


    Firstly, I do NOT hate JW's. With 2 exceptions, I have found you to be nice people. When I was a child I had an "adopted" grandmother (she was our neighbour) and a young JW man was so good to her, helping with shopping, cutting her grass and so on. In conversation, most of you are polite, if unwilling to listen to what I think - using my Bible BTW.

    As for discrediting you, isn't that what you try to do to us? It's not a bad thing as long as it's a search for truth rather than "winning" arguments - a pet hate of mine.

    And skillful use of the Bible. Yes - you have to be skillful to get 1914 out of the Bible ;-) (sorry, couldn't resist!) For me, the issue is accurate interpretation and allowing the Bible to speak for itself. I've read the Bible cover to cover, and study it regularly, as do millions of Christians worldwide. Yet we don't come to the same conclusions. Why is that?


  • 8 years ago

    It appears that most modern jw can just so easily dismiss over 100 years of history of false doctrines, without even a twinge of guilt.

    Instead of acknowledging how many prior jw gave their entire lives, devoted to what was then taught. Carrying phonograph players, driving sound cars, wearing sandwich boards, taking every issue of those 100 plus year old Watchtower and Consolation magazines door to door. All the while presenting the material as absolute truth, and you want to suggest that those of us who do the research, find out what was actually taught, should just simply remain mute? Is that what you are suggesting?

    You must take a look at the picture your old man jw presented here and decide, who really has their heads where the sun don't shine??

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Preaching the bible by changing the text to justify apostate doctrine is an entirely different matter...

    You will have to answer to God.

  • The bible is full of nonsense, so stop bragging about how good you are with it. Noah's Ark? Seriously? That sounds reasonable to you?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    Any changes in JW doctrine/belief over the past 100 years or however "skilfully" you lot use the Bible are of no consequence at all to most of us who hate the JW organisation. I'm an atheist who doesn't believe the Bible is true anyway.

    The two main reasons we think you are a dreadful cult are long standing:

    1) Refusing life saving blood transfusions for your kids. If adult JWs want to kill themselves by refusing a transfusion, go ahead, that's fine with us, but refusing a transfusion for your kids is murder.

    2) 'Disfellowshipping' of JWs who want out, thus breaking up family relationships. Just disgusting at every level.

  • Paul
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    a) pointing out how ridiculous, irrational, and often proven-false your "beliefs" are is not "hate."

    b) Your group has made numerous predictions and "prophecies" that have been shown by ample evidence to be completely false. Pointing that out isn't "hate."

    c) Many of the doctrines your group has changed over the years were, at one point, declared by your group to be "absolute truth." Changing them later on, therefore, shows that your claims of "absolute truth" are patently ridiculous.

    d) Everything your group teaches does *not* come from the bible. Not that I care, really, since the bible is an ignorant pile of superstitious nonsense, but your claim that everything comes from it is completely false.

    e) there's no need to "discredit" your group -- your group has done that to itself thousands of times over. Pointing out that fact is not "hate."

  • Diane
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    JWs research and study constantly. Our bible is considered to be the most accurate available by non jw scholars. Even the latest KJV has restored the name of Jehovah 7000 times. We have always used the sacred name as Jehovah himself told us to do and Jesus directed, even in his model prayer.

    How many people have died solely from not having blood transfusion. I dont know anyone - but I do know of 2 people dead from hepatitis and another dying from it from having transfusions before they became witnesses Then theres the hundreds of thousands who have been infected with disease like HIV, CJD, Hepatitis and more.

    People are only disfellowshipped, in accordance with the scriptures and the directions of the apostles, if they are unrepentantly sinning. If they do repent they are welcomed back. We must surely have some false people in our congregations but they will leave at some point or be disfellowshipped. We try to keep the congregation as clean as we can.

    Nor do we send our children to their deaths in war. If your religion encourages or condones war, it cannot be the true religion as described by Jesus.

    We do not celebrate pagan festivals, like christmas, easter, halloween - if your religion celebrate these then you are slapping God in the face but making satan smile.

    There are many more examples we could give - but those who need to listen will not do so. Satan has done a wonderful job of blinding people

    But we expect this persecution.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    People like that have never learned to think for themselves. It's easier for them to pay a preacher to tell them lies. They do not research anything. They are just like the picture here. They probably won't understand that either.

    I just read the answers and "TeeM" had a very good one that points out what those "Christians" are really like.

    A real Christian follows Christ and that's what Jehovah's Witnesses do. A real Christian will not worship pagan idols like crosses or phallic symbols like steeples. A real Christian minister will not accept pay for their ministry.

    There's not enough room here to point out all the unchristian things the churches do. Maybe this will help.

    Remember, they have their heads in the sand.

    Attachment image
    Source(s): 76 years of logic and 66 years of research.
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