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  • When will alcohol cravings stop after quitting?

    My dad recently quit alcohol in August. He never mentioned wanting to quit alcohol but after 40+ years of drinking it got out of control so my mother & I forced him into the hospital for rehab. He drank at least a bottle of bourbon a day & it took him over a month in the hospital including 10 days induced coma to overcome withdrawal & regain the blood he lost in his system (he's anemic so when he lost blood the alcohol thinned his blood & tricked his body into thinking it had enough blood). But now he's made a good recovery & hasn't touched the stuff since stating that he CAN'T drink because his liver can't take it anymore, & that we can't afford it. He's been unemployed for 6 years & a bottle a day is an expensive habit. But he claims all the time that he wants to drink, that things he used to find fun & relaxing like cooking or listening to music are not fun at all without a shot & a beer. I know it takes time for a recovering alcoholic to not crave alcohol (his best friend was also an alcoholic but quit & found God & no longer wants to drink & can even handle situations with alcohol) but my concern is that my father really never wanted to quit drinking in the first place so is he ever going to stop craving alcohol or is this a phase? He also is not at the point here he can go to family gatherings or will not let his family in the house because they drive him crazy & I don't blame him they are judgmental. other concerns are constant itching & mood swings & sleeplessness.

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases7 years ago
  • What kind of burnable CDs/DVDs should I get?

    Hi. I use a lot of CDs to burn music and also would like to burn DVDs from video I downloaded off the Internet. Idk what kind to buy so I need some help. I usually use CD-R to burn music from itunes and they work fine but they only have about 80 mins storage on them. I would like more. And I also download videos of concerts off YouTube onto iTunes but DVD-R and DVD-RW don't seem to work. I was wondering if in this modern age there are some discs that can do both and offer more storage, say 120 minutes. Anybody know what CDs/DVDs would work? Even if there aren't discs that can do both I would still like to know which kinds will work.

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics7 years ago
  • What should I do for my crush on Valentines Day?

    I'm 19 and a boy and over the past couple weeks at college I've noticed this girl who is 20. I have lass with her but she sits on the complete opposite side of the room so I've never talked to her. Moving my seat is out of the question and I never see her in the hallways. I'm fairly sure she's single so I was thinking of buying a rose tonight and following her out of class tomorrow and saying "Hey I'm Alex. I've noticed over the past couple of weeks how smart and beautiful you are so I got you this rose for Valentines Day. And I was wondering if you wanted to hangout sometime and get to know each other?" doe this sound alright? Or does it sound weird and creepy? I've never really approached a girl so I'm nervous but I know will regret it this time if I don't say something. So if it is weird what should I do?

    4 AnswersValentine's Day7 years ago
  • Why does my dad never approve of my actions?

    Ok I'm 19 I'm an honors student at college I got a 4.0 in highschool and am on the Deans list in my college an yet EVERYTHING I do my dad criticizes me. I mean I am like an exact copy of him: I play tons of instruments, we like the same music, I share his sense of humor, etc. But when it comes to work and school he is constantly putting me down and saying I have no work ethic. I mean I'm doing way better than he was in school so you would think he would be proud of what I've done but I catch him sneaking behind my back telling my mom that Im lazy. I know he just wants the best for me but with my talent and intelligence I should be able to be fine idk why he's always on my back. I always tell myself I don't need his approval but it's so frustrating. I went to school for engineering and dropped to nursing and he's saying I'm wasting my whole life. Meanwhile I'm focusing on my art/music, which he has STRICTLY encouraged my entire life, and yet he now tells me I'll never be a rockstar...

    Family7 years ago
  • Does this sound like a good idea for Valentines Day?

    Ok I'm a boy and 19 and I go to college. I've noticed this really smart and beautiful girl whose 20 in my class but she sits on the complete opposite side of the room. I want to talk to her but moving my seat is not an option and I never see her in the hallways. We've made some eye contact but nothing else. I was wondering if this sounds like a good idea: buy her a rose and after class walk uP to her and say "hey I'm Alex. I couldn't help but notice over the past couple weeks how smart and beautiful you are so I got you this rose for Valentines Day. And I was wondering if you wanted to hangout sometime and get to know each other." does this sound good? I've never really approached a girl before and I know I will regret it if I don't this time so if it is weird what should I do??

    2 AnswersValentine's Day7 years ago
  • Really need help with Calculus problem?! 10 points?

    I have a proof that I could use help with...

    Use substitution to prove that the integral from -a to a of f(x)dx = 0 if f is an odd function.

    It is pretty straight forward. The lower limit of integration is -a and the upper is a, just in case I said it wrong earlier haha. It would help if someone could at least tell me what an odd function is... I'm lost.

    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago
  • Help with Calculus problem?

