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Plz help me??? plz plz plz?

I have a very negative attitude on life I want to be positive how can I do this?

3 Answers

  • 8 years ago

    To be honest iv been there. the best thing to do is find someone you are comfortabletalking to and talk it all out. dont hurt yourself or anything because that will make everything worse. i suggest finding someone close to you that you are comfortable with (whether that is a parnter, family member, friend) and talk about it. you will be suprised by how much it will help and how much support you will recieve. let me know how it goes :)

    Source(s): Personal experience
  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago

    Hi Daniel I was just about to turn my computer off when I saw your question. I am heading off to bed because I have got addicted to this answer thing because I want to help everyone. So what I can do is give you my email and reply and just tell me what is getting to you. my email is

    This is not a fake or anything so don't worry.

    I sent an answer to someone in the week and I will let you read it. I wanted to help him as well. I am thinking about writing a book about people and what they go through ...mainly about teenagers so you input would be good.

    So feel free to email me and I would be more than happy to answer. My emails can sometimes be long so this is why I will do it another is 3.16 AM...YES AM

    Hi XXXX we all go through things in our life that effect us and now it is a matter of now what it has been like but what you can do about it. Your are 21 and say you are unable to do anything. The first thing you can do is to go and talk to someone about this like a doctor or a councillor or a professional in this field and find out the base of your anxiety and what triggers it. You know you can study online and if you can't get out just yet, you will and so this is a way of starting and maybe the next semester or next year you will be fine.

    As for losing your hair, don't get anxious about this....I know, easier said than done....I know I have anxiety, panic disorder and slight I know.

    Like I was saying to someone the other day in an answer, who was also losing his hair that you know how many girls love bald headed guys, there are lots of us out there in actual fact it is the trend at the moment so maybe think about getting it cut really short so you don't notice it and if you are game, shave it, it will look great.

    As for the friends, try to keep in contact with people you know via skype or even your close relatives or something to keep you in contact. You do have friends out there, you just don't know, get on the skype, the phone or email or facebook and contact them...this is a start and when you are ready, they will be there. Even invite them over to see you after you hair cut and you will feel great....maybe you can discuss with them part of the reason why you haven't seen them and I am sure they will understand...this will be a start.

    As for thinking clearly, this is part of the anxiety. I know, you can't think straight and sometimes you forget and this is because your mind never stops and it is always in a fog and you need to know how to clear some of this so that you can study again.

    I am not sure what you do in the day but start trying to exercise at home, this is recommended for anxiety as it get the good endorphins going in your mind. The other thing is to try doing some relaxation by listening to some relaxation music....not heavy metal, I mean really relaxing. Try the Zen channel on youtube, you might think that this is a bit lame for you as my son does and he is 19 but I tell you it helps. You need to stop the mind working overtime......IT NEEDS A REST....if you were running all day, would you not need a rest so you need to distract yourself.

    The other thing to look at is your diet, are you eating really good healthy for and your body will thank you for it. The other thing that I thought of is if you are inside a lot, you may have a low vitamin D level which is really common now due to the fact that people are spending so much more time inside than they ever used to so, when I went to the doctor, I would get this checked for sure and your iron level as this can make you lethargic and low vitamin D is not good for your bones, I know I had this and also my check this out.

    DO NOT GIVE UP on your dream to be a programmer, it has been 4 years since school but

    DON'T LET IT BE 5, ....Now is the time that things are going to change for you and for the better.

    The first step was asking this question and now you can do it and now you know why you wrote this because there are people out here like me who care and so well done for doing this.

    So, go and see a doctor and then a coucillor or what you will think will work for you and they can help you manage your anxiety. I am going to try hypnotherapy next week, never thought I would but if it's great.

    As for the addiction to know what you are 21 and it obviously feels good and you would not be the first one to do it.... as long as it dosen't get out of control it's fine and if it does ....the councillor can help you with this. Just try to distract yourself before you get to far so you are not then putting the guilt on yourself.

    You know what Nick, tomorrow is another day and you have got a lot to look forward to and I hope you have listened to what I said because we all have our ups and downs in life but you can choose to stay where you are or you can get there, I know what I would be choosing...

    You have a great day and good luck in your study....

    Hear from you if you would like...bye....Robyn.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    **** everyone love yourself no ones going to do that for you...don't be a ******* ****** baby who can't wipe his ***..crying booohooo take responsibility for your own decision ..think.....make your own decisions...ask when you need help...know when you do kinda like the Serenity prayer but withoutthe crackheadness of it

    Source(s): Me
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