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Lv 621,718 points

Timothy Stephens

Favorite Answers6%
  • Can anybody help to understand this message?

    I am trying to work out what this means.



    I feel it means to make a vow and a promise to God.

    Nistias i cannot find that word anywhere.It could also be nisdios.

    Can anybody help please how they would interpret this message.


    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • How do i move photos stored on my Blackberry Curve to memory card ?

    I have a Blackberry Curve 8900 and have taken a few photos that are stored to the phones memory.I cant get these photos downloaded as when i plug the phone into my PC and turn on mass storage they are not in the Picture folder but they are on the phone and i can view them.

    I have now put a memory card in the phone so how can i move the photos to the memory card ?


    2 AnswersMobile Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Why dont RW CD discs run on my computer ?

    I have Windows XP.I have no problems when i load a cd into the drive on my computer but when i load a RW cd it will not play ! I have stored photos on the discs and would like to store some on my computer but as the disc wont run i cant.I have tried the RW discs in my laptop and they run fine so they are not damaged,they just wont open on my main computer yet other discs do.

    Any ideas what i can do to get them to run and open ?


    4 AnswersOther - Computers8 years ago
  • Huge bill for electric supply repair for my 92 year old mum?

    I live far away from my mum so the details i have are vague but i am furious about the situation.

    Two months ago my mums electric went off,she lives in her own home,private and paid for.She lives with my eldest sister who sadly isnt very bright and has no common sense.

    They called the electric company and was told the consumer unit outside the house for incoming electric had burnt out and it was a big job to replace.

    Engineers said it would take days to fix.

    I told my sister to phone my mums house insurance company and find out if they are covered and that they would foot the bill as the engineer said it would be expensive.

    My sister rang them and was told electrics are not covered on the policy !!! great isnt it when you think you are covered for everything and when you need to claim you are not covered.

    I expected my sister to say who is going to pay then ? are you going to leave an elderly woman with no electric as we are not covered ? she didnt and agreed for them to go ahead with the work.

    It took 4 days and today they sent my mum a bill for £1,054.

    She hasnt got the money to pay and im furious and wonder who is responsible to pay ?

    I thought any incoming and electrical work outside of your home would be sorted by the electric company but it seems not to be the case.

    Im angry with my sister as every time i rang at the time of the work to see what was happening all she said was what lovely men they are and so hardworking !!! i said sod that crap,who is paying for this ? she said they are going to write to mums insurance.I said you are not covered ?

    So any ideas on this ?


    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • How do i put all my songs back on my ipod ?

    I have lost all of my 325 songs from my ipod.How do i get them put back ? They are all still in my iTunes library.I deleted 2 songs i didnt want and when i looked in my ipod all of my songs have been deleted !


    2 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • What does Please enter a numerical amount, up to 2 decimal places mean ?

    I want to transfer some money from one bank account thats expired to another.When i type in the sum of money i want to transfer i get this message Please enter a numerical amount, up to 2 decimal places.

    What does it mean and how do i type the amount of money i want to transfer ?

    4 AnswersPersonal Finance9 years ago
  • What software do i need to write an e book ?

    I want to write an e book for Amazon kindle.What software do i need to write it ? ive found out word office isnt a good idea ? i need html ? i know amazon converts it to be read on kindle but what programme do i need to compose the book ? how do i lay it out ?

    Any advice would be great.


    4 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago