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Question about Pokemon X and Y?

I read an article online, which I will post below, that states Pokemon X and Y will include all Pokemon from previous generations! It also says that Professor Sycamore is different from other professors and will actually challenge you to a battle later on in the game. My only question is that I can't find this info anywhere other than this article and am starting to doubt if its real.. However every other site says this will be the largest pokedex yet, but do not confirm every single Pokemon. This website seems like a reliable one that I read often and they usually aren't wrong. What do you think and have you heard this at all?

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I kind of doubt the every Pokemon thing, (Because there are version exclusives, so filling up the Poke'dex would be impossible with only one game card anyway)

    But I did see that Sycamore was the champion? I don't exactly remember but that would be nice if it was true.

    Hope I helped!

  • Yes, i already read it, but I am not sure if every pokemon will be available in the games.. I hope they will!

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