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Do you think this will give me enough money for a PS4?

I don't want to spend a dime on the ps4 because I'm broke and have better things I could be buying with my money, but I saw the trailer for MLB 14 The Show and I want it so bad. Do you think if I traded in my PS3 (the 2nd model), my two controllers, charging station, my 3DS, 3 3DS games (fairly new), and MLB 13 The Show it will give me enough for a PS4 (around $400)? I figured I could get maybe $150 for the PS3, $25 each for the controllers, $5 for the charging station, $80 for the 3DS, and $50 for the 3 3DS games, and probably $20 for MLB 13 The Show which would give me around $300. Or do you think I'm low/high balling what I will get for them at a place like Gamestop or the exchange?

5 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    What you think it's worth is not what gamestop thinks it's worth.

    MLB 13 is worth maybe 10 because baseball season is over so baseball games take a huge hit. There are usually sales on sports games as soon as their seasons are over.

    Controllers are worth maybe 15.

    What do you mean by the 2nd one for the ps3. 2nd generation, as in the 80 gb version that can play ps2 games? Or the redesigned model (slim)? If it's the 80 gb version, you can probably get 150 if the right buyer comes along. Maybe 120 for the slim version.

    You have lots of things going against you so you're not going to get too much.

    1. You got sony against you since it dropped the ps3 price.

    2. Other people are selling their ps3.

    You'll get maybe 150 to 200 for everything depending on how lucky you get. Should have sold your ps3 when Sony announced the ps4.

  • 8 years ago

    Yeah good look getting 150 dollars for a PS3 and 50 dollars for 3 3ds games. For instance I just sold my Xbox with 5 games, a kinect

    , 5 games, docking charger, 2 controllers, for £160 and im about to sell 15-25 Games for £40

  • Ryu
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    That's a bit of an overestimate.

    UNLESS, you trade in all your stuff on November 10th.

    Gamestop is having a 90% bonus trade in credit if you trade in consoles/handhelds (not games), towards the purchase of a next gen console (ONLY on Nov 10th, 1 day special)

    So a PS3 alone could get you like $250+, and the 3DS about $100.

    And then your games get a 30% bonus credit too.

    So you'll definitely cover it. But only on that day.

  • 8 years ago

    Since it's GameStop and they see that you're willing to give you a lot, most likely, what they will do is **** you over. My guess on Cash is.. Hmmm around 300 tops.

    But there is a better solution... This may take longer, but if you sell your stuff on eBay, odds are, you'll make more money. Depending on what condition your used merchandise is in.

    Source(s): I use eBay a lot.
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  • 8 years ago

    You'd be lucky to get $250

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