    I have a proof that I could use help with...

    Use substitution to prove that the integral from -a to a of f(x)dx = 0 if f is an odd function.

    It is pretty straight forward. The lower limit of integration is -a and the upper is a, just in case I said it wrong earlier haha. It would help if someone could at least tell me what an odd function is... I'm lost.

    2 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • Will ps4 charge for online?

    I know it will charge for online play, $50/year, but some games can't be played unless you download new software via internet so will you have to have PS Plus for that? and what about the web browser? Also, the game I play most is MLB the Show and every now and then they update the rosters. Do you think that will be free and separate from online playing or I will have to pay for that as well?

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Do you think this will give me enough money for a PS4?

    I don't want to spend a dime on the ps4 because I'm broke and have better things I could be buying with my money, but I saw the trailer for MLB 14 The Show and I want it so bad. Do you think if I traded in my PS3 (the 2nd model), my two controllers, charging station, my 3DS, 3 3DS games (fairly new), and MLB 13 The Show it will give me enough for a PS4 (around $400)? I figured I could get maybe $150 for the PS3, $25 each for the controllers, $5 for the charging station, $80 for the 3DS, and $50 for the 3 3DS games, and probably $20 for MLB 13 The Show which would give me around $300. Or do you think I'm low/high balling what I will get for them at a place like Gamestop or the exchange?

    5 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Difference between Google Nexus 7 and Asus Nexus 7?

    Hi, Im trying to buy a Google Nexus 7, but when I went to BestBuy's website to check prices and specs, there are 2 different types. I was going to buy the 16gb because it's only $229 and the 32gb is over $300 on every other website. But then I noticed the product called Asus Nexus 7 (32gb) which is MUCH cheaper ($269) and has the same specs as the Google Nexus 7 which, again, is over $300. I put a link to the comparison page on BestBuy's website, but in the spots where they are different, one is blank and one isn't, so there isn't any definite difference, based on my observation. So what's the difference between them? Does anyone know? I understand that Google used Asus technology in the Nexus, but why are there two different versions?

    Here's the link to BestBuy's comparisons between the Google Nexus 7 and Asus Nexus 7:

    (I threw the 16gb in there too, which is listed as a Google product, not Asus)

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics8 years ago
  • Help with Calculus problem? It's pretty weird.?

    Ok it asks to Compute:

    Delta f(x) = lim as h -> 0 of (f(x+h) + f(x-h) - 2f(x))/h^2

    For the following:

    a.) f(x) = x

    b.) f(x) = x^2

    and c.) f(x) = x^3

    And also, it says "based on these examples, what do you think the limit Delta f(x) represents?

    This is what I got. (So you don't think I'm just trying to get the answer)

    Ok, I thought this looks eerily similar to the definition of the derivative, so I plugged in x and got (x+h+x-h-2x)/h^2. When you plug in 0 for h and cancel the like terms, you get 0/0. So I thought ok ill just do the next one. And I got 0/0 again... :/ and guess what? For c.) I got 0/0 too...

    Is it that easy or am I missing something? And I believe that delta f(x) represents possibly that the change in f(x) is indeterminable/undefined as h approaches zero for any function. Does that sound right?

    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago
  • Question about Pokemon X and Y?

    I read an article online, which I will post below, that states Pokemon X and Y will include all Pokemon from previous generations! It also says that Professor Sycamore is different from other professors and will actually challenge you to a battle later on in the game. My only question is that I can't find this info anywhere other than this article and am starting to doubt if its real.. However every other site says this will be the largest pokedex yet, but do not confirm every single Pokemon. This website seems like a reliable one that I read often and they usually aren't wrong. What do you think and have you heard this at all?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • In love with my best friend..whose gay. Please help?

    Ok long story short, I'm a straight male and I'm in love with my bestfriend who is a gay woman. I didn't know if she was gay or bi so I made a move, and she said she was gay, but she "hated that she kinda had a crush on me too". But in the past, albeit when were drunk, she tries to have sex with me and makes out with me. She also says that she can never marry a woman and when we are 22 we are getting married. And she isn't joking, she's serious. I love her more than anything, I've told her that I'd do anything for her and all I want is a serious relationship, even if it's not with her. And she says she looks for the same relationships But she just goes and dates douchebag chicks who just want to have sex. I'm so confused as to whether possibly she is going through a phase, if I have a chance, or just end the relationship because I've tried being just friends and it doesn't work. I also just don't understand how she can just ignore the fact that I would give my life for her. It's really making me question the term "bisexual". Because, I would never have sex with a man, but I would marry one if he and I both felt that we deeply cared for one another, as me and my friend do. So is she gay? Confused? Bi? Does that make me bi? Or is bisexuality about sex? And do I have a shot or should I let go? I'm at the edge of my rope. Sorry I couldn't hold it all in anymore, I know it's alot to read. Any info would help. I mean look, I can't sleep cuz all I think about is this all day.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • In love with my best friend..whose gay. Please help?

