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Poll: Impossible decisions?

1. If you could only save one parent from certain death which would you choose, mom or dad?

2. Would you rather have AIDS or cancer?

3. Would you rather go without TV or the Internet for the rest of your life? (You can't cheat and watch or download shows online.)

4. If you had to have a limb amputated would you pick an arm or a leg?

5. Would you rather be blind and deaf or paralyzed from the neck down?

6. Would you rather be obese or an alcoholic?

7. (If you aren't one already) would you rather be a vegetarian forever or give up chocolate entirely?

8. Would you rather have dyslexia or ADD?

9. If you were going to die young in an accident would you rather know about it so you can make the most of your short life or be blissfully ignorant and enjoy it while it lasts without worry or fear?

10. Would you rather be beautiful and dumb or ugly and smart? (Can't cheat and get plastic surgery).

11. Would you rather give up all the other holidays or Christmas forever? (Only if your culture celebrates Christmas in the first place. If you don't, you can substitute it with your most important holiday.)

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    2.Cancer (since you didn't specify which kind, cuz some type of cancer are curable if detected early)

    3.Tv (I would have chosen internet any day but since you said I can't cheat I choose tv)

    4.Leg (I need my arms plus I could get a wheel chair or a wooden leg)

    5.Paralyzed from neck down ( I can't be blind and deaf that's like living in death to me)

    6 Alcoholic (obese means I love food and I'm addicted to it and fat at the same tim and its harder to sacrifice food and get thin for an obese person than for an alcoholic to stop drinking)

    7.Chocolate ( I don't take chocolate every time plus there are other flavors and I can't be a vegetarian cuz I love meat.


    9.I'd rather know about it so I can do the important and meaning full things with the short liffe)

    10.Beautiful and dumb (cuz no one is truly dumb, everyone has an area where they excel a even very dumb people. And if I find that area plus the looks I can still live a good life)

    11.Give up Christmas.

    But I pray non of these happen to me in life

    Wow these are really impossible decisions, did they come from you head

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    1. My mother.

    2. Cancer, as this can be treated effectively with a natural substance, Vitamin C

    3. The television,

    4. An arm.

    5. Paralyzed from the neck down. At least I could still observe the beauty of creation.

    6. Obese.

    7. A vegetarian forever.

    8. Dyslexia.

    9. Blissfully ignorant and enjoy it while it lasts.

    10. Ugly and smart.

    11. I don't have holidays, so I don't see what I would give up.

  • 8 years ago

    1. I will save one and let my sis save the other...

    2. I would prefer cancer...

    3. I would go without a TV (much of a gamer..)

    4. My left arm... (hope that doesn't happen)

    5. Blind (If parlysed I could see every thing and those who enjoy... if blind i may develope some smelling sense...And I wouldn't answerr these too... haha)

    6.Obese (It is simpler to become thin than leave addiction)

    7.Iam a vegetarian..So i will remain the same forever..

    8.Actually i dont know what those are....but i guess Add..

    9.I would like to know bout the bloody incident because I would drop from my work and spend to the max...

    10. Ugly and smart....

    11.I didnt get that question but i will give up the important festival than all the holidays as i can cele it any time during the holi....


    This is for ME.... and i did make that possible... ;-)

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    1. Mom. Dad's dead already.

    2. Never having had either, I'd have to research more to decide. Based on reps alone, they're BOTH deadly, so I don't care.

    3. Internet.

    4. Leg. I'm a pianist.

    5. Blind and deaf. I already know Braille and some sign, and I've BEEN temporarily paralyzed before. It's not fun.

    6. Obese. That's curable. Dad died from being an alkie, and it wasn't in one of his car crashes.

    7. Chocolate. I find that boring, because hardly ANY is dark enough for me.

    8. Probably ADD, but I'd want to study them more, first.

    9. Know. I HAVE died before in a car crash at 17, so I don't fear death at all now, since I know what happens. That was ACTUAL death, not just a NDE.

    10.Ugly and smart. Smart is MUCH more important.

    11.ALL holidays, Xmas, too. I don't want to celebrate ANYTHING.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • blah
    Lv 7
    8 years ago



    Without TV; I do not have one, anyway.

    An arm.

    Paralysed from the neck down.


    Give up chocolate.

    ADD; I have ADHD.

    Enjoy it while it lasts (blissfully ignorant).

    Ugly and smart.

    I don't celebrate holidays of any kind...

  • 8 years ago

    Impossible indeed

    1. difficult

    2. cancer.. v have treatment

    3. no TV is kool

    4. leg.. need my hand for eating then washing

    5. deaf is fine

    6. i want chocolate... yummy (hope there's veg chocolate)

    7. alcoholic... got a mom who would beat me out of that habit:)

    8. eerrrrr...?!!

    9. Id rather make d most.. touch lives while i live.. then go home to God so that he would say"Well done good and faithful servant."

    10. i luv ur question...:) wat u added in d brackets :) ugly n smart..!! some one will marry me eventually..!! hope so:)

    11. i d give up all other holidays..!! Any tym:)

  • Hi
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Definetely impossible

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    You can't decide

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    none of those.

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