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lucy asked in Family & RelationshipsFriends · 8 years ago

I am tired of people asking me for money?

People always ask me for money. My dad asks me for money and will not go away until I let him borrow it. My mums friend always asks me too.. Once she came in at five in the morning and wouldn't go away until i let her borrow my my money, another time she lied and said my mum told her to ask me.. My mum was out and didn't even know about this.

My mum always asks me too, I have no problem letting her borrow it as she is my mum but she always calls me bad things to her friends and she really doesn't appreciate it, I told her I didn't want to let her borrow it today because it is my money that I have made myself and she went in a mood with me and said to me 'fine then I will sell your coat' she won't really sell my coat, she was just saying that. I feel like all people see me as is a bank! I am trying to learn to say no.. What should I do?

8 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    You say they borrow money, but do any of them actually ever pay you back? I'm guessing no. You aren't these peoples' bank. Open a bank account (if you don't have one already) and don't keep more than 5-10 in cash on you. Next time they ask you for money tell them "Sure, as soon as you pay back the X amount you owe me."

  • 8 years ago

    people will continue to ask because they know you will give in - the answer to your problem is how you need to deal with it, say no, mean it, and don't back down. If you have any spare money, bank it, and eventually they will realise they cannot ask you anymore. No doubt they will call you 'mean', 'selfish' etc, but stand your ground, do not answer back, just walk away and ignore the comments. You can save the money to move out if you are of the right age x

  • 8 years ago

    Get a back bone... tell them you're not giving away any more of your money, after all... if you're old enough for a job, then I assume that you're old enough to be paying a few bills or pay for gas in your car if you have one. You have a life of your own and need to start saving for a car and college.

  • 8 years ago

    Do these scroungers give you the money back they borrow ? YOU have created this mess so SAY NO.

    Dont give them money.End of.

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  • Damian
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Be assertive. Just say no, I can't lend you money, I need it for something - or else say you don't have any to give.

  • 8 years ago

    it simpl, kik dem in da nads and u will hav no mor ppl askn 4 teh moo lah

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    They'll keep asking... If you keeping landing them

    Once you stop... They'll stop too.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    What a spongy horrible evil lot of family u have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    NO, no tell them no. your money is yours and for goodness sake no say no!!!!!!!!!!

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