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  • Creation of man and woman?

    In Gen 1:27, God created man and woman at the SAME TIME, but then in Gen 2:7, he created man OVER AGAIN, like he got it wrong the first time. This time, he just made man. He'd made all the ANIMALS in two sexes, though when that was is ANOTHER mystery. The story does both ways, so what was the REAL story? en 3 is the POPULAR story for the creation of man, but is it the RIGHT story?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • I've been hearing a lot about RSV, but?

    I have never heard if there are age restrictions. I've heard it's a CHILDREN'S illness, but CAN you catch it if you're an adult? What could it do in that case?

    4 AnswersInfectious Diseases7 years ago
  • How can I tell the sex of a cat?

    I saw a vet video of sexing a rabbit, and I already know how to tell a dog, but how do I do a cat? Are they close to telling on a rabbit?

    2 AnswersCats7 years ago
  • I'm not sure about this song. Please help?

    It's from the '70s. I don't have an example to post, but it's about blue jeans. What's it called, who did it, and when?

    When i wake up

    In the morning light,

    I put on my jeans,

    And I feel all right.

    I put my blue jeans on.

    I put my (own or old) blue jeans on.

    5 AnswersLyrics7 years ago
  • All countries besides America:?

    What do you guys refer to black guys as, when they're in your country? They're not African-Americans. African-Italians? Colored?

    9 AnswersSociety & Culture7 years ago
  • Could someone please remind me of a name?

    I know we have at least nine senses: the usual five, and our sense of gravity, etc, but I don't remember what our sense of where-all-our-own-body-parts-are-in-relation-to-others is called. You always know where your hands are when you're not looking at them. I saw that sense (and others) named in a science book in a library years ago.

    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay7 years ago
  • This is an oldie, but I haven't heard yet?

    If energy cannot be created or destroyed, but only changed from one form to another, then where did the FIRST energy come from? I don't believe in any gods, so leave them out. Saying, 'We don't know, yet' just makes the question philosophical, not scientific.

    5 AnswersPhysics7 years ago
  • I've lost ALL my friends irl, Why?

    I HAD had some friends in HS many years ago (the '80s!), and then I went to college and made some there, but then on winter break I had a car crash and needed a year off to recover.

    While recovering, no one visited me, even at home (maybe they were unsure of how to act; I WAS in a wheelchair at first), but I could talk to a few people, though I could barely talk anymore. Maybe I suddenly sounded like a retard to them, but I have since joined Mensa.

    When I went back to college, most people had moved on, which I expected, but ONE guy I had known was still there and still willing to be my friend. I wrote a song for him and recorded it with my own voice singing. He loved it at the time.

    That was his senior year, and my first semester back. My father, who had been paying for college, died suddenly. The guy was comforting, and I made a pass. He backed away, and would only see me casually for the rest of the year. I had to transfer to a cheaper school, and he moved to his home, across the country.

    I have found him on the internet and we spoke a couple of times, but he's now got me blocked without having warned me that he would do it. I've now written other music and had them and his song professionally recorded. They sound great.

    I know it's been a long time, and I don't have a crush on him anymore, but I still think about him a lot. How can I get friends in real life so I can think about someone else?

    3 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • I can't feel any emotions?

    About 26 years ago, I had a bad car crash with a tree. It just LEAPT out at me! Anyway, I went to the hospital; they did emergency surgery, but didn't open my skull. I had a "closed-head injury" and a TBI. I was in the coma for 40 days and 40 nights. They had suggested to Mom after 30 days that I was probably brain dead and did she want them to turn the machines off? She said, 'No, she ALWAYS oversleeps.'

    I barely remember soon after getting home that I was watching a video of stand-up comics and I laughed, but I guess my brain scar was still forming, because I have not laughed since. I go to see standup comics live and don't even hint at smiling. I have had my father and both grandmothers die, in that order, and though we'd been close, I felt nothing.

    I have never had desire for any lover, though some HAVE asked. While I'm sure this is a result of my dain bramage, I wonder if I will have any psychological problems. I don't believe I'm REPRESSING anything, since it's been so long and it doesn't bother me. I just saw somebody else ask something similar, so that got me wondering.

    3 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • I am writing a play?

    I already have the characters and setting decided and the first act describing the characters written, but I need some stories to include. I've looked at my own stories, but they mostly are attempts at murder mysteries, and this is a comedy, so I need comedic stories about anything, that I can change to fit the play.

    Just tell me some anecdotes from your lives, please.

    2 AnswersTheater & Acting7 years ago
  • Dumb person's question: easy answer?

    I am new to the lingo around here. What does GSD stand for? I know AKC. Any others you can think of?

    5 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • Can you read this with a Chinese accent?

    Confucius say baseball is wrong. Man with four balls cannot walk.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Can you think of any others?

    What texting inits mean to old people:

    FWB- friends with bifocals

    LOL- living on laxatives

    BFF- best friend farted

    BYOB- bring your own bran

    OMG- oh, my! Gas!

    :)- I just had a GREAT bowel movement!

    WTF- (Oops.) Wet the futon. (Sorry)

    TTYL- talk to you louder

    I know they're not inits, but what might 'swag' stand for? To any group you name; it doesn't have to be just old people.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Is it just me, or does Y!A have a problem?

    Whenever I try answering a question, it goes up like normal, but if I think of something else and try to add it, only the old question is there. I have to try adding the same thing again for it to go up. This happens regularly, so it's not just me accidentally hitting the wrong button.

    Do they still take my answer number down for my first attempt, so it's like I tried answering the question 3 times instead of 2?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Can someone PLEASE help?

    For my grad school, I have to know stats. I have a lot of books on it, but I never took a course. I went to a high school reunion and asked my old math teacher, who seemed to know ALL math, to teach me some, but he said he never took stats. (Whimper)

    2 AnswersMathematics7 years ago