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Lv 5
? asked in SportsBaseball · 8 years ago

Which Of These 3 Players Has The Best Chance To Be Elected To The HoF?

Ortiz or Beltran or Helton

Thank you for your time

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Beltran has the best chance out of those, and he's borderline at best, in my opinion.

    Ortiz stands no chance, his PED issues alone are enough to keep him out.

    Helton was on pace to make a case for himself, but his power really vanished at an early age, which isn't too common. Power generally is the tool that holds up the best, but that was first to go. Add in that he had some insane home/road splits thanks to Coors Field and he stands next to no chance,

    Beltran has by far the best case out of them, as in his prime he was a 5 tool player. He also aged far better than Todd Helton did, although his peak is nowhere close to either Ortiz or Helton. That likely will be what keeps him out of the Hall, he never was really one of the best in the game. Always been good-really good, but never elite. His postseason success is just about the only thing that really boosts his case.

    So none of them probably get in, but Beltran at least has some chance.

  • 8 years ago

    Carlos Beltran.

    Ortiz has the DH and PED thing, Helton has Coors Field... Beltran doesn't have any of those negatives that make people take his offense with an "except..."

    Beltran's "current" stats certainly don't make him a lock yet, but he should play for a few more seasons at least.

    He's been excellent in the postseason overall, and he's during great this World Series; if he's able to win WS MVP, his case will be boosted significantly to voters.

    He also has the best SB/CS ratio in history and played Gold Glove centerfield.

    If he's able to duplicate his last three seasons (or even just get the same totals, spread out over more years), he'd have about 2600 hits, 1500 runs, 1500 RBI (every eligible "clean" with 1500 runs and 1500 RBI is in the HOF except Jeff Bagwell, who's had suspicions and will probably get in soon anyway; never said they all got in first ballot), 450 home runs and 300 stolen bases.

    Those are pretty good stats for a HOFer.

  • The best chance goes to Carlos Beltran. I would give him a 75% chance A complete player He can Field, hit. runs well , savvy base runner, Good arm. The COMPLETE player.

    Todd Helton has that stigma that Coors puts on all hitters. At Coors, Helton is a monster masher. On the road, down right wimpy. I would say at best a 50% chance

    David Ortiz. A great DH. He probably would not have had an MLB career without the DH Rule. Anyway, he has been tainted by accusations of PED use. Maybe a 40% chance.

  • 8 years ago

    None of the above.

    Helton no > Because he hasn't done anything to distinguish himself over his career.

    Beltran no > Because he has never been the best player on his team.

    Ortiz no > Because he is a DH and half of the voters are from the NL and believe that DH is not a legitimate position. and a player needs 75% of the vote. Hard to get when 50% of the voters don't think you've even played the game.

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  • 8 years ago

    Ortiz only because he is a DH, if he was not a career DH then Beltran.

    Ortiz is the "best DH to ever play" so he will get in.

  • 8 years ago

    In mu opinion they all have a great chance to get to the hall.

    Somebody ought to tell that to the writers.

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