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Lv 5
? asked in SportsBaseball · 8 years ago

If You Were The GM Of Your Favorite Baseball Team, What Off Season Deals Would You Make?

Thank you for your time

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    @Warning Track Power. Do you really think a Fielder for Price trade would work? Price has a lot more value, and the entire reason he is on the trade block is the Rays can't afford to pay him. They aren't taking on that massive Fielder contract. No way, no how.

    As a Giants fan, I was really disappointed in how this last season went. There's quite a few moves I would consider making. I would definitely let Vogelsong go. Even after he was back healthy, he just was not at major league level. I would go hard for Tanaka, he could be a huge difference maker and I don't want him going to the Dodgers. For a 5th starter I would make a play for a guy like Capuano, whose FIP was much better than his ERA, Hughes, who will benefit from a bigger park and the NL, or Arroyo, will benefit from leaving the Great American for sure. The next issue I'd fix is the middle relief core. Lopez and Gaudin are free agents, so they may need to be replaced. Should be an easy fix with plenty of veteran arms available, like Farnsworth, Thorton, Crain, Hawkins, and Dotel among others.

    Personally, I am sick of Sandoval. I would shop him to teams like the Yankees, Red Sox, and anyone that might need a third baseman. He should still have some value, despite his conditioning issues. Left field is probably the biggest issue here. If Hart's knees are fine, he could be a good steal on an incentive loaded deal. If not, I'd like them to explore a Granderson out there, rather than Cruz or Beltran. I'm not sure how Cruz' power would translate to AT&T Park, and Beltran's age and declining defense are a bit of a concern for me.

    The last thing is they really need to add some depth. They need someone off the bench that can actually be a pinch hitting threat. I could see adding a Luke Scott, Jason Kubel, or even a Mark Reynolds. They could also just a speed guy off the bench. Juan Pierre can't really hit anymore, but he can still steal bases when need be. He could also be a good late inning replacement in the outfield, especially if the Giants choose to go with a poor defensive left fielder like Cruz or Morse.

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    If I was the GM of my Toronto Blue Jays, I'd sign or trade for two starting pitchers with the caliber of Whitey Ford and Sandy Koufax, sign Robinson Cano for second base and McCann as my catcher for 2014, then relax and think about how many millions I should demand from Rogers Cable TV, (the owners of the Blue Jays) when they beg me to stick around Toronto as their GM up to the year 2020.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I would need to bring in 2 quality outfielders, a starting pitching, and a shortstop who noes how to play the position correctly.

    The problem is that the 2 best outfielders available on the free agent market are both represented by Boras, and neither one of them, quite honestly are worth the money he will be looking for, the outfielders are Shoo and Ellsbury, even the Red Sox are laying low with this dealing.

  • 8 years ago

    Yankees: Resign Robinson Cano, sign Masahiro Tanaka, trade Boone Logan

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  • Snid
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    I would not, in spite of the desire of the majority of fans, get rid of Prince Fielder. I would, however, insist he lose weight and keep it off and I would offer counseling for his personal problems.

    I would 86 Phil Coke once and for all (and I think this will happen). I would look for a left fielder that can hit as well as field. As much as I love Jhonny Peralta I think it's time for him to move on. I would re-do almost the entire bullpen.

  • 8 years ago

    Tigers: Trade Prince Fielder, heck, maybe to answer your other question, trade Fielder for Price (if Price agrees to sign a extension with the Tigers)

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