    Ok long story short, I'm a straight male and I'm in love with my bestfriend who is a gay woman. I didn't know if she was gay or bi so I made a move, and she said she was gay, but she "hated that she kinda had a crush on me too". But in the past, albeit when were drunk, she tries to have sex with me and makes out with me. She also says that she can never marry a woman and when we are 22 we are getting married. And she isn't joking, she's serious. I love her more than anything, I've told her that I'd do anything for her and all I want is a serious relationship, even if it's not with her. And she says she looks for the same relationships But she just goes and dates douchebag chicks who just want to have sex. I'm so confused as to whether possibly she is going through a phase, if I have a chance, or just end the relationship because I've tried being just friends and it doesn't work. I also just don't understand how she can just ignore the fact that I would give my life for her. It's really making me question the term "bisexual". Because, I would never have sex with a man, but I would marry one if he and I both felt that we deeply cared for one another, as me and my friend do. So is she gay? Confused? Bi? Does that make me bi? Or is bisexuality about sex? And do I have a shot or should I let go? I'm at the edge of my rope. Sorry I couldn't hold it all in anymore, I know it's alot to read. Any info would help. I mean look, I can't sleep cuz all I think about is this all day.

  • When will more Pokemon X and Y info surface?

    Idk if its just me, but it seems like they are taking their sweet *** time releasing info. From what I remember about Gen 2-Gen 5, it seemed like I knew EVERYTHING about the games months in advance and already had a personal 'plan' of which pokemon I was gonna get and what not. We don't even know all the gym leaders, the elite four, the starters final evolutions, and we only have had maybe 15-20 new pokemon released. I wanna know the whole pokedex already!!

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • Thinking about dropping out of college?

    I havent even started college but I got a full ride to csu for engineering. My parents are so proud but im kind of being forced to go. What I really want to be is a tattoo artist and a drummer. My dad is fully on board with it but says i need to go to college. But if i go i can pretty much kiss my tat and drumming time goodbye. And also I dont think I can handle the workload. Im in really hard classes that I pretty much cheated my way through highschool like english physics and chemistry. The only subjects Im good at are math history music and art. All my friends are excited to go just to party and I dont think they realize how hard it will be (because they all did worse than me in highschool). I just get the feeling I should ocus on what I love doing even i it means making less money. And trust me tattoo artists make decent money. And I dont even like what engineers do I was only interested in the money. And im feeling it was a mistake to say i wanted to be one. Any thoughts? Suggestions?

  • Is it morally wrong for me to escape?

    For a couple of months, Ive used meditation to allow me to journey through my mind and search for the truth. However I think i may have overdone it because I dont want to step down into reality anymore, I just want to keep 'journeying'. This is kind of how Leo's wife in Inception felt. She had this power to be able to dream forever and never wanted to go back to reality. It eventually mindf*cked her and she ended up killing herself. But my question is: Is it morally wrong to want to escape forever or should I quit that and focus on the real world?

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • One string on my guitar is off by one fret. Please help?

    Im trying to learn The Rain Song by Zeppelin and it says my 4th string should be a C. So I tuned it to that, but then the tabs don't sound quite right. I figured out that if it says to play the 7th fret, I should play the 6th for that string, 12th I would switch to 11th, and so on and so on. Im not that much of an expert at guitar so I need help tuning this one string. I tried tuning it a half step up and down from C, but I dont think I did it right because neither sounded correct.

    5 AnswersPerforming Arts8 years ago
  • How long before mosquito bites go away?

    I got a ton of mosquito bites Saturday night/Sunday morning. I have over 70 and cannot stop itching them. I've been trying calamine lotion which helps for awhile but every couple hours I get a flare up and I go nuts! And the thing is, Im getting a tattoo Saturday and there are a ton of bites in the area I want it. (On my leg). Do you think they will be gone by then? If not Im gonna have to cancel >:(

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • Feeling inadequate? Feel like I need to be perfect?

    I dont exactly know how to say it. But when im around friends i always feel like im saying the wrong thing and they think im a dumbass. And its worst when i hang out with this girl i like. Every single text and regret sending because it isnt exactly what i wanted to say and i feel she will read it the wrong way. Or every single second im always checking what im saying to make sure its perfect. I know i should think before i speak but it gets pretty difficult to cope with and i just end up feeling worse about myself. Any advice? I kno this is kinda weird.

    And also, i get reallllly f'ing jealous when she hangs out with other people and paranoid when she doesnt text me back or something. Whats up wit that

